Super-Terrestrials: The Final Incarnation

By Brendan Lee


This work is mostly theoretical, and is essentialled composed of my ideals, which are a result of my experiences in life. I present this through various sections, and focus most of my text as presupposing the reader is already enlightened. These are existential ideals, through which I am a believer in a universalized version of reality, found through a quest that we all reach via a unique route. Let this be a manifesto for the future, of what one mind conceives to be possible in the universe, as we flex and grow through the powers we possess. As I have written this text, I have done my best to remain in a certain standpoint, presenting these thoughts as simply possibilities, conceivable notions regarding the future of the human race as spiritualized entities. These thoughts are conceivable notions regarding the future of the human race as spiritualized entities. Let the words and images in this text aeffect you to the soul-level, and take my thoughts for one example of what is possible in the universe. Thank you.

Part One: Water, Light, and Information.

The human body is composed of a majority of water, which is a conductor. And just like the earth which is seventy percent water, our brains are seventy percent water as well. We are made of a flowing energy producing matter, and each of us crave and desire that happiness of love and the highest ideals ever made possible to man. Just as we are all made out of the same thing, we all want to be happy on some level.

In a recent study, using a highly advanced microscope in a very cold room, and some very high speed photography, Dr. Masaru Emoto was able to capture various "expressions" found in water samples given the test of certain words and phrases attached to them. It was discovered that when specific, concentrated thoughts are directed at the samples, results were found to range from beautiful to ugly patterns, with such thoughts as "love and gratitude" producing the best looking results. The water samples were directly affected by thoughts being directed at them and would crystallize in patterns resulting from attention given to the matter. So if it is true our bodies are made of something that is directly affected by thoughts and attention given to the subject, then we are all affecting one anothers bodies by the words and prayers we direct at one another.

Our language may vary as the words we occupy ourselves with, but the desire for equality will never cease. Such that everything matters, from the names we are given to the stuff we have to say about one another. Information exchanges from one soul to the next, and we are connected by this living material, vibrating at certain frequencies in accord with the thoughts and words that occupy our minds. The earth itself as composed of a majority of water may be directly affected by the collective drone of human noise.

As the human race is collectively composed of this energy-producing water, the stuff we occupy our minds with and the words and images we associate with one another matter. By speaking or imagining ill of your fellow man, you wish illness upon yourself, and this should be a known fact in regards to the law of attraction. As we all resonate at varying frequencies, our bodies are collectively composed of the same material, it would seem we are all capable of relating on some level in spite of our differences; we are all made of the same thing.

Our thoughts matter from the written text to spoken word. In testing for crystallization, it was also proven that music can affect the crystallization of water, and that by playing certain sounds the crystals resulted from beautiful to distorted patterns, with such music as classical resulting in beautiful crystals, leaving such music as heavy metal resulting in distorted patterns. The water reacts not only to words being placed on glasses of water but to sounds as well. If this is true, then the things we say literally have an affect on our bodies and the cells of which we are composed.

The human body as composed of a majority of water is built by information, and we are crystallized by the beliefs we carry about life. What we choose to do with information is what will define us as human beings, but most importantly as cells within a universe that is built on love and free will. Within every cell of the human body is composed the holographic make-up of the whole, and within every human soul is composed the information and light that will allow us to travel to new worlds. We are destined for the highest heights achievable, and it is our job as human beings to share information.

Via this nature of which all thoughts are energy, and our bodies resonate in accord with the electricity of our thoughts, we are built by water, light, and information. One rather outsanding example of how connected to the matter which composes us is seen in the act of what is referred to as "dowsing" in which a y-shaped rod is used to gravitate ones self toward water located in the ground, such that our attraction to water is what would seem a very natural circumstance of being composed of that exact same matter.

Part Two: Evolution Of The Soul

We all resonate at varying frequencies, and reach varying conclusions about life, learn from different teachers, and ascribe our beliefs to the experiences we have had. But to learn best it would seem our selection must be reduced, and we find ourselves taking in information much better when in a highly relaxed state known as the alpha-state, in which the mind is in a half-awake dreamstate achieved through meditation or hypnosis.

The subconscious mind is the next frontier for human evolution, and many researchers are growing to find this as a sort of biocomputer that acts somewhat holographically in respect to the universe around us. As we ascribe our many beliefs to certain people, places, and events, our subconscious minds are always working, and reside always in the present tense, the now. According to the subconscious mind there is no past or future, but only the present tense.

As far as the universe and the matter that composes it, it is supposedly made up of what are known as super-strings, an energy of light and sound, vibrations, and material which is essentially beyond the third dimension. The matter with which we are composed, atoms, DNA, and water, are only three-dimensional explanations, where our truest matter is what lies beyond this dimension, a soul, or a spirit, which thrives on emotion and feelings as that is the way our subconscious minds operate, with feeling and imagination, a profound recess that extends seemingly endlessly into the fluctuating walls of the universe.

By endeavoring into the metaphysical realm of the soul, we find the theory of past-lives and previous incarnations to show that as humans are returning to the earth as karmically inclined based upon the experiences and knowledge we've come to know and see, and that the energy we are composed is inclined to return to the body as a result of the actions and deeds we have previously taken part in. Our karma demands that we, as energy, flow through the universe as spirits, until the time is right for incarnation, within which we find ourselves with the "supermemory" erased, although the information of our past on the earth shall lie dormant within our DNA, until we find ourselves in meditation or under hypnosis, to which this information can be dredged out via the subconscious mind.

Spirit is a nonphysical entity made up of ethereal matter, such that no one really knows what kind of material make up the soul. It has been assumed that via the pineal gland we are given to further evolution, such that the soul theoretically enters and leaves the body through this spiritual part of our brains. Upon death, twenty one grams of our body mass seems to vanish seemingly into thin air. Of course the soul is actually released back into the heavens without the support of any belief system or religion, all there need be is a hand to hold while that spirit is passing on to the next realm, in which a flood of the naturally occurring psychadelic DMT is released into our psyche, great relaxation, profound happiness, and feelings of grandeur result from the passing, such that death is typically a more beautiful experience than most of us would usually imagine.

As we progress in life through various trials and tribulations, that quest to find God is only come result from various unique circumstances, such that some of us are never drawn to find what lies dormant within our DNA unless greatly victimized in some shape or form. Some of us have been afforded a life of perfect linearity, adhering to the rules, and never stepping outside the bounds of reality through such things as recreational drugs and deep meditation, so we are never drawn to that existential quest so many of the more troubled souls will so naturally gravitate to.

Via hypnosis there is something known as "past-life regression" in which the mind will find itself in great detail, like a movie, portraying the images and details for which our previous incarnations were lived. If a patient is susceptible and open-minded enough to be in the disinhibited state of hypnosis, the hypnotist will count backwards starting from the persons age, until it reaches zero, only to count backwards still, until the images of how our previous life ended are given to us in great detail, such that we learn not only who we were in our previous life, but how that life ended, and how such a death has affected us in the final incarnation. The book "Many Lives, Many Masters" is likely the greatest example of this, although many hypnotists have started performing past-life regression, many of us would rather comfortably refer to this as mere delusion, and that the imagination is simply creating scenario's to validate his or her existence, such that God or spirit have nothing to do with the events taking place, it is only our imaginations attempt at creating a reality which is most logical in accord with how we lived. But how elaborate the imagination must weave her poetry within our minds, that so many hypnotists are reaching the same conclusion from one patient to the next, that many lives exist within us, and the energy we have allowed to exist on the earth will return to us invariably, whether we like it or not.

This information is afforded through what is known as the collective unconscious, or "akashic records" -- the storehouse of all thoughts and actions that have ever taken place in our galaxy, such that the residue of previous lives will remain on the earth to be drawn back into us through the incarnation by which all lives we have ever lived come eclipse into the final one, what I lovingly refer to as the final incarnation. In this, we find through hypnosis, past-life regression, and certain recreational drugs, to discover human nature is a vast recess of possibilities, and that by aligning our thoughts and actions with those of our previous lives, we will find the most ultimate forms of divinity.

Part Three: Choose Your Leaders

Who we choose to be our leaders and guides should determine what kind of reality we are allowing for ourselves, such that some of us will be wise to choose multiple sources, however we all have different Gods we pray to, and no man is exactly the same as the next, however similar we may ever seem to be. Channelled information, or stream of consciousness text that is supposedly drawn from the universe has been shown to exist in many different forms, varying from author to author, such that many of the same conclusions seem to be reached by diferring sources, seemingly evidence that God will show himself in the most unlikely of places. This is the information of the ultimates, of the absolute, of mysticism, found through sources ranging from one spiritualized person to the next self-proclaimed "starseed" or extra-terrestrial incarnation. Only so much of it can be trusted, but it would seem some, like Marciniaks Bringers Of The Dawn and Earth, the information is remarkably believable and interesting to delve into.

Once someone reaches the point in which they feel they are "going somewhere" meaning their knowledge is growing, and the desire to learn is ever-increasing, a certain dream, or specific event will take place, marking his or her entrance into the world of the divine. This is a disease in the eyes of some, but what is referred to as the "light" will be cast into the body through what is known as DNA activation, unto which the perceiver enters into a mystical state where learning is enhanced tenfold, and the body feels energized such that sleep is rarely needed. It is said that Einstein drew most of his knowledge from the akashic records, and he only slept in four-hour increments. Although a high-powered genius, this is not so much different from most of the mystics that have ever walked the earth.

Who we allow to guide us on that spiritual journey should rely on the ideals we possess about our fellow man, such that to be guided at all we are taking the risk of being derailed, we must place special value upon all of those of whom we attribute our natural faith, and as we are guided along this path to ascension, only those with open hearts and minds will be seen as the future race that will inhabit the earth. To ascend we take our bodies with us to the next realm, as angelic incarnations, future caretakers of the earth, or travellers of the outer spaces, we live infinitely in the ethereal form, with full-strand DNA, and capable of telepathy and teleportation.

Some of us are getting a preview of what is to come, as some people are already entering into the enlightened state, finding that reality is easily controlled, and by attention given to the environment we are able to shift our thoughts and feelings. According to The Biology of Belief by Lipton, we are able to effect our RNA proteins through knowledge that we control the environs of which we're housed, and that our DNA itself can be mutated through attention given to the matter of our surroundings. We are enlightened to believe we possess full control over what we see and feel, and by thus limiting ourselves to a certain group of influences, friends, associates, and guides, we possess an infinitude of power as far as learning and thought acceleration may go.

All of us resonate at certain vibrations that are unique to us, and true happiness may be found in that entity which is capable of limiting his influences to only the vibrations which resonate most powerfully with his or hers. We are made powerful by acknowledging our limitations, and through purposeful self-limiting find ourselves inclined to learn, grow, and flex our minds, we are availed the ultimate reality by seeing through a lens untainted by the ill desires of that mal-affective soul. This is the ultimate quest for some of us, as not all of us are afforded a life that gives us the most beneficial of surroundings and influences.

Humans were originally creatures of twelve-strand DNA, and it was supposedly only through certain genetic experiments that resulted our presently stunted two-strands, incapable of being as connected with our spirits as we were originally inclined. As this is the free will universe, where any soul can gain as much power as he so desires, it would seem this is one reason for the physicalization of the earth, as by endeavoring to live in the third-dimension we have been availed various hells and tribulations as a result of higher forces taking control entirely for themselves. In the future it is theorized our ability to communicate will be vastly improved, and by this time so many people will have gone into the state of enlightenment that it will become undeniable what information they have to share with us; as that divine intervention in the form of extra-terrestrial communion, it would seem through enlightenment some of us are finding our past extends beyond the earth, some of us were once extra-terrestrials to start, and it is through the influence of these people, or "starseeds" we will be availed the new energy source that will essentially save us from ruin . . .

As certain channelled information has begun to manifest in recent times where the writers are inclined to believe they receive their words and guidance directly from the soul, some of these books are incredible where others are pretentious and unreadable. It would seem that some of the writers are apparently "for real" and they really do gain their knowledge from a totally unique force, extra-terrestrials, their spirit guides, or God himself. What are referred to as "masters" in the pages of Many Lives, Many Masters, the patient is drawn back in time to previous lives until which the details for how that life ended are imagined, and then while in the hovering in-between state the soul is open to receiving messages from higher forces. One quote from the text reads "Patience and timing . . . everything comes when it must come. A life cannot be rushed, cannot be worked on a schedule as so many people want it to be. We must accept what comes to us at a given time, and not ask for more. But life is endless, so we never die; we were never really born."

Influenced by these sacred guides, having re-incarnated into a new body, our past on the earth is embedded within our DNA, and the information of past-lives as lying dormant within our minds can be dredged through hypnosis or meditation, and the karmic details as drawn from this sacred source of the soul will prove everlasting truths that allow us to flex and grow. We have existed for hundreds of lifetimes, these have been expressed across the galaxy, and we will eclipse all lives into that final one, the final incarnation, in which our body is taken with us to that next realm, and we possess all memory of where we've been and wish to go.

The final incarnation to which we will no longer die, no longer be required to re-incarnate, all memories of life on the earth will be taken with us to that next realm, and we will find ourselves capable of feats never seen before in the history of man.

Part Four: The Nature of God

God is according to some theorists called the collective unconscious, a vast network of unconscious ties from one life to the next, all connected through unseen energy bound from the akashic realm. All life that has ever existed on the earth leaves a trace behind, and via what are referred to as "thought-forms" the residue of our previous lifetimes remain on the earth, such that we are influenced by this supernal energy left behind, and through certain means find our thoughts eclipsing to the final, actualized, enlightened state, in the end, realizing ourselves to be one with God, and peering through his eyes in our every waking moment, knowing these moments to be the ones of the final incarnation to which our memories on the earth will be carried with us into the next realm; realizing our pasts on the earth should mark the initial quest, and as we find ourselves inclined to evolve will learn that God exists in many different forms, ranging from extra-terrestrial to angelic forces. He is the stranger you meet on the street, or the energy behind a collective prayer, the thought you have been alive before, as a totally different person. Alive in your every movement of cogitations. In the desire to connect with the world via what light and information you know.

This unseen connecting force, of collective influence, binds in synchronicity of the flow of events that take place throughout our lives, and and we travel in thought in body via dreams and reverie to places where our most final analyses may be revealed. As our DNA contains the energy and information of all lives we've ever lived, we search through this information through hypnosis, meditation, recreational drug-use, finding elements of previous lives in the daily life we are taking in now, such that our reality is a stream of events all aligned in synchronous flow toward occasional eclipses of perfection to which all one desires can be achieved. Finding, It was a person we met, a new connection, the development of some creative idea, or the chance reverie to which we realize things never realized before. All the while connected through events of our life through this powerful unseen energy of the higher dimensions.

Part Five: Poetical Thought-Patterns

In being enlightened, our thoughts are raised to a new vibration, such that it is a pleasure to think at all, and we should employ the words we find most suitable for the activities of writing and poeticizing the feelings that are thus occurring within us, taking careful notes, and describing the surroundings, the environment, and all that takes part in our perceived reality to the expressions found within the things we commit to paper, making our psyche a land, a uni-verse of certain text, such that the consciousness we outpour onto the keyboard or pad of paper is something born from the psyche bound by words and rhythms we have practiced upon and used for many years. Via these expressions are we found to be worthy players in the game of evolution, as the more of us who share the truth about reality, the more united our belief systems will start to grow.

One of the most profound realizations a person can ever have is that we are all the same, equal on some level, but most importantly bound to connect. Through certain language and demeanors of behavior we act upon our thoughts to end up at the place where a relationship is born between people we meet, and through this ability to communicate are we thus made effective in the world as people determined to be expressed in some way shape or form, all leading up to whatever collaborations, projects, or telepathy of the minds that any of us on the path toward enlightenment may find ourselves involved.

Elocutions of the mind, messages transmitted by the soul, energy bound to be expressed, finds its way traveling through the space between us only for our right brain to feel, and our left brain to understand, into the verbalized patterns that find their way through our minds into the pad of paper, computer, or telephone, otherwise directly in person to which the possibility of telepathy is possible at all.

What makes a person successul is often seen as his ability to communicate his thoughts, and that should be the final practice for anyone hoping to achieve the greatest life. I agree with this concept, but see it not only important to be capable of verbalizing and expressing thoughts, but being good at thinking at all, with practice of cogitation given so much attention and focus through such creative acts and meditations we are availed to know and learn as much as we are humanly capable, thus more able to communicate, thus more able to travel through the universe as a spiritual creature bound to connect with others.

Through our language and the semantics of our thoughts found to be in universalized patterns through wordings, expressions, dialogues, and phrases of which the mind at large, the collective unconscious, will perceive as the most direct and forceful toward achieving the greatest possible connection, the expressions to which we find ourselves traveling through this life by locutions of the mind which are directly associated with our beliefs and understanding about the universe and all therein.

Thoughts emitt, are expressed, travel, and are perceived, while actions leave ripples in the waves of the universe, we as people are made up by particles and elements that are essentially the same as the environment that contains us, such that a frequency dance between the vibrations of our thoughts emitting, and the reception of the environment, leaving a cyclic flow of occurrences all bouncing back and forth, takes place until this repetition results in the solidified, density-bound reaction of which an "aeffect" is left on the environment resulting in the eventuality of existence, and existence being a flow of logic within the universal mind, which operates similar to the subconscious, it must be assumed, patternless, always in the present tense, with no real sense of time, and always operating with no time spent in the vacancy, but always flowing through the natural world in a constantly-emanating force of light and information.

God is always watching, and that life-tape to which our next life must be judged and perceived through the karmic incidentialities, is always being taped, such that the events of our present daily life are being recorded in the records of the akashic, entered into the theoretical mainframe of all information that has ever come to exist, and as we reach new heights, this information becomes revised over time, such that it has been said the present new age we are now entering is supposedly an occurrence that is totally new to all universes in the system of all that is, an event we have all been participating in from the start, from previous civilizations, only to end up at the final civilization of the final incarnations, taking the body with us to that next realm, and carrying what memories and information we have come to know in the metaphysical recordbook of our souls.

Part Six: Ancient Observers

In the akashic records, with all history kept in a timeless matrix of details, we are viewed as individual parts of a massive orchestra presentation, a hyper-cinematograph, being seen as players in a sort of show to which the universe itself is omnisciently aware, a grand film in which all histories are eclipsed into one vast series of events. We are being watched by observers from entirely different realms, other-wordly visitors, and our histories are like stories being told to the children of other universes, universes that have been aware of our human existence ever since the dawn of man, and we have been watched ever since we were born into this dimension, entrapped into the physical dimension.

Just as we supposedly encounter spiritual guides in death, these guides are always there in the higher dimensions, watching over us, at times it would even seem taking part as we have seen alien sightings, crop circles, and various evidence of other life, such that it would seem just as to observe something has an effect on it, in the quantum world, that reality is true for which extra-terrestrials may be observing us, they are also taking part in our evolution, and humble participants in the symmetry of sentient life.

Angels have existed for as long as the earth has been around, as caretakers, guides, and spiritual entities. They are real, they exist, and we all encounter these spiritual entities in especial when they are expected, throughout the course of our natural lives. God has a plan, he involves humble participants to take place within this grand scheme, and he is humbly allowing us to be there in the end-game, where all existences will be eclipsed to one, such that in moving on to higher realms we will be reunited with old friends long died, and these angels will be with us in that divine hour.

In your quest toward ascension, finding the power upon discovering the deeper beauty of life, you are emitting an ethereal beam of light that pours into the heavens, emanating, that reaches far into the galaxy and back, until it finds itself linked up with various life-forms, only to be drawn into your life through happenstance and certain synchronous eventualities. You are going to meet your spiritual counterparts to soul evolution, your true parents, your true brothers and sisters, and these will all be such welcoming souls they would never deem your spiritual beliefs as anything less than worthwhile, welcoming your opinions and thoughts, and always allowing you to be freely expressed as any soul might desire.

In dealing with ancient observers, it would seem as we are viewed as a race of sentient actors in a vast arena, or "play" of life, they are taking part as carefully as possible, as carefully any embodiment of God might act, we are bound to meet these interstellar angels eventually, and planning should begin in expectation, such that to expect divine intervention we are creating the thought-forms and mass linkage of prayers which may be enough to invite such energy back to our planet, where it inherently belongs, why, so that we can learn of a better energy source, be linked together with our initial star-family, and thus learn as much as we can about our civilization and the collective past we share on the planet earth.

Part Seven: The End of The Human Race

The question is not when they will come or arrive or even show themselves, but why, and this would seem to be an important question regarding our future on the earth if we are to become in relationship with other-worldy visitors. The reason in my understanding is that the earth is officially under so much turmoil thanks to war, genocide, emissions, and the hate energy which has spread across the globe like a virus, is that as a result of our collective patterns of injustice and human strife, the planet itself, being a living creature, has sent vibrations into the outer-reaches of the universe calling forth such extra-terrestrial visitors as the Sirians and Pleiadians, to save us from our misery, as we are as a race dying due to our own overgrown fields of technology and machines.

The earth has more knowledge than we could possibly imagine, and has been referred to as the living library by Pleiadian sources, so for it to be possibly, a nuclear holocaust, or such a megacrisis as what is imagined by believers in the Noosphere, or ghostly earth, we are apparently going to die as a race, and be collectively re-born as spiritual entities. It will be no longer required to live in the physical body, and as such spiritual entities we will be thus reunited with lost family members and friends, a great show of souls, a great show of vibrant colours and auroras in the heavens that will cover the planet in ethereal light.

However, this is a somewhat dark belief to some greatly supported by others, and to assume we are going to collectively die off as physical beings only to regain our power as souls to live through the vehicle of a spiritual entity, leaving the need for re-incarnation to become a system of the old, with no need to incarnate again; finding ourselves at one with the universe in terms of knowledge, we will become ethereal entities capable of shape-shifting and telepathising. This is when what has been referred to as the Noosphere will be put into play, a vast ethereal shell that will cover the earth in light, energy that has been brought here over a great period of time as a sort of vaccine to purify our souls. Life on earth will be very easy at this point, no matter what age, class, race, or gender, all souls will be united as a collective race of equals, and the universal religion of the new age will fall into place, into the natural timecode of the inborn, supernal flow. This is the new earth theorised and prophesized by so many writers and believers in the new age. Information will travel faster than the speed of light, and human connection will take place faster than it ever has before. No one will be separated from anyone else, and everlasting peace will resound.

If one were given an option to remain in the world of the physical, with all the pains, trials and tribulations of how that life may be, versus teleporting, telepathising, shape-shifting spiritual entity that is always in a state of pure love, which one would you choose..? Whether the "world is ending" or not, something is happening, and we are bound to return to this state eventually, and be reunited with our lost ones. Relationships will spread across the globe, human connection will take place at the speed of light, and the technology of these higher dimensions are such that no one in their right mind can possibly imagine how vast the machinery of our future race. We are all inherently divine, and much like the very guides to which our world has been led up to this point, such that to imagine we are being watched in every moment of our lives by higher forces, to endeavor to meet those forces in the physical world should seem a quest much like a prince seeking a precious mystical jewel. We will find them in some form, maybe not the physical one, but they will be found.

As spiritual entities in the vast web of life stretching through the ethereal field, we will find ourselves in the space of the heavens, it would seem, with no more need to incarnate into the prison of physical bodies, but evolved to the highest extent, creatures of full twelve-strand DNA, moving from one place to the next in the blink of an eye, imagining ourselves as one thing, a totally different form in the moment next. Divine creatures of the earth.

Part Eight: Death

Upon dying, it is theorized we are led to a hazy screen to which our previous life is seen through a matrix of highlights, such that the following incarnation is determined by the details of this life, given the karmic responsibility of our circumstances, we live again; but if it is to be we have entered into the final incarnation, it would seem we are viewing those highlights now, and the present waking moments to which we now live are representive of the very moments in which we are evented through the final life. We see through the lens of God, and our every waking moment is a detail to which will be carried with us as some of our final memories of life on earth.

Ascension is a biological process dealing with mutated DNA, and an altered pineal gland, such that upon becoming enlightened we are physically mutated to meet the demand of our higher selves, the soul, or spirit entity. Via enlightenment we find ourselves capable of feats never seen possible before. Teleportation, as stated, is one event that will be taking place, and it would seem some of us are already undergoing the ascension process so profoundly that we have achieved such paranormal feats as telepathy and teleportation already. I am one of them.

In death, as a ethereal free-floating spiritual entity, we soar through the purgatory of the timeless fourth dimension, shape-shifting and mutating as we see fit. In this place the ethereal mind is enamored with a sense of well-being, and we are found in the company of angels, or guides, people who are ascended masters with memories of life on earth, who live in the fourth dimension as guides to those of us who are on their way to the divine.

As the reality of past-lives begins to ring true with us, we must imagine the quantum reality of many lives seemingly taking place all at once in the fourth-dimension. It would seem although we are alive now in the new millenium, we are also alive in a multitude of other bodies in various times and places. In becoming successful we are to imagine what is referred to as the ultimate or perfect self. We exist in the past and the future, and what lies in-between is the imagination. As we event our thoughts through the patterns which will eventually allow us to evolve, we find that to imagine we are in eclipse with our future self, we become this person, and via the final incarnation enter into the ascension process by which our cells begin to evolve back into the original enlightened state, finding the imagination and guidance that most benefits us, only to eventually reach that highest strand in DNA to which we may re-experience these lifetimes in the media of such advanced technology, one can only imagine.

The soul is a vibrant energy-form which travels through the universe only to reach the form of bodily action, physicalized creatures who thrive on feeling and emotion. It is said that God can be equated to a feeling, and by imagining this is so we must find God in simple imagining the deity exists in some form. By imagining the existence of God as what can be found in the physical realm, we must take into consideration the concept of angels and angelic guides, as there are what is referred to as ascended masters -- people working in the shadows of time as operatives in Gods plan, and imagine that these people can be found through a succession of events all leading up to such divine intervention, or through the presence of extra-terrestrial incarnations within the incarnation system, people who are referred to as starseeds and lightworkers. Or simply angels and extra-terrestrial souls.

Upon taking into consideration re-incarnation, we must perceive that this process acts much like a machine, such that it would seem we are imprisoned into a vast machine, and our thoughts are merely holofractal bits and pieces of a reality made up consciousness. This machine operates chaotically, but falls into place in accord with the logic of that Universal Mind, and as we exist within this great machine, death or ascension being the only way out, it is the most beneficial act for the sake of evolution that we take it into possibility this is the final civilization of man, and as we collectively move on to that next realm, all the information and memories we have built up in this lifetime will be carried with us until the end. Within the machine we exist through the imagination, and via this which is known by some to be the body of God, we learn through such media how far we were meant to go.

In this final incarnation, by endeavoring into the enlightened mind, we find the details and information to which our karma is found in alignment with those to which we are associated. We exist as many lives eclipsed into one, the final mind, the final cogitations of a soul that is built to soar, and as we event our way through this life find what new relationships and events to take place, we are inclined to find these people and places as the markers to which our final life will eventually take manifest.

Through imagination this to be the final life, we are availed a feeling of great importance, such that we are inclined to believe that the walls of the universe flex in our attainment of new light and information, as the universe itself is that very environment to which we are contained, and by altering the environment through our free will we are thus capable of altering the universe. In the final incarnation to which we learn the history of our past on the earth, or at least start to endeavor into the subconscious mind, the universe and God are as one, eclipsed into the final awareness that upon knowing we have existed on the earth before, we should never need to incarnate here again.

Part Nine: The Body and Imagination

As we are actualized unto the final belief patterns, it should seem we are always looking through the eyes of God, and that as active participants in the environment to which we co-exist, it is imagined that by through observation alone the environment is affected, thus to believe we are always peering through the eyes of God, this environment to which we affect by observation alone, the earth, should be imagined as the universe itself. Our bodies the vehicles through which our energy shines through, knowing the environment to be affected by all we do, the act of thinking becomes a pleasure to the enlightened soul, such that the room we are contained is like a microcosm of reality, a tiny cell through which our energy is allowed to soar and shine. By allowing ourselves such freedom as a space for meditation, or a sacred space within our homes, we endeavor into thought finding that certain images and mantras are most suitable for our thought evolution. To study a certain image, or to focus on a certain string of words, repeating this over and over again until the body and mind are as one, enamored collectively by the energy of our thoughts, we reach actualization. As our thoughts are energy, and the body is made of water conducting energy in every waking moment we are alive, it would seem to imagine the room to which we are contained is as though a "holocell" -- a three-dimensional space for which images and thoughts exist, equalized into the place where all our highest thoughts may take place. By endeavoring into the notion we are in a remote cell of the universe by finding ourselves in that sacred space, we make thought a more worthwhile act, and through such meditations open up the mind, the chakras, and all we know into the light and information we are inherently inclined to receive.

As it would be positively imagined to think we see through the eyes of God, and our every waking moment is a memory within a system that will be carried until the end of time, by what mystical or akashic energy that exists within; we operate as though on a mission, and to limit ourselves to solely one goal or thing should be the divination that allows us to evolve. Such a goal might be a creative work, a new relationship, or the simple endeavoring into the soul, with interest in evolution, and a evergrowing connection with the subconscious mind. We are evolving in every moment in which we endeavor to seek such ground, and it would be believed that our imaginations, and capacity to meditate on an image are for some the waking moments to which enlightenment occurs. As we see through the eyes of God, or the ultimate reality to which we know this to be the final life, we are creating a life of value to society or any and all fields of supernal interest. By having an interest in evolving at all we are setting up a goal within our subconscious minds, and that goal will be realized through the succession of events of which we are supernally and mentally aware of all that exists around us within an environment we are changing through every living moment that occurs.

As we evolve, certain thoughts, notions, and beliefs will begin to arrive within us, and we will have certain recurring memories of dreams and situations that hold symbolic value to our subconscious minds, these thoughts and beliefs are the energy to which our evolution will find itself possible; as we event our way through the mind of images and words, uniting these things through the deeds and actions which we commit ourselves to. By endeavoring into the soul and studying ourselves for the energy we contain, a certain vibrational frequency is theoretically shooting out from our crown chakras into the heavens above, such that entities and existences of a higher order that exist solely in the higher dimensions, will see this light pouring out of us, and link their cogitations with our own, guiding us through unconscious means, until we are eventually to find ourselves in unitive life with other people on a similar path to our own. As we evolve, better relationships will start to occur in our reality, and the old obsolete souls still fueled by hate energy will lose their grip on us, as we begin to serve the master that lies within, our spirits, we no longer need such third-dimensional ties as the people to which our soul evolution was only hindered in the past.

As we grow, finding our thoughts to bear certain uniqueties which are special to us, and for some endeavoring so deep into the spirit as to resolve past-life issues via hypnosis or meditative states, we are inclined to believe that this life, the final life, holds great value to the human race as we begin to operate similar to the angelic entities and guides which have existed in the background of human existence for so many millenia.

Via mutated DNA, a well-flexed pineal gland, and the chakras, our soul-energy finds itself transmitted through the body into the waking field of existence, of reality, and through the eyes knowing these sights and images to be the make-up and environs of God, we find that the room, the space, the sphere to which we are contained, is like a miniature universe through which our evolution will take place, designating a certain area for our creative work or meditations, finding this solitude to be the time and place when we are most powerful, eventually reaching the same conclusions as any mystic who has ever walked the earth, we are not alone in the universe, there is other life, the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Greys, and others, and these interstellar travellers have been involved in our growth ever since the human race took physical form.

As we are collectively inclined to reach connection with extra-terrestrial entities, and the goal has existed within our universal mind since the Harmonic Convergence of 1988, we are evolving to a point to which the energy of our souls will be so vibrant that at last, the intervention of these higher races will start to enter into our fields of reality, finally to reach us in that collective death through which all humans will be reverted back to spiritual entities, re-connected with lost ones, and thus shape-shifting and teleporting our way into union with the divine entities that exist in these higher realms, as we finally exist as strictly spiritual entities.

Upon the collective spiritualization of the earth, we will all become travellers of the fourth-dimension, never to incarnate into the physical body again, but live on the earth, mother Gaia, for as long as the timeless dimension will exist, which is forever, and thus collectively enlightened to reach those higher entities by our collective admission into the higher dimensions. It will also be this time when we are allowed to move on to new worlds, perhaps the recently discovered Kepler-20f which is covered in water, is about the same size as the earth, and even revolves around a sun much like our own, to perhaps incarnate as clean slates within a system unpolluted by the wars hate and genocide that have caused the earth to fall and decay as it has. Otherwise to entirely different universes we will travel, such as through the Pleiades which is a seven-star constellation theoretically linked to an entirely different universe than this.

Part Ten: Self-Fulfilling Prophecies

As we live in the incarnation system, imprisoned by the third dimension, it would seem that we are able to escape just by knowing the incarnation system exists, such that in previous lifetimes it would seem we were only inclined to re-incarnate as a result of not knowing the truth behind reality, in this life to which our final incarnation is taking place, we know that we have existed in many different places and times, in many different bodies and thoughts, and by knowing this to be the natural outcome of the existence, we are inclined to enter into the process of enlightenment, through which all memories and thoughts taking place once that dream, once that revelation occurs, the great epiphany, we will be inclined to take our bodies with us to the next realm, and find ourselves able to communicate directly without the use of vocal registers, as all bodies on the planet earth will eventually become spiritualized in the endgame of human existence.

Ascension, as the process through which DNA mutation occurs, it would seem, we evolve through the influence of what lies within, and this process is not genetic or hereditary, it occurs apart from the realm of outside influence, but exists as a process of which our conscious thoughts lead up to the final awareness, the truth behind reality, the great machine, until we finally have a certain dream or revelation through which the 'light' enters our body. The light is information, it is encoded within the filaments of our DNA, and as we dredge this divine data out of ourselves, it would seem a great well-spring of knowledge is coming to us, and through an exponential growth we will both physically and mentally evolve into the final incarnation through which twelve-strand DNA is achieved, and the pineal gland is flexing such that we are able to create our own realities at a faster rate than ever before.

It is lying dormant within us all, the capacity to further evolve and mutate our DNA, and once that final human civilization is realized, in which all sentient creatures on the earth will be transformed into spiritualized entities, free-floating, telepathising, geniuses, we will be able to shape-shift, transform, and mutate into any form or creature we so desire. If we are so inclined, we just may be worthy to incarnate onto the earth yet again, for the super-civilization, the New Lemuria, a place of spiritual entities existing together in harmony with the earth, and vibrating at frequencies which all transmute into energy which flows in the most beautiful rhythms imaginable. Light which is information, or simply the inborn god-energy that lies within us all, is a metaphysical matter that enters into our bodies for us to grow beyond the typical period of human growth, and once this information is realized, we are entered into the reality of which the final incarnation is taking place, knowing all we could possibly know from this living library known as the earth; it becomes our duty to share the knowledge we have found, and as we can only grow finally through educating others about the true nature of reality, of the incarnation machine, will we be given the right to grow even further as a result of helping other people. None of us really want to die, and the ascension process is that to which we no longer need to meet death, with the ultimate religion of the absolutes, of universality, something we will all know should we meet that desire to never meet our deaths, but take this body with us into the higher realms.

As we know the light to exist within us, the goal of actualization is produced, and by knowing this energy to lie dormant within us just waiting to come out, we produce a frequency that resonates with our souls, a cyclic signal that vibrates within our DNA, until through a certain dream, meditative realization, or epiphany, we enter into the world of light, in the enlightened body-state referred to by some as the merkaba. Once this dream occurs, or revelation, through which certain symbols will be seen, and the process of enlightenment will begin to unravel within us, we will start upon the final quest of human existence, that mystical journey through which we will all eventually meet at The Great Show, and be re-united with all former relationships, united to live as one. God will communicate to us directly, and we will all know this energy through the finalized religion of absolutes, the final religion known as Universality.

It would seem that the thought of re-incarnation is not widely held, and the imagination struggles when it tries to see how this process takes place. According to Strassman, the soul enters and exits the body through the pineal gland, located exactly where the crown chakra, the energy-point associated with supernal transmission, and this is the part of us through which our souls energy shines through. To believe we have been, or presently are many different people in a vast orchestra of human relationships, is at first hard to believe, but as recorded by Whitton, Weiss, and others involved in the study of past-lives, we possess the information of all the lives we have lived within the filaments of our DNA, and this information is dredged out through hypnosis and meditation. It can also be learned via dreams, as we imagine a metaphysical library that contains all the information of our past-lives, and achieve the attainment of divine information by souring through the alpha and theta states in the waking, lucid dreaming state.

Upon rebirth, one theorizes that the atoms and energy which made up the life previous, are recycled through the galaxy, and recollected as the weight of the soul, to vibrate through every cell the primordial energy we originally brought to the earth. In this which is to be the final life, we like a holograph contain the information of our entire history on the planet earth within the make-up of our every cell. And within the light filaments of our DNA is the energy of our soul, buried within the body, reachable through the subconscious mind.

Part Eleven: The Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind is the right half of the brain, containing emotions and the imagination, and operates in a patternless manner, always operating in the present tense. This part of is is connected with ninety percent of our bodies, such that it would be logical to consider the subconscious mind and the body are always in communication. Through what is known as the alpha-state we are involved in that half-asleep, meditative state, through which our subconscious minds are most impressionable to affirmation and prayer. Such that for one to be competent at entering the alpha-state, one should be competent at affecting his body with the thoughts he possesses. To be good at meditating one must be good at communicating with his subconscious mind. Whereas it has been theorized that to repeat the thought "I like myself" over and over again, for about a hundred repetitions a day, one will become more successful in life. And to defeat sickness, one might think "my body is strong" while in the subthought, be thinking "my mind is strong." Emile Coue was one of the first believers in affirmation, with what was known as autosuggestion. Reality is, it would seem, just a series of suggestions, and we receive these through the electrical impulses of our thoughts, from each day to the next, which affect us to believe in certain things, and influence us to feel and act was we do.

As the world is made up of suggestions for our subconscious minds and bodies to receive, reality is the environment to which we are consciously able to change and alter the space which we are contained. It would be interesting to consider the environs represent our body, and the thoughts within our minds as the soul to this body. We alter the environment by altering our thoughts, and our thoughts are occuring, as a relay dance between the environs and the cogitations, as an eventuality of the space to which we are contained. By altering the environment, we alter our thoughts, and by altering our thoughts, we alter the environment. According to The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton, our RNA proteins are affectable through control of the environs, and we are thus capable of further evolution by knowledge of our affect on the space to which we are contained.

The subconscious mind is the imagination half of our brains, the recess to which we may achieve connection with our higher self, or soul. When volunteers in a study were shown to be looking at a certain image while hooked up to a computer, that when their eyes were closed and they imagined the same image, the same parts of the brain lit up, suggesting the mind does not know the difference between what it sees and what it remembers. As the imagination has been referred to as the 'body of God' it would seem our realities depend strictly on the modes to which this part of us will operate, and the imagination as the body of god is as though a living entity within us that will, through goal-oriented processes, reach the images and thoughts that are waiting within us all, as a result of the desire to grow and learn as much as humanly possible.

The subconscious mind is always working and never sleeps, such that when some of us enter into the world of spirit, this part of us starts operating at a much faster rate, and the need for sleep or rest becomes less needed. As we evolve, the mind unravels and our DNA becomes transformed, we mutate, and as a result of this process find ourselves capable of learning tenfold more than we used to. Communicating with the subconscious mind using words and images that we find most suitable, our evolution occurs as a result of reaching so far into this part of us that the information of our souls is finally dredged out, we are actualized unto the final belief-patterns, and find ourselves inclined to share what information we have come to know; as to share the truth is our primary inclination once cast into the world of spirit, as we find ourselves inclined to know as much as humanly possible, it becomes necessary to start allowing this information to shine and grow within the third-dimension.

Friends and family will see your spiritual growth as either a blessing or a disease, and often one will wonder how you ever got started onto such a path. For some of us it was a great victimization, heartbreak, or the loss of a friend. For others more lucky than the rest, that interest in the world of spirit only stemmed as a natural result of human existence. One way or the other, you are starting to grow, and your subconscious mind is the tool through which your future life will come to be seen.

Part Twelve: Be Creative

Acts of creativity, writing, or producing poetry is one act that you will find necessary to stay grounded in this reality. As creativity lies dormant within us all, we are inclined to draw certain images, write certain text, or focus on a certain project that will help us to express our place in the world. Automatic writing, or stream of consciousness text, otherwise journaling or possessing a diary is a great tool for understanding ones self, as to commit ones thoughts to paper, look at your thoughts in the text form, and thus meditate on the words, we are able to flex our imaginations such that the thoughts within us are not trapped within our heads. A 'book of dreams' might be necessary, as according to the law of attraction to have a notebook specifically designated for recording the things you desire in life, may be a formidable weapon in soul-realization. We refer to this book daily, and study it as though a physical part of our souls.

Waking up in the morning we pass through the alpha-state through which our subconscious minds are most impressionable, and it would be at this time in the morning you go from waking up to recording your thoughts in a notebook, writing lyrics or poetry, whatever you may find suitable. We could record dreams we've had, certain desires, or simply flex our imaginations such as to write poetry and lyrics. Lyrics are one form of creation that I have personally found greatly liberating, as to write words with rhythm, words that are meant to be sung, as we are all energy-vibrations in the soul form, and the universe is composed of light and sound, it would seem that the production of certain high-resonating words can be an act which flexes our imaginations such that we feel immense pleasure upon creating such a work. It should seem that as we evolve we are all inclined to share the truth about reality, and through certain creative works may we find the tools necessary for allowing our minds to flex such as to give the world a piece of our souls to carry until the end of time. Our great legacy of creation.

Being creative in some way shape or form is vital for us to remain enamored with that mystical sense, and it should be imagined we, as we evolve, are all on a path toward the eventual masterpiece, that finalized vision of our highest ideals, which may be a book, a poem, a film, or an act of grace by helping another. Communication is in itself what can be conceived as a creative act, and one may reach the conclusion upon certain reverie that the ultimate act that can be achieved is connection with another soul. We all live to be connected, and through certain forms of friendship and understanding may we find ourselves in the place to talk about our spirits, about our realities, without the taint of judgment, such that to communicate with a fellow wanderer of spirit is in itself an uplifting, creative act.

As we all live for connection, and the imagination is the vehicle for which our souls may shine through, it would seem that reality is merely a matrix of highlights and events, a vast linearity of karmic circumstantialities, all leading up to that final conversation with God, that time in which our souls are in alignment with our bodies, the DNA and pineal are well-flexed, and we may reach deep into the universe with the ethereal hand of our minds eye. God speaks to us in a dream, in a revelation, and we find this new energy as a result of the desire to learn as much as humanly possible. One thing that makes a person the mystic archetype is the neverending desire to learn, and such it would seem that in being a mystic we are never going to uncover the truth in its entirety, but always be searching, such that life would not be interesting unless there was always something to search for.

On this quest we find ourselves bearing a certain name, a certain face, a certain family, and certain friends; all pieces to a puzzle that will be unravelled through time. These memories and associations will be carried with us until the end, and it would seem that upon becoming spiritualized, opposed to how some imagine we would enter into a cult society, we are instead inclined to direct our attention at our families and friends, thinking of ways which we can help these people, and it would seem the family, should become the most important thing in life, as when everything is lost, your family will always be there. Ones parents and siblings are karmic elements to the web-work of our lives, and they are just as important as anyone. By counting family first before anything else, and realizing the importance of these people we were born into bondage with, we incline ourselves to be helpful to humanity by aiding those to which we are most directly associated, and what creative acts that may occur once enlightenment is taking place within our DNA, we should direct with an attention that these things will also be considered by our family.

Upon evolution, it would seem that the employment of rhyme within our thoughts, a certain lyricality of cogitations, flowing through certain inborn rhythms, we find that our thoughts are more easily remembered when they rhyme, such that many mystic-poets have written with thoughts that typically flow through a lyrical grace, only to result in some of the most beautiful creations that have ever come to be. And it would also seem that by surrounding ourselves with things we consider beautiful, our creative thoughts are enhanced by the scenery built for evolutions sake. A rhyme dictionary, namely the capricorn rhyme dictionary, could be used to guide ones self into that land of divine thought, and as we limit our cogitations to a select few mental patterns, we divine ourselves into a certain uni-verse, a certain "land of creative thought." This is a place of spirit and mind that we all hope to reach, such that our thoughts are flexing so powerfully that only beauty can come result.

The quest for beauty is engrained within us all, and we are all on a quest for the things we consider beautiful. As we grow, and the older we get, it would seem that some things we have been conditioned into believing are no longer holding true to us, as society will tell us what is and is not beautiful, declaring certain features the most desirable ones, to live in unconditional grace and see beauty in the smallest things, we view reality through a neautral standpoint, and find that even the very act of thinking equates to the highest act. We must consider that we ourselves are beautiful creatures, and as we have incarnated into the human body a multitude of times, we vary in features from life to life, but often certain traits will be carried with us through our cosmic history, it would seem that humans in themselves must be considered unique, beautiful creatures. Originally twelve-strand creatures in perfect connection with the God-energy, we have a collective history of not only pain and suffering, but grace and light. Just as the roles we play are switched around through the system of incarnation, we have all played the role of lover, and we have all found the gift of beauty through the sequence of our lives. As we find ourselves living the final incarnation, all remembrence of beauty is unfolding within the filaments of our DNA, we flex the pineal gland and imagine the things we want, actualization occurs as a result of the desire to learn as much as humanly possible, and all the while we must be considered beautiful for the desires we possess about human evolution.

Considered overtly light-hearted, or simply crazy, many "lightworkers" are very aware of the beauty of our history on the earth, with such images of the flower of life, the fibonacci spiral, or the davinci canon, symbolic elements which upon meditation will supposedly cause an upstart of accelleration within our subconscious minds. These images are encoded with certain knowledge, just as a purpose existed for all pyramids and ancient structures on the earth, there is a deep purpose to these ancient designs, and upon studying them, just as deep meditation on circular or spherical images may reduce astigmatism, by focusing our energy on beautiful images for a prolonged period of time, we produce a certain energy within us that vibrates from the soul and out through the body, creating a frequency of which a subconscious understanding blooms. The book "The Flower of Life" parts one and two, written by Drunvalo Malchazedik contain many of the divine images humans have carried with them through the evolution of time, and offers many insights about the part both humans and extra-terrestrials have played in the part of evolution.

According to the theory of numerology, words all carry a unique vibration, and it would seem this is the essence that effects the crystallization patterns in water. We find a words vibration by referring to the twenty six characters of the alphabet, for the word "water" we would add the numbers 23 + 1 + 20 + 5 + 18, as 23 = w, 1 = a, 20 = t, 5 = e, and 18 = r to reach the total of 67, and the subconscious mind naturally adds the two of these numbers together; 6 + 7 = 13, only to add these numbers together even further, to result in 4, divisible by two, the vibration of the word "water" is 2, and this is theoretically a good vibration, with such vibrations as "3" for example representing the third-dimension, and according to many studies not a good vibration. There are a multitude of vibrations carried by words, and it would seem that if words all carry a unique vibration, then so do thoughts themselves, and it would seem the process of true divination may occur as the result of finding ourselves restricted, and self-limited to a select matrix of vibrational patterns.

Our names all carry a vibration as well, and the number associated with ones name can be uncovered just as a words vibration can be uncovered. Just as we all bear various astrological signs, we also bear varying vibrations within our souls that result in the archetypes we have come to possess. People are vibrations in essence, and some vibrations get along better than others. This is almost an occult theory, to think we can decode a persons personality and soul-information by understanding the vibration of his or her name, but the art of numerology rings true with most theories, it would seem that much can be learned by studying the unique vibrations of our names and personal details.

As we all vibrate at unique frequencies, our energy shines into the outer reaches of the galaxy in an invisible strand of light pouring out through our pineal glands and into the recesses of the stars, we are bodies made up by the same matter of that to which we are environed, of cells, atoms, and stardust; we are composed of the same matter that surrounds us. Conducting electricity with the energy of our thoughts, and travelling through each day by the measures of divine thought, we are found creative, we are found as artists within a beautiful reality. Nothing can stop us from further evolution, as it is our Godright as humans to end up at that divine place. As we have existed in a multitude of bodies, places, and times, we never die, we were never really born, we simply exist, and evolution is inevitable.

Having found our next step in evolution lies within the imagination, by directing our reality through a specialized sequence of imagery and actions, we are divine to wake up in the morning and go about our day by following the creative energy that lies within us, writing notes about our dreams, writing notes about our beliefs, and observing all that takes place around us with the eye of God, seeing these images and events as the final memories that will be carried with us until the end of time, the eventualities of our human existence, just a vast matrix of events and highlights; the information we possess about ourselves will grow exponentially, and we will never cease to grow. Not until we defeat gravity and take flight up off the earth, levitating as we might, and telepathizing our thoughts directly without the use of vocal registers.

Part Thirteen: The Great Show

In our evolution we are growing at a faster rate than ever before, such that the eventuality of all this supernal mania is only leading up to a grand event, The Great Show, when all souls will be in eclipse, and we will be collectively connected through modes of telepathy and teleportation. Our leaders will be forced to reckon with themselves as divine intervention is set to occur. Hard to imagine, but inevitable, as we are on a course for the divine, we exist to find God in the physical form, although it is hard to imagine what this entity will be like. Some theorize the return of Christ, others theorize the intervention of alien life-forms. I believe in the latter.

Of course no one really knows when this event will take place, it was a collective meditation in late 1988 when the event referred to as the "Harmonic Convergence" took place, the collective meditation regarding higher life-forms, an event prophesized by the mayan calendar. We have been expecting divine intervention for decades now, and I have my own beliefs regarding the presence of these life-forms. My belief is that they are incarnated as human beings with a supernal past that extends beyond the third-dimension. We are going to meet these beings in the human body, people awareized unto their history in the universe. These are not extra-terrestrials, but super-terrestrials.

Just as reality is made up by a series of suggestions for our minds to perceive, we are all guides in some shape or form, all leading one another by the unconscious will. Although some are sure there are many "new souls" incarnated on the earth who have no alien past, I have trouble grasping the concept that as our bodies are made of water derived from a foreign source, that we are not all super-terrestrials in some form. Astrologers believe we go through a series of incarnations on the planets of our solar system, with each planet representing a certain archetype of behavior. Certain past-life regressions detail existence on other planets, as entirely different life-forms, and these regressions have been reported to occur with perfectly average, middle-class individuals who you would not expect to be derived, supernally, from a foreign source.

At this point in human history, it is theorized that never before have such a large group of unique souls been incarnated on the earth. A vast plethora of archetypes and personalities, such that the very gods who shaped the earth, our original, primordial gods, are incarnated at this time, running the show, repeating history as they might. And this is considered the third civilization of humans, with previous civilizations, Lemuria, and Atlantis, long-forgotten, but buried within our DNA nonetheless. The final civilization of three-dimensionals is now, we are at a point in not only human history, but cosmic history, of great uniqueness. More and more people disturbed by the nature of organized religion and social politics, are beginning to peer into the depths of their soul by such modes as past-life regression and hypnotism. More and more people are beginning to talk about reiki, energy-healing, the energy-points on our bodies known as chakras, and theories about other life. The more crop circles, channeled books, and end-of-the-world talk, the closer we get to The Great Show.

As this time nears us the more strange events start to occur with those undergoing the ascension process, we are evolving to the point of ultimate communication. If you could imagine "thought transference" -- communicating with someone directly without the use of vocal registers, you can see the possibility of one event that may be taking place. Although hardly discussed and widely unknown, thought transferrence, or telepathy, is a reality that very few of us are capable of understanding. In the quantum world, this is referred to be Einstein as "spooky action at a distance" but Dean Radin, Michael Talbot, and others, have been studying the paranormal enough to know that such events are a natural occurrence with minds that are undergoing the ascension process.

Part Thirteen: The New Energy

At this time, the earths field of energy is being bombarded by signals sent from extra-terrestrial sources, such that our evolution is not entirely a result of what lies within, but is with thanks to the fact our world may really be ending -- with threat of nuclear disaster or naturally occurring catastrophes such as tsunami or volcanic eruption, our earth as a living creature has made the call, and extra-terrestrial beings are answering that call. Where this energy is coming from has been said to be a joint process between both the Pleiades, and Sirius. It would seem these two races are both trying to save us, and perhaps only through a joint-connection of these entities will any salvation come manifest. This ethereal shell that will cover the earth is referred to either as the photon belt, or the "noosphere." It has already begun, the process, and as it has been said, "once the light enters your body, it never goes away" -- the same goes for the body of the earth, and as some of us are already being clued into the ultimate reality, it would seem there is virtually nothing in the way of our eventual rise to to meet higher life-forms.

As the earth becomes raised to a higher vibration, all inhabitants and living creatures will also be elevated. Upon the collective spiritualizatio of mankind, upon which all humans will become supernally actualized, and we will be re-united with all lost souls. Every creature that has ever inhabited the earth will be connected, one life to the next, and as The Great Show is realized, the great party of souls, we will see through the eyes of God, live in the timeless fourth-dimension, and telepathize, teleport, and telekinetically move from one place to the next. All modes of former life, all troubles, trials and tribulations, will be absolved by our hightened connection. We will know in a second what the other person is thinking, feel in the moment the energy occurring within us, and find our selves in a state of pure love as a result.

This new energy catalyzing our spiritual involvement, energy that contains the information of the cosmos, and enough power to active our DNA, we find through books, certain films, and other sources, that just by knowing this ethereal shell to be covering the earth, to imagine its existence, and imagine it is replenishing our world, is ones means for which this energy will find itself successful. To imagine the world is in this moment encased in the noosphere, and to imagine this as a good thing, we align ourselves to be open to receiving this new information, meditating on the concept, obsessing over the beauty. Just as this energy is penetrating the earth, it would seem our subconscious minds are also being penetrated by the light, and by tapping into this part of our minds, we tap into the light, only to find certain knowledge more easily grasped; our understanding of the universe grows, and we find ourselves very similar to the ascended masters and guides that brought us so far. Praying to the God that lies within, and employing the imagination as the tool for our escape, we are enlightened upon knowing the true nature of the earth, having lived in many bodies and times and places, having been many different people. The incarnation system which kept us in the prison of our bodies, blind to the soul, for so long, is finally meeting its end.

As The Great Show nears, and we are all on a course for the divine, we are being watched over in our every waking moment by higher life-forms who are involved in our evolution. These Pleiadians, Sirians, Arcturians, and others, are creatures of indelible love and light, and as we activate our awareness, become enlightened, following the guidance of those to which we feel are operating without the ego, we grow closer and closer to that fateful hour when we may meet these super-terrestrial beings.

Part Fourteen: The Collective Starship

Upon the end times when the megacrisis should occur, and we find ourselves collectively transformed into spiritual bodies, we will merge into a theoretical soul-ship, a beautiful constellation of lights and auroras, emanating across the galactic field, until the shape, perhaps a massive tetrahedron, is formed, and we move on to travel into different worlds, as a flying grid of spiritual entities, such that in the timeless dimension it could be imagined this soul-ship already exists, and we are there now, in our spiritual forms, looking down at the earth, just as many stars in our night-sky are not really there anymore but burned out years ago, we can see ourselves both past and future via the imagination. This is of course only one act within The Great Show, as some will choose to remain on the earth and others will choose otherwise. Some of us are too victimized through certain tragedies to even remotely desire a longer stay on the earth, even as a spiritual entity. It would seem that as the earth has been the grounds for so many wars and injustice, with the third dimension as the machine which kept us under control for so long, it has been too hard living here to want to stay any longer.

However interesting this can only be looked at for so long, as the most honorable choice is to remain on the earth, as caretakers, it would seem although we may desire travelling to new worlds as the Nasa program has primed us to endeavor, we are not going to stay there, but most likely return to the earth as responsible for all the lives we have lived here. The earth is a living creature, after all, and as the Universal Mind has created the logic of switching our bodies, faces, names, and environments around through the course of incarnations, such that we have experienced all the pain we have dealt upon others, but most importantly, the earth and the environs to which we arose. Life on earth is beautiful in the fourth dimension, and it would seem that this is a new world in a way, as we are able to teleport, telepathise, and shape-shift, we are living in a new world already. This is "The New Earth" or simply Gaia, the spherical home to which we have incarnated so many times.

As the soul-ship already exists, and our bodies in this present time are only surrogate hosts, much like machines, we are operating in two different places, one, where we have already fully evolved, and exist in orbit somewhere high within the stars, and another, where we are still trapped in the third dimension. Our souls exist in bodies much like the ones we presently possess, and we see through the actualized gaze of the most enlightened being. We are one with God, hear the intercom declare clearly his intentions, and exist in perfect harmony with the outlying worlds that surround us and have been involved in our evolution. This ultimate life amid the stars has been reported through various people, and as many ideas would suggest, there is an ultimate entity, the pilot and navigator, who is wholly responsible for guiding the craft. This entity is a collective life-form made up by the entirety of existences aboard the ship, a multitasking genius, both real and not real, as the reality of this creature is created as a holographic form for which the collective energy of the crew may be transmitted through. It exists by manifestation, a holographic being created solely for the purpose of guiding us through the stars.

Peering through the lens of God, and observing ourselves from that future place, we see the world as covered in light, connected in every way shape and form, and almost electrically charged with the energy of its inhabitants. This future race is a multitude of souls, and we are all equally existent, given the same attention as anyone, and many cosmic "games" and events will take place, from the psycho-imaginarium through which a soul is directly connected and puts on a show using the imagination alone, and transmits his thoughts directly into the machine for panoramic screen to present to the audience; to events ranging from games involving shape-shifting contests, musical performances, or improvisational movie-shows transmitted to a screen as multiple minds are hooked up to the machine, will take place, and we will entertain ourselves for the sake of love and laughter, as all conflict and ill-desire is absolved by the light within us, replacing wars with cosmic holidays, and living on the earth much like the original Lemurian race once did.

This ideal exists in many minds, and we all enjoy a good vacation . . . but what of that permanent vacation, when all equalization occurs between all living sentient creatures, and we are united as a singular race of geniuses and shape-shifting manifestations of the imaginative soul, creating instantaneous realities with the occurrence of any living thought, and transmuting energy directly through the imaginative free will we possess. The environs will equate to the most beautiful imaginable sights, and we will be enamored with great pride upon finding control of that which surrounds us, making it a metaphysical playground of crystal structures, high-standing obelisks, and portals. Decades from now we will all be capable of an infinitude of extrasensory abilities, and as we teleport, connected across the earth in a split second, once The Great Show begins, it will seem that it may not ever end, as the pure-love state we should find ourselves in, incapable of hate, incapable of jealousy, will resound as the powerful thoughts we possess, manifested into the surroundings, and giving shape to our every waking thought.

Part Fifteen: The Ultimate Entity

Nirvana is the "one-consciousness" finality of understanding, to which the soul realizes itself to be one with God, and sees through all eyes eclipsed, the gaze of timeless prescience, and omnisciently aware of all consciousness in the universe. This entity is that soul which is flying the ship, a manifested creature, created by the Universal Mind. We all will take upon the task of flying the ship from one time or another, as we climb the ethereal stairs of light into that dawn of future existence, finding ourselves spiritually actualized as the final incarnations, with the only final step in our evolution is to become one with God.

Having reached the final incarnation, knowing this reality to be the final one, we will start to see the inborn shapes, patterns, symbols, and symmetry of all that surrounds us. The mind will unravel in such a way as to produce the primordial images of the universe, and we will start to connect the dots into a circuitry of perfection, as the universe is indelibly perfect according to some believers, the mathemetics and geometry of this realm will be uncovered over time, and as we start to eclipse our thoughts into the final cogitations of God himself, we will start to see how easily controlled reality and the environment can be.

Controlling our reality through the direction of the imagination, and made powerful by the endurance of mystically-charged thought-patterns, we event our way through this life in a sequence, a linearity of events and experiences, all leading up to that final revelation, and once this is achieved, we will be at peace with thought, and find cogitatating the rhythms of thought start to flow in poetic regard, rhyming, musical, and perfectly built in accord with the machinery of our minds eye.

Taking notes, recording all events, and observing our way through this life as both participants and seers from a distance, we will find that actualization comes as a result of desire alone, this dream woven by time known as reality will unfold into the patterns and shapes of which the final mind can see in clear delight. What we choose to call ourselves grows important, such that it would seem we are scribes, writers, poets, and artists when we realize our power on the earth. These titles give us power, but mystic, genius, or starseed, may be even more suitable once we really start to uncover the information of our souls. Whatever the title or name, we must eventually see the imagery, symbols, and patterns that are most suitable to our evolution in the environs. As we start to find the imagery, pieces, and elements to our reality which are most suitable, we will surround ourselves with this beauty, and make the environment a metaphysical realm for growth and evolution to occur.

By endeavoring into the subconscious mind, employing meditation and hypnotic trance-states to achieve certain knowledge, we will find as the imagination weaves her poetry, we are all important pieces to the puzzle of life . . . as we search, wander, and endeavor our way through this reality as enlightened souls, all events that take place once the divine revelation, dream, or occurrence has taken place -- we will find grace in our thoughts, speak in poetic terms, and always take it upon ourselves to share what information we have come to find with all associations willing to listen. Taking it upon ourselves to listen to our friends and family just as we would desire they listen to us, we endeavor to grow even more by allowing change to occur as a result of these influences; such that to imagine we are shaped and molded by the people we know, it would seem reality is circuitry of many lives influencing one another by certain words images and ideas, that can only result in change due to the amount of information that exists.

Part Sixteen: Information Reduction

By controlling, limiting, and reducing the amount of information and thoughts we perceive, we are more able to choose what things we want, thus certain self-limitation by way of relying on the fewest possessions, the fewest associations, may be necessary for the greatest growth to occur. We can not grow or learn when we are inhibited by too many sources, and it would seem that one of the greatest problems with the world is not disinformation, but simply too much information. When the mind is flooded by so many ideas, choice is lost, and we may be deemed somewhat psychotic in our confusion. No one wants to be psychotic, but it would seem through so many religions, sources, leaders, and politicians, many of us are over-influenced, and overly-impressed to be found in a certain form of psychosis due to an inability to choose what we want to know and feel. Some feel that the world was never meant to house as many creatures as it has presently come to, and as "the wheat is separated from the chaff" in those end-times, God knows we may be limited in our civilized culture to only a select few incarnations once the end-times find us . . .

All of us have that perfect imagined self waiting to be manifested, and we all deserve a place in the cosmic history of the earth. Not all of us can be divine guides or leaders, but we are able to choose what things inhibit and effect us. No one can force you to go to school, no one can force you to learn information you don't need to know. We all have the choice fo be self-instructed, and it was never logical to put knowledge on such a pedestal as to split it up into so many subjects. We ought to direct our focus and attention on that which benefits our growth the most, and however necessary it may be to put a person through school in order to not only teach, but produce the ability to learn, and want to learn, it can also be highly destructive to force someone to learn opposed to their own free will.

The thought we all must graduate high school, go to college, get a job, start a family, and become active participants in our community, perhaps even produce children, is a great falsity, and as mystics we have no need for these earthly things. It is more important to stay independently safe from all the absurdity of life that exists in the eyes of societal belief. The only thing we really need is love, however needless the production of children may seem, if we are to have children, hopefully we are humble enough not to force them to go through a system that is controlled by so many automatonic drones of society. In my own experience with education, teachers were too prepared to judge, and often I was deemed unworthy of their respect due to how active my imagination was. Teachers should respect all their students equally, but it would seem this is not the way things are. Hopefully one makes the personal choice to go to grammar school, high school, and college, to focus specifically on the subjects he most desires, but most importantly, to employ this knowledge for the spiritual growth that will eventually come to him.

Existentially-inclined, we base our realities and beliefs upon the things we personally experience, and consider God as the energy which lies dormant within our souls, findable through certain means, and DNA activated by the knowledge of our past on the earth, we are made powerful by thoughts charged by belief-patterns, and as we begin to operate as a direct result of the beliefs we carry, life becomes more interesting, learning more worthwhile, and thus school hopefully more positive to endeavor into.

Part Seventeen: The Dream

Your subconscious mind being primed by all the books and media surrounding notions of divine intervention, and the end of the world, have a certain "plan" within it, a certain thought-pattern resulting in a certain event, or dream, such that your initiation into the world of spirit will begin. You will have this dream, it is waiting within your DNA -- the thought and imagery of evolution, and have the soul-body awakened. Here we enter into what is referred to as the lightbody, or the "merkabah" where ones DNA becomes activated, and the dormant information of the earth and the universe start to unfold within our minds. Some of us will have a dream related to extra-terrestrial communion, others will soar through the imagery of taking flight, while others may dream they are extra-terrestrials. For me, I was sent through the imagery of taking flight, howling in a half-eagle, half-reptilian scream, and finding myself a direct representation of the yin-yang, caduceus, good-and-evil energy. This was potentially a holographic representation as a result of a well-flexed pineal gland, with the naturally occurring psychadelic chemical DMT flooding into my mind, allowing for the "hallucination" of enlightenment to occur. With this three-dimensional rationale, I can believe I still reside in an unmutated human body, but incidentally, I did a research study at MacClain hospital, and they called me up a few months later to confirm my brain is undergoing mutation. So, it would seem, there is physical proof of my own evolution, and as I have personally experienced telepathy multiple times, while under the influence of certain drugs, I am one who is experiencing coming attractions of what will be experienced by the collective -- very fortunate and thankful to be on this path so early in my life, such that years ago I would laugh if you asked me if I were spiritual in nature.

As reality is a make-up of events, times, and places, all leading up to the ultimate revelation, regarding the true nature of this prison known as the third dimension; we are all on a unique course for the highest heights, with this dream waiting within our cells for the right moment to be played out in our imaginations eye. We must all take note of our dreams, but once that eventual dream of perfect symbolism takes place, we must not only take notes, but actively remember the details so that we can share evidence of our evolution with others on a similar path. This is an important event -- and if it is not a dream-sequence you endure, it will be a certain revelation, in a resounding voice, the voice of God. For some of us, we are simply not able to flex and grow as ably as others, and this it would seem may represent the chaff as seperated from the wheat -- those who are not able to grasp the power of evolution will be absolved by the collective energy of that universal belief-system, forced to reckon with themselves, and relate through the past how they ever came to be so obstinate. As sad it may seem to watch these people fall apart while the rest of us are enjoying the festivities of the new energy, upon that collective death, no matter what the background, all will be spiritualized into equal beings, and it will be officially impossible to deny the existence of God. This is the fourth-dimension, the timeless place where all history is taking place at once, and as we look through ethereal eyes at the New Lemuria of the earth, we will start to remember our primordial place in the stars, and dance through the imagery of a beautiful land covered in light and information.

Our "enlightenment dream" -- the unfoldment of symbolic information, found through the energy of the subconscious mind, is lying dormant within us all. We all have the dream waiting for us, and we are all destined to meet on the other side. To activate this dream we must be learning, and place great value upon the information we take in -- for some of us the dream occurs as a result of discovering the true nature of the universe, and the incarnation system, we find ourselves enamored with a mystical sense upon imagining the thought of re-incarnation. To think we are in connection with ethereal guides, have existed in many different bodies, and incarnate here in the third dimension at this pivotal point in human history as a result of our collective evolution, finding the symbols and make-up of a revelation or lucid dream in which we are given the symbols and information that represent our further growth on the planet earth. What dream occurs, and what sort of imagery is presented within our minds eye, should be determinate in relationship to the beliefs we carry, and as we are all on a course for divine intervention, it would seem many of the enlightenment dreams that occur revolve around extra-terrestrial communion.

Some of us will fly, some of us will event our way through ancient structures of the earth, others will find themselves in communication with a guide, while others find initiation into the world of spirit through a revelation or specific event that takes place. The imagery of the dream is directly symbolic in reflection to the thoughts and beliefs we carry, and as this dream occurs, our bodies and minds will eclipse into the one, singular light, emanating from our pineal glands out into the universe, connecting us with certain guides, and inviting the energy of other divine souls to become drawn into our realities. Guiding ourselves from one text, one teacher, one guide, to the next, we are involved in a linear slope of learning, such that it would seem one bit of information only leads up to the next, and as we event our way through this information, it will become eventual that finally one resounding phrase, one resounding thought, will occur as a result of our path toward enlightenment, and this thought, this idea, will be held such that the dream will take place as a result. We will find ourselves enamored with the mysical sense, that divine spark of energy will become lit, and our DNA will activate itself, and thus all enlightenment will take place.

This dream, a divine occurrence, waiting within our DNA to become dredged out by spiritual interest, we are all heading toward uncovering upon that solitary quest for God. Once so much information has been taken in, the light filaments of ones DNA will become activated, and the imagination will guide us through the symbolic imagery which represents our invitation into the world of the divine. Of course, according to the third dimension the notion of having an "enlightenment dream" is more easy related to some form of hallucination, this may not be so far from the truth, as many theorists are beginning to suggest the universe is just a massive hologram -- we event our way through the imagery of an "enlightenment dream" only to find ourselves wondering still -- was it real..? This question will be held for some time, and we may never really know what has taken place; one way or the other, the mind is trying to tell us something, and through the sequence of imagery that follows our eventual acceptance of the true nature of reality, we will find ourselves enlightened one way or the other, and this was always in the cards for us.

Within everyones subconscious mind lies the energy to evolve, and all of us have that capacity to grow beyond the usual twent-six years of mental development, but within our subconscious mind lies the key, and by endeavoring into the realm of spirit, we are inviting the soul-energy to rise into the third-dimension, finding a place as a dream that represents our initiation into the world of the divine. This is the "unitive" life, when all our physical and mental demands are in perfect eclipse, and we find life is just a series of synchronous events, all interconnected from one relationship to the next, and we are inclined to believe this is the final life, to which all possible attainment of new information is realized by the final incarnation.

Part Eighteen: Re-Incarnation

We have all existed as different people, different ethnicities, and different classes in society. Made up by consciousness as travelling from one life to the next, remaining in "the bardo" or spirit realm, fourth dimension, for only so long between lives, in which time spent in this realm is usually spent observing the details and highlights of our previous life. In death, it is said we are led by guides, typically three, to a hazy, ethereal screen, and through this we witness the events and details of our previous life, and perhaps all the lives we have ever lived. Basing our next life upon these details, we find ourselves incarnated at last to the body of which our final life will be lived, here in the new age, the new millenium, and learn through the synchronicity of events and understanding, that knowledge which will lead us to the highest heights in spiritual knowledge.

To imagine reality is made up by switched-up roles and physical energy-exchange, and upon death it is theorized we view the highlights of our previous lives, it would seem this reality is as though a great film, being seen and observed by the higher forces, and we are all players, actors, in a great show of souls. As in death it is theorized we are led to a hazy screen in which the details of our previous life is viewed and the next incarnation is thus based upon, if we are all on a course for a collective death, it would seem upon entering collectively into the fourth-dimension, the rules will still be in place, and there we will all sit in a vast, incredible movie theater, observing the collective history of the earth in a visual audio sensory theater, a great picture-show depicting all human life and extra-terrestrial influences that have ever lived on the earth. We will watch this, and the movie will never end -- as it reaches the point to which a climax is found, the screen will finally project the image of billions of different souls sitting together in the ethereal movie theater, and we will see ourselves sitting in the seats, watching the screen, in a tunnel of mirror-images, until finally one of us will rise from his seat, exit the theater, and watch as others follow, to observe ourselves as the divine ethereal creatures we were always meant to be, and then rise up into the heavens for New Lemuria is born, and we shall never need to incarnate again.

We are all actors in a great show, and super-terrestrial beings are watching us now, as the film, the superfilm, is being filmed now, it is also totally finished and totally produced in the timeless fourth-dimension, such that we are already existing in the future, and we can see ourselves from the vantage of higher-dimensional beings. Just as the subconscious mind operates in a patternless present-tense, so it would seem the universe itself operates much like the subconscious mind, and we are, as we know ourselves to be one with God, peering through his eyes at all times, seeing a matrix, and viewing the final events and times that will represent the images and patterns of that final film to which all of us will view upon the collective spiritualization of the human race.

We will see the different faces and names, the different embodiments of each soul, and see from the earliest days of the earth to the final times, how interwoven the patterns of human life have been, and how all the pain one has dealt upon others is karmically demanded to come back to that person, this film will be the most beautiful event, The Great Show, and as we view it in the company of all the guides and entities that brought us this far, once the point which the film turns its gaze back upon the audience, and we find ourselves viewing ourselves in the ethereal movie theater, we will meet all the players that have shined the brightest, and be in direct company with all the leaders and guides that had existed within the incarnation system for so long.

As the incarnation system reaches its end upon the collective spiritualization of the earth, we will find ourselves inclined to travel to new worlds, and bind together into the collective starship, the tetrahedral star, and travel beyond the realm of the earth to entirely new worlds. The third dimension has been a prison for our souls, and as much love may exist within the physical realm, just as much pain and turmoil exists in counterpart, such that it should be undesirable to become physical beings ever again, and most likely only a circumstance of those souls who died too young, or were never able to leave a mark in human history as physical beings, thus inclined to incarnate again; this is a sad affair, and it may be hard to watch as some entities are inclined to become physical again, to make up for all their past on the earth. Necessary it may be, it is at least quite likely that disagreements about God and religion will no longer take place, once having viewed the final film.

Finding through the alpha-state, self-hypnosis, or past-life regression we may tap into our subconscious minds such as to reveal glimpses of our past on the earth, learning the details of how we have both died and lived, it would seem that through the guidance of a hypnotist we are most easily able to uncover the details of our past on the earth. As this has been proven to work for most patients susceptible to hypnotism, only an inhibited imagination will result in the inability to enter the hypnotic state, but it would seem most of us who are believers, both the hypnotist and patient, in re-incarnation and past-lives, we must be able to traverse through time to soar through our imaginations and thus view the details of who and what we have been in the past. The reality of the incarnation system being realized, and knowing these moments to be those to which we will carry with us until the end, the quest of endeavoring into ones own soul becomes the most important thing we could achieve, as it has been said we are all somewhat incapable of believing there is anything more great than our own souls. As the soul-energy is connected with God, and we enter into the God-embodiment through mutated DNA, the biological ascension process, we are to find out how powerful our free will truly extends, and by control of our surroundings and influences through certain information reduction, tapping into the subconscious mind as described through such works as "The Genie Within" by Harry Carpenter, and understanding things like pain only exist within the mind, according to "Lower Back Pain: The Mind-Body Connection" by Dr. Sarno, we may achieve the highest life by knowing these moments to be the final ones to which the final incarnation is to be lived. As we achieve the highest realities, divining ourselves to specific high-energy charged thought-patterns, and living as though this is the greatest life we will ever know, it would seem nothing at all may stop us from achieving our souls evolution in the free will universe.

Part Nineteen: Writers In The Free Will Universe

According to Pleiadian sources, we are living in what is known as the "free will universe" such that any one soul can gain as much power as he so desires. This universe is unique from all the rest in that it allows as much control as any one soul desires to achieve, such that our own free will has been taken away from us at various points in our history due to the power found by other-wordly entities. But to know this is the free will universe we must be taking the first step in regaining control for ourselves. Creating our own realities, and essentially personally responsible for all that we have been through and experienced, it would seem that by imagining we possess total control over the environment and those associates and people which affect us, we must be on the path toward greatest control. In order to evolve we must limit ourselves in a certain way, reducing the flux of information to the purest stream, and flowing through thought-patterns that exist with a sense of mysticality underlying all cogitations. Life becomes beautiful, magical, and we are in every waking moment, as we think and feel, totally capable of shifting this reality.

As we exist in the free will dimension, and all the control we desire eventually achievable, just as it is theorized within our every cell lies the holographic image of the whole, it would seem that our thoughts in themselves are like holographic cells of the entire whole, and within every thought (based on our beliefs) should contain the energy of the entire consciousness. As we become enlightened, we will find certain patterns of thought most suitable to us, and by meditating on these words, committing them to paper so they can be more deeply understood, we will find the greatest power by observing our thoughts once committed to the media of text or document. All of us ought to be considered writers and scribes, as to believe this we are placing higher value upon our thoughts -- to imagine ourselves as reporters, journalists of reality, we find that to regard our thoughts with enough consideration as to write them down and thus commit them more fully to the third dimension, by extension of our minds, our will is thus more freely able to take consideration for the energy that lies within us.

By considering ourselves as writers and artists, or various titles along that line, we open the souls energy to shine more brightly than ever before by wearing such a label. We are creators, manifestors of reality. Here in the realm of enlightened thought we may find the grounds for which rhyming thought may take place -- divine thought-patterns that flow in a certain rhythm, and exist as a vibrant energy-form within us -- words link together, we find a certain melody within our thoughts, and by riding this energy with the thought we are a scribe, a writer, we produce a frequency of creative energy that emanates out from our soul, reaching into the fourth-dimension, and thus connecting us with our souls. We may employ a rhyme dictionary to start on this quest toward divine rhyming thought, which I would personally suggest the capricorn rhyming dictionary by Bessie Redfield for its ease of use and simplicity. The best time to start practicing the activity of rhyming thought would be in the morning after waking up, as we pass through the theta dreamstate into alpha, and here in the fresh waking minutes we may reach for our notebooks and start journaling, poeticizing, and enscribing our souls energy into matter, three-dimensional matter that can be held, viewed, and understood.

A dreambook is what we use to write down the things we want and desire, such that to commit our desires to the pad of paper and thus refer to it throughout our waking hours, we produce a frequency of attraction, and by thus writing down our desires and wants, and looking at this text from day to day, we are inviting these things into our lives by repeated observation of the things we want as committed to the pages of the dreambook. it would also seem that a "sacred space" within the home may also be necessary for heightened states of meditation. We will for instance place crystals, certain books, and a series of notebooks, on a desk or writing table, and use this space for meditation and self-reference. Crystals have been said to contain condensed energy, and certain crystals such as amethyst can be used for meditation purposes. A "crystal grid" may also be employed, such that four crystals are used, with a crystal placed in each corner of the room, and then one crystal is placed in the center of the room. This heightens energy and makes the environment more susceptible to supernal energy.

Part Twenty: The Universe As A Holograph

From the nucleus of an atom, to the swirling galactic energies around our sun, it would seem that from the smallest particle to the largest image, we are living within a holographic universe. It is said that we "dreamed" reality, and these thoughts and actions are all existing within a singular entity, the body of God, the mind of all that is -- in the mind of God we are all archetypes and thought-forms, existing through certain patterns of existence. In the final times when we realize ourselves to be as powerful as humanly possible, we elevate our energy-stream to finalize into the highest forms of archetypes, such that as our energy-vibration is raised to the new level, we become more important elements within the mind of God, and the holographic universe. In a single thought will contain the energy of the whole, and as the subconscious mind is goal-oriented, so it should be imagined the universe is also goal-oriented, just as with the Mayan calendar reaching its end, humans have always been producing goals within the collective mind. As reality was dreamed, and all existence is seen as equal within the ultimate eyes of God, nothing can stop our evolution in this realm, as we exist in both the future and the past, and what lies in between is the imagination.

It has been reported that the imagination does not know the difference between what it sees and what it remembers, such that reality is only as real as we perceive it to be -- as when certain subjects were hooked up to an encephalogram it was seen that the same parts of the brain light up when an image is both imagined with the eyes closed, or looked at directly. Reality is only as real as we perceive it to be, and so it goes -- when the imagination and the logical mind are in duality, the imagination always wins, invariably. This is a basic fact of nature, and as much as we may love to imagine we can operate most powerfully through the logical mind, there is nothing in the world that can stop the imagination from prevailing, in the end. As we exist in the third dimension, these bodies through which our energy is transmuted must be looked at as the vehicles for which reality may exist via the imagination and subconscious mind. As we evolve, eclipsing our beliefs into the final patterns of human existence, we must start operating strictly through the imagination -- working with symbols and images as they relate most directly to our subconscious minds. By thus considering ourselves as artists, or the very art-forms to which we create, we are pushing the imagination to the brink, and hopefully the creative spark exists within you -- that you might start collecting photographs and gathering the images that most powerfully influence your subconscious mind.

As reality is a vast mirror of influences and thoughts all leading up to the final revelations, we are living in a world that is seemingly not real, but merely a holographic representation. As stated -- from the nucleus of an atom to the swirling galaxy around a central sun, the parts of this universe are very similar, each to the next. And as the universe is built on images which this reality is a hallway of mirrors, and we can see ourselves planted in the middle, viewing with enlightened eyes all the future possibilities of existence in the third dimension, finding that a certain version of our existence will prove to be the most knowledgable one, and we will align our spirit and thoughts with the energy of this possible actualized self through the vehicle of the imagination. By imagining we are the final self, living the final life, we must be priming our subconscious with the energy that will lead us to new heights. Reality as a mirror, to which we see our thoughts and beliefs reflected in the thoughts of our associations and influences, we are inclined to believe that things are only as real as our subconscious mind declares them to be, but this is controlled by our free will, and we can be, and do, anything we really want.

Part Twenty-One: Movement

The knowledge we are capable of travel, of movement from one locale to the next, and thus imagining ourselves in one place and then another, a precursor to teleportation, we are inclined to find further growth in imagining the country, the continent, the earth, as a multitude of places to which we may travel. There is a destination, a certain place, for which our growth is to accellerate beyond conceivable possibility -- and through the linearity of events and eventuality of time, we will find ourselves travelling to this place with the primed expectation of meeting certain people, and experiencing certain events that will incline us to grow even further. This "New Mecca" exists, and it will be found. There are what are referred to as "power spots" located across the earth -- from megalithic structures to crystal caves, the earth has a multitude of areas for which supernal growth is enhanced. In these places we will meet certain people, find certain experiences, and grow as a result of being in a place that accellerates spirituality.

The environs to which our reality exists ought to represent the universe itself, as all we see and feel is contained within the environs of whatever space we may find ourselves in. As we move through the knowledge of our ability to travel and be animate, we are empowered by knowing ourselves capable of travel, and via the free will we possess, we will move from place to place in a synchronistic flow. As a human race, we have moved -- several times -- from one body to the next, and we exist in karmic counterpart to a reality which is made up of things that are only circumstantial as a result of our past sentient movements across the earth.

We also move from body to body in our dreams, as we will often imagine ourselves as totally different people, and it would seem much of this data comes from the akashic records, the information storehouse. We reach into the fourth dimension via reverie, meditation, hypnosis, dreams, and other faculties, this dimension is to be found, although it is not directly perceived. It exists, and our souls which reside in even higher dimensions than this, are always communicating the desires we possess with all former selves and previous lives we have lived.

As we move, and know this power to exist, such that time will be harnessed, we will find ourselves in the right places at the right time, in a consecutive linearity of logical means -- and in due happenstance, with the right people as well.

As we are transported from one event to the next by the vehicle of our bodies in the third dimension, the reality that we perceive essentially created by our own power on this earth, and we create reality by the visual audio sensory theater of all that we take in, throughout the linearity of movements throughout the day -- we are thus made powerful by our movements, and as we travel across the earth, meeting certain people, and finding ourselves in certain places, it will seem that we are already on the path toward the heighest light, and through the power of synchronicity always end up at the right place.

Part Twenty-Two: Synchronicity

It is believed that everything that happens in your life is all due to what is referred to as "synchronicity." -- this is the lining up of events, the perfect structured matrix of all that occurs within our reality -- such that there are no coincidences, but merely synchronistic events. We travel through the day by our own self-created destiny, finding great power in the choice toward the people and places we are to take in during that day. As we progress through this reality on the quest toward ultimate enlightenment, we are going to find ourselves experiencing more synchronistic events than ever before -- such that it will almost become desensitizing for strange events to occur -- it will become almost normal for spirits to communicate with us, for thought transferrence, for psychokinetic abilities, and other things. Reality is not as we have ever known it to be before, once entering into the world of spirit, such that some of us are traumatized by certain events of synchronicity, there is so much power in this energy, a vast connective web-work that stretches across the earth in a perfect symmetry of events and happenstance, reality is in essence truly perfect, and by imagining it as such, we prime our subconscious minds to thus more easily imagine our way through life with the best results.

The law of attraction states "we are what we think" such to obsess over a certain thing will eventually result in that thing manifesting into our life, for better or for worse. Thus, to employ the imagination as to consider all that occurs within our life is synchronized, we produce a frequency of desire that pours through the connective sphere of the earth, linking our souls energy with those to whom we pray to meet and understand. Calling this energy into our life by means of the imagination, we find that reality is only what we desire and feel, such to employ a dreambook, or surround ones self with certain images, we invite these things to take place. The fact is, everything is synchronized, from the Mayan calendar, to the most ancient belief systems. Nothing is left up to chance but resides in an infinite stream of perfection. Some believers are under the notion that the universe is, in essence, perfect, from the perfect mathematical distance of the Pleiades, to the magic of our sun, moon, and earth triad. From the changing of the tides, from photosynthesis, to gravity and the movement of the planets, we are living in a very perfect system. The earth is a beautiful, living creature, mother Gaia, and by imagining this to be a perfect reality, only good can come result.

However chaotic, in which many of us adhere to the belief there is only chaos, there is also the chaos theory, that although patternless and seemingly unrelated, it all comes out in the wash at the end, and things line up just as they might. Chaos theory suggests the universe does operate in a patternless media, only to result in a synchronized result. This is a positive notion, and to imagine the chaos theory as a reality along with synchronicity, we are doing good for our imaginations and subconscious minds to think things will eventually add up, in the end.

Synchronicity, coupled with existentialism, form a powerful belief pattern. First, we imagine that all we know and understand is a result of our personal experiences. Second, we imagine that upon this quest toward achieving the highest knowledge, we are aligned with the universe and environs around us, such that certain energy and influences will be drawn into our sphere of reality by means of expectation. Priming ourselves with this idea, and thus hoping for all good things to come, we create our own realities, and nothing is left to chance. With our bodies made of water, and this water electrically charged to hold certain information, we are always affecting our bodies with our thoughts, and as we do this, our bodies resonate at varying frequencies that draw similar vibrations into our lives.

Part Twenty-Three: The Matter To Which We Are Composed

In essence we are vibrations, varying frequencies that pour out the crown chakra into the fluctuating walls of the galaxy. We are energy, and as our thoughts conduct electricity in our every waking moment, we are always expressing an ethereal aurora of lights that shine into the heavens, and links our souls with the energy of other enlightened beings. Our bodies resonate at varying frequencies in accord with the thoughts that we possess, and as we employ poetics and rhyme, finding the rhythms of thought that are most suitable to us, we raise our vibration by means of these creative thought-patterns, finding ourselves in the sacred space, that room which is merely an extension of the universe, to which we elocute our thoughts in singing tones, and ride the frequency of our inborn energy to reach the highest heights in supernal achievement.

With our every cell composing the holographic image of the whole, within our every thought should contain the energy of our beliefs, and thus cogitations that contain the energy of the whole, based around our understanding of life and human existence on the planet earth, we are to reach the highest heights in sentient thought, and find ourselves in alignment with the energy of our souls as a result of that inborn desire to flex and grow via the imagination. As we imagine our way through this reality, and see, feel, and percieve the things that we have chosen to endure, our realities is self-created, and every feeling contains the energy of our souls.

Our thoughts are essentially composed of words, images, and symbols, such that symbols are supposedly the most direct link to our subconscious minds. It will seem that as we grow we are going to find certain images the most direct representations of our soul-energy, and by meditating on these images which we produce ourselves, as demonstrated throughout this document as I have expressed various glyphs that are imprints of my subconscious mind, to give you an example of one form of expression.

Part Twenty-Four: Geoglyphs

Paintings I refer to as "geoglyphs" can also be created very easily to represent auroras of colors. You will first create a web-work of paint dispersed directly out of the bottle, covering the canvas, and then with your hand or some tool push the paint together, creating swirls, and then by lifting the canvas and moving it about, the paint will stretch and form into a beautiful aurora.

These are very easy to create, however unlikely that may seem. The key is to push the paint together once there is enough, usually three or four large bottles worth. Through a voluminous amount of paint, and the right amount of kinesis -- moving the canvas about, and also tapping it from corner to corner against the work-surface, these divine images are created appearing like crystals, rainbows, auroras, and ethereal landscapes. Other ideas may be found in taking a painting, and imprinting it against another surface, creating "veins" and leaf-like patterns. One example I offer is a painting I created called "The Wolf In The Mirror" which was done on glass, an imprint-painting created by pressing the finished work against another surface.

Abstract images are some of the most interesting as they create an other-wordly sense in us, to which the perceived image usually contains differring encodements from person to person, as opposed to more logically-produced images, the mind sees the exact reality that is depicted, and it will be the same from person to person, opposed to the abstract media. As I offer throughout this document examples of my subconscious imprints referred to as "glyphs" I have produced most of these in the short span of only a few seconds, giving them a certain energy of spontaneity and substantial subconscious value. Some of them look like sound-waves, which is intended with the below image, however intention of what I want to see is not usually the end-result, I most typically create my drawings without any premeditated expectation of what I hope to see, but base the result entirely around a process of the subconscious mind.

Some drawings employing double-strokes, while rotating the canvas may result in some worthwhile creations. In essence, subconscious imprints are very easy to make, and I hope by studying the images contained in this text you will find the ability to draw similar images, otherwise your own unique take on the subconscious imprint. One of my friends who is a divine artist capable of drawing symbiotic-looking patterns of plant-life and vegetation, channels imagery that is along the same lines, but essentially much different from my own. He has been one of the greatest inspirations in my creative art-work, and I attribute most of my ability to studying the images he produced. Just as you may study the images I produced, these were only wrought by studying the images of my friend -- an imaginable hallway of creative mirrors that flows from one person to the next in an endless string of creation and self-discovery.

As the production of glyphs and abstract imagery influence us to feel a certain way when the image is meditated on, it seems we already have a plethora of subconscious imprints that already exist from the days of the Maya to our present age. These are collected by Drunvalo Malchazedik in his Flower of Life series, and present great inspiration for any aspiring artists, as he has a great understanding of sacred geometry, and the images which hold encodements that influence the occurence of evolution to take place.

We see patterns in nature as well, from trees to root-systems. Of course what is considered "beautiful" is always different from one perception to the next, in especial when considering abstract art-work, what is considered beautiful remains very subjective, but hopefully one is enamored with a sense of spirit, so much, that one peers through rose-colorred glasses and we can find beauty in the greatest, to the smallest things. This tree is located not far from my home, adjacent to where my father works. I have been amazed by its structure of branches for years, and feel there is something very special about its design. Hopefully you can find similar images around your own locale of existence, and take photographs to capture their energy.

Yet another form of interesting abstract work can come arise through psychadelic swirl-paintings somewhat similar to the work of Jackson Pollock. Instead of pushing the paint together once a web-work has been created, you will instead leave the network of paint as distributed directly from the bottle onto the surface, and stretch this paint from edge to edge by picking up the canvas and moving it about -- usually tapping its edges against the work-surface. These are very easy to create and ones does not need to be an artist to endeavor into such creations, as these are essentially not art, but merely imprints of the subconscious mind.

Many possibilities exist, and it is seemingly endless the amount of creations that can be wrought. Jackson Pollock was said to "make energy visible" and that, it would seem, is what we are really endeavoring into by creating imprints of the subconscious mind. These kinesis-born creations that employ movement in their creation, as the canvas is shaken, hammered, and moved about, with the paint stretching like the energy of the ether across the earth, for all we know the true image of the cosmos lies in abstract works of the subconscious mind. Almost anything can be considered art these days, and as I would rather deduce the title of these creations to "subconscious imprint" -- or "impulse art" -- I have simply produced creations as a result of movement and kinesis, based around the ideal of producing an entrancing image.


"Aurora 6.5"

In aurora 6.5, it would almost seem we are looking at outer space, or a galactic formation. This image is a geoglyph wrought by movements of the canvas, and essentially created within the short window of only a few minutes. An impulsation resulting in the image of an aurora, which influences us to believe, as this image only took a few minutes to create, how flowing and natural the colors of the universe will join together to produce the final image as shown.


In Extra-Terrestrial, the paint seems to have fallen in the shape of an alien face, with hands weaving energy around the body. In this image both logic and unconscious go hand in hand, as the image was not intended, but resulted in a desirable result that is somewhat logical. This of course required very little skill to create and represents one form of the easiest are to produce.

"Imprint 7"

Project Enlightenment

Chapter One: DNA

DNA is the molecular encoding and genetic instructions used in the development of organisms, known chemically as Deoxribolucleic acid.

It is the root to all existence; that to which is containing through what scientists now understand is related to the next step in our evolution on the planet Earth.

Genetic information is encoded in a sequence of nucleotides which are held within the DNA. The helix consists of two long polymers containing the nucleotides, which form the image of the double helix.

The double helix is made up of two entangled strands, a pair of molecules that are held tightly together. Nucleotides patterns contain both the segment of the backbone of the molecule, holding the chain together, with a nucleobase, which interacts from strand to strand in the helix. The two strands run antiparallel to one another, in both directions, and are linked through the root-base of the helix.

A gene is a sequence of DNA that contains genetic information and can influence the phenotype of an organism. Within a gene, the sequence of bases along a DNA strand defines a messenger RNA sequence; which then defines one or more protein sequences within the gene. The relational contrast between nucleotide sequences of genes and amino-acid sequences of proteins is determined by the rules of what is known as translation, which is understood universally as genetic code. The genetic code theoretically consists, of “words” formed through a sequence of nucleotides, and as such, holds information that is relative to the make-up of the human being. These words are encrypted data within the genetic code, which form paragraphs, sentences, interlinking patterns, of encoded information.

DNA contains vast genetic information that allows all modern things to function, learn, grow, and evolve. And it has been controversial how long in the 4.5-billion year history of life DNA has performed this function, as it is proposed that the earliest forms of life may have used RNA as their genetic material. As RNA is the messenger between information and the genetic encodements of the human being, we are now coming to understand a new development in genetic study that is known as epigenetics.

Epiginetics is the theoretical advancement of the genetic structure through expressed control over the environment, causing a very change in the RNA proteins, causing a change in the DNA. Non-genetic factors are interfaced to cause the genes to behave, or express themselves through new means.
“Because the phenotype of a cell or individual is affected by which of its genes are transcribed, heritable transcription states can give rise to epigenetic effects.” One way that genes are governed is through the remodeling of chromatin; chromatin which is the complex of DNA and the ‘histone’ proteins with which it associates. Histone proteins are little spheres that DNA wraps around. If the way that DNA is wrapped around the histones is caused to change, gene expression can change as well. Through the new expression of the functioning of ones RNA and DNA molecules, through what is known as enlightenment, we are able to activate what scientists refer to as the unused “junk DNA” that is roughly 97% of the DNA structure. Contained within the “junk DNA” is not only ones history on the Earth, but ones history within the universe. Taking into account the concept of Free Will in contrast with the wheel of incarnation, we are perceived as highly limited with merely two-strand DNA, in a highly limited environment known as the hologram of the third dimension, but we have always had Free Will within this state of seemingly stunted consciousness. Through the endurance of our indelible Free Will, we are able to activate our DNA, recall our primordial history, and know, verily, that certain information will come to pass as somewhat ‘fixed’ answers. The details of ones past-lives, cosmic history, and archetypal matrical encodements of the higher self are contained within what scientists refer to as “junk DNA.” This is a controversial subject, and it is not scientifically proven that the unused strands are representative of the Soul, or Spirit, it is a growing perception that that is what is truly at play here the missing link the particle of unknown properties of wholly mysterious functioning, it would seem, is the God Particle.

That to which quantum observers are able to see that matter reacts to observation, it would seem that we are entangled from subject to subjected, in that the photon under study is eighter a particle, or a wave, based upon how we look at it. Quantumly, we are also alive in many different places at once through the wheel of incarnation; and miasmically, our soul-encodements are affecting our DNA through the self-realized process of enlightenment, to this day. The encodements of complex DNA information found in the unused strands, as the God Particle, as the very matter of the soul
and studies have proven that when a subject dies, their body mass is mysteriously lacking of approximately twenty-one grams, we are now coming to perceive that that these mysterious unused strands, are representaive of the Soul-Encodement of the entity, and through enlightenment, they can be “activated.”

Enlightenment is a controversial subject, but many theories are now starting to rise to the surface of human consciousness as we come to find that enlightenment is literally, the presence of “Light” in the information of ones DNA. It is the total enhancement of ones existence, body, mind, and existence, illuminated to a state of “being” that is in a constant state of revelation, awareness, and fortitude. The individual to whom is enlightened is aware of the power of his or her own indelible Free Will, acts through responses to the environment that is self-controlled, and epigenetically only allows onces self to be inhibited with certain stimuli; of people, places, and events. Through the activation of “phylogenic” memory packets (phylogenesis, which is the development of evolution of a particular group of organisms)
complex DNA information is released into the encodements of information, and Light which is information is cast into the illuminated helix. The information is causally relative to ones Soul-Identity, as the God Particle is now activated. Through the instantaneous occurrence of illumination; which is found in a dream, revelation, or synchronistic experience; the Light which is information has officially been activated within our DNA, and we are awareized to the supernalized, Spirit-based life of which we are now moving off the wheel of incarnation; as aware of our supernal existence, and as such, no longer required to go through another incarnation.

Through past-life regression therapy, which is the regression from ones age in a hypnotic state to the period of ones birth, and then regressing further into the negative until soul-details are uncovered, we are perceiving the Light, the cosmic details, and we are aligned with the information. Past-life regression is being performed by professionals and doctors all across the world, and it is allegedly some scientific backing for the infinitude of the human soul. Allegedly, according to the poet-mystic William Blake, the imagination is the “Body of God”
and as we see in studies performed on individuals asked to look at a certain image, and then asked to view the same image with their eyes closed through the imagination the exact same portions of the brain lit up, suggesting that the imagination does not know the difference between what it sees and what it remembers. We have further evidence of the power of belief as evidenced with the placebo effect. As the imagination as the body of God, and will record the details of ones past on the Earth, and in the universe, through the experience of enlightenment, recalls these memories vividly through the picture-show of the mind, with such suggestive texts as “Many Lives, Many Masters” (Brian L. Weiss) or “Life Between Life” (Joel Whitton) and “The Case for Re-Incarnation” (Danelek) we are possessive of a growing body of evidence, from so many studies and researchers, for the existence of the soul and it has only up to this present epoch in time where we are now able to study the human genetics, and the science of re-incarnation we are coming to find that we may be finding the unused strands of DNA are in truth the God Particle, and evidence of the human soul.

The soul is a mysterious matter, but science is now starting to perceive some direct evidence for its existence. As when a subject dies they lose approximately twenty-one grams of their total mass, and can be scientifically studied for the sake of advancement of the species, as Soul-oriented creatures. The Spirit as an ethereal matter that can be weighed, that is allegedly buried within the filaments of the dormant strands of DNA, is essentially linked through what is known as Universal Mind. Universal Mind is the energetic network of all thoughts of all sentient self-aware creatures within a given environment. This is a logical description of God, that is scientifically-oriented with the concept that all existence was primordially born through the same Source. The human DNA is also linked to the Akashic records, which is the metaphysical storehouse of all thoughts and events within a given location. This universe has theoretically been around for only 13-20 billion years, whereas the Earth has only been around for roughly 4.5 billion years. That leaves a lot of time for energy to exist preceding the presence of our world. According to many New Agers, it is theorized (like Scientology) that the human DNA has come from the stars, and is essentially foreign to this world.

This theory, carried by Steiger, Royal, Sitchin, and so many others, has come to pass as one of the most controversial subjects in all subjects. The thought that our DNA is foreign to the Earth is the belief; and the concept of the Soul being buried within the unused strands, as containing the Soul-details for existence that preceded the Earth, as other beings, on other worlds; is a very far-fetched suggestion; and has been a belief only carried, so often, by mere science fiction writers. Nevertheless, we have evidence that there are pyramids on Mars, evidence that much of the crop circles on the Earth were produced by a race known as the Pleiadians, and it is a growing awareness that the human race is not, and never was alone in the universe. This subject will only be touched upon with great care, as it is suggestive of a greater meaning of life; and the interrelatedness of all life within the universe.

As studies are suggestive with research on past-life regression, as well as new studies regarding what is theoretically the “Spiritual” parts of the brain through the master glands of the pineal, and the pituitary, as it is a theory that the soul of roughly twenty-one grams both leaves and enters the body through these master glands. They are connected, in the brain, to the brow chakra, and the crown chakra. When we die, it is theorized that the naturally occurring psychadelic known as DMT floods in the brain, and this is a very pleasurable shift from one dimension to the higher realm. One is theoretically to review their previous incarnation in order to base the next
this is experienced in the company of three archetypal angels/spirit-guides, and the information is viewed on a screen. Through the matrix of information found in the life-tape, we thus re-integrate matter into that of the next incarnation, and this is a theory for which has been looked at for several decades now.

The soul is essentially multidimensional, and can take on any form or thought. Through the knowledge of the law of attraction, and the concepts of gravitation and repulsion, we know that matter is drawn towards itself from centre to centre with the chemical reactions, and molecules of the Light of our DNA. We know that we always possess Free Will, and we can always think or perform any thought. This is the true nature we possess; as many New Age theories now point to the thought that this entire universe is a universe of Free Will. Only through the collective fall from grace into duality and limitation, so many ages ago, we came to incarnate through the wheel of incarnation, through limited consciousness within an essentially unlimited field. It is theorized that we are limited consciousness, a microcosm of one possibility, within a greater cell of infinite possibilities. The wheel of incarnation was all a test of our Free Will, to see if we could remember our primordial grace. It was a test to see if we could separate ourselves from God so much, and become so dense, that we forget where we came from, and what has come to shape our human existence; only to remember at some point later on in our Earthly existence. In essence, we have all been subject to the “laws of limitation” and through multiple incarnations, we are now coming to realize what is referred to as the final life.

The final incarnation is the self-actualized, fullest, most complete Soul-version. It is the end of ones karmic cycle, for the endurance of life on other worlds. Whence we graduate from the Earth, and move on to the multisphere/multiverse
we are in the recess of the higher dimensions, peer back on human existence and take full amaze with the fact it ever took place at all. This remote space within the continuum known as duality, separation, pain, and limitation is a great, vast, and wondrous story that has been told by the Universe, by the mind of God; as living information; a story that was allegedly buried within the filaments of our DNA; and would progress through the now-point of enlightenment, into the great and multitudinous recess of the future. The humans are primordially divine, as Soul-oriented, that we have seen the rise and fall of three great civilizations is now evident; from Pangea, Lemuria, to Atlantis. The knowedge of these worlds is theoretically buried within our DNA, however lost to the conscious memory; we still remember enough. As such, we have moved through time; we have moved through incarnation; we have lived, and we have existed, many times. Through the endurance of the final life, we are to bring all shadows to Light, and all information into question. We are to raise the waters over the tip of the ice burg, and find ourselves sugmerged to view the entire body of information. So that the entire mass is consumed by the ocean of Light. We study this mass, and peer into the recess of the unknown, and know, verily, that we are in the future.

Chapter Two: Products of the New Age

The New Age movement is possessive of many theories regarding the human place within the universe. One perception is that the human DNA strand is primordially twelve-strand, and that within the full twelve-strand encodement we were possessive of unique abilities and talents for which are not possible with the double helix. Theoretically, with twelve-strand DNA, existing at a higher vibration than that of the third dimension, a totally different octave, we could move at our own Free Will to be “in all the right places at all the right times” and our ability to shape-shift from one form into the next was found. The powers of what are now termed “extrasensory” or paranormal are now theoretecially relative to the employment of our full brain capacity, and what has been deemed science fiction is now a growing reality that is suggestive of what are seemingly “new abilities” like telepathy, and teleportation.

At present, through the movements of Earth through the null zone of the galaxy, the portal we moved through in the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, and the close of the Mayan calendar, we are starting to see evidence of the next step in human evolution. Through new experiences with interactions with certain drugs in the mutated DNA of the subject to whom is enlightened, to the experience of the non-locality of matter in the near-death scenes of teleportation, we see a body of evidence that suggests we are now actively mutating into our final incarnations, and we are in essence “reverting” back to twelve-strand DNA. The experiences thus shared with other individuals with telepathy (direct non-local thought-transference) is the greatest form of evidence, and has come to pass in the lives of some to whom are endowed with genetic mutations for which their DNA is reverting back to twelve strands. They are coming to re-employ the once dormant ninety percent of the brain.

As chemicals within the DNA start to act differently, and start processing “Light” as the new energy source, through the production of new messenger proteins in the DNA, certain words are encoded into the filaments of ones DNA; and these are possessive of Light-codes with certain symbols and information encrypted within them. The words are disinhibited, and released through the phylogenic memory packets in the process of enlightenment as words are the codes, and words are the matter which makes up conscious thought and we have all memorized the 26-symbol array of vibrations known as the alphabet words as tied into the DNA and genetics of the human biological template, and structure, we must imagine the relationship of this concept in the study of the words themselves and we see that “verse” or “universe” as a matter that is made up of Light/Information, is essentially words, and word-encodements found within the thoughts of Universal Mind. The encodements of these words as tied into the human DNA strands, what scientists like to refer as the “junk DNA” are the words that are all vibrating at a unique frequency, and the thought which occurs is often found through a certain mathematically-oriented syllabic array of tones.

Is it possible that within that mysterious unused portion of the DNA, the soul is encoded, and this encodement is holographically-oriented, from piece to piece, as relative to the imagery of the whole..? Is it possible that the very soul is encoded within the DNA; that the soul bears roughly twenty-one grams, and is essentially relative to the matter of the containing host..? Is it possible that words, language, and numbers may tie in directly to the relationship of the soul..? We know that DNA is a helix that twists like a ladder endlessly in a loop, and we know that information is stored within DNA encodements. We know that enlightenment is essentially the process of realizing the presence of Light/Information within ones transformed genetic structure; and we know that symbols will come to pass as directive of our entrance into the final incarnation that these symbols are essentially composed of vibrations that are all equated to conscious thought in the end. We equate the vibrations to words, and the words as encoded within the DNA, are all productive of the “inner paragraph” of seemingly perfect mathematical proportions.

The words that make up the conscious thoughts of the enlightened host, are theoretically possessive of a unique mathematical rhythm that ties into the core-nature of the soul of the subject. The numbers relate on a vibrational level to the information stored within the DNA, and RNA proteins and the words that make up the encodements of the information within the DNA is all a matter for which would seem to bear the weight of twenty-one grams; is a matter of words that are essentially vibration, composed of the same atoms, sub-atomic particles, and even bears some weight – as the “energy” that all of the universe is composed all relative from piece to piece. The sentences flow in rhyming tones, and the paragraphs are of perfect design.

In the case of one individual, one was “enlightened” through the recess of a dream. The book “Welcome To Planet Earth” by Hannah Beaconsfield was resting at ones bedside; to which had not yet been read. Through the linear intake of information learned in logilinear understanding from the subconscious mind, to Universal Mind, to past-lives, and all great theories found therein the experience was to be that one would read the final pages of the book “Many Lives, Many Masters” and then retreat to ones bedroom in order to sleep. Immediately after lying down to sleep, the experience of the dream would take place, as though instantaneous.

One perceived a conversation with God, and God asked the subject if they were ready to enter into the final incarnation. The subject replied with the answer “yes.” And then heard what seemed to be a million different thoughts roaring in static drone within the entire right-brain hemisphere.

The symbol of the caduceus was sent to the subject, and the experience of feeling as though one had literally transformed into the yin-yang symbol of merging of polarities, it would be seen that here through the symbolic encodements, and whatever thought-base must underly, through the inner word encodements, for the symbols to come to pass within the screen of the imagination one was awakened through this symbol; one now relates this symbol to their growth as a message from the universe. All the while, a chapter of the book that had been resting at ones bedside, entitled “The Promise Of The Caduceus” would be read approximately one week later, describing the spiritual relationship of the caduceus in symbolic relationship to the awakening of the subconscious mind. This, it would seem, is very suggestive and direct evidence of enlightenment/DNA activation.

Evidence is mounting for the existence of the human soul; and these symbolic inhibitors it would seem are further evidence of a very meaningful universe. The symbol of the caduceus is also used by the medical community
it is also a symbol that is respected, theoretically, by many other races in the universe. Through the direct physical evidence of the genetic mutation known as the “De Novo” mutation which is a non-hereditary, and permanent change in the genetic structure; we perceive some physical evidence of the human soul that the dimmer switch of ones DNA can be raised at ones own Free Will, epigenetically, and we are here entered into the recess of the final incarnation.

In the great text “Many Lives, Many Masters” by Brian L. Weiss after research performed in the late sixties, and early seventies, it was found that Catherine was incarnating with servitude toward men in each incarnation; spanning across the Earth from race and ethnicity to ethnicity; but remaining the same Gender; often with a similar appearance from life to life; and she found that there were karmic relationships, that she was repeatedly involved with certain people over time she found that these were people in her present-day life; and she was able to relate the past to the present, in order to produce the most beneficial future.

Through her own process of awakening, Catherine succeeded, and she came to understand much about herself for which very many of are rarely as willing to endeavor so far into the recesses of the human soul nonetheless, we are advancing now through time; and the information which is presently available regarding our evolution, from quantum studies, to channeled text, is only rising in universal knowledge; collective spiritual realization; and new thought. We find that we are primordially divine creatures; and that in working with limited materials; the highly limited two-strand DNA; we would eventually come to learn about the natural epigenetics of Free Will over the environs, and come to evolve through time. We would oscillate into the great depths of the low, into the night of time, in order to spring back in the new season. This was all, it would seem, predestined, however not “set time” aside from where some prophets have projected our Free Will would be the matter that carries us to enlightenment, and enlightenment would be the state of knowing for which the entire matrix of incarnations was reaching eclipse.

The New Age, what we refer to this present time in human evolution, is rife with many things to choose from whereas according to Gladwell we are more able to choose when our selection is reduced. Finding the focus and concentration within the mind of the final incarnation; can be troublesome in this changeful world. A friend is lost, someone dies, someone is afflicted with an illness, etc. How we react to these things is what will define our future. Free Will over how we react is the first step toward realization of total peace, harmony, and grace. When we are able to look at the world through meaningful and see the meaning in the details; we shall find that all events are causally relative from piece to piece; and the reaction will occur with understanding, that everything occurs for a logical and scientific reason. Adhering to science, and the belief that there is a logical explanation, is a belief that may be held through some faith in the details of human life; we are alive with great purpose; and a nobel prize awarded to whoever is bold enough to bring such things as free energy to the forefront of human awareness.

Through all of this, we see that Free Will is the stasis for which we always return, and the rules of karma are somewhat fixed. Evidence born in one subject to whom was able to uncover his past-life details, and relate the past to the present, it was learned that one was posessive of traits that carried through from life to life, as a result of their repeated endurance from one experience to the next.

Karma as the universal response to the actions of our Free Will, as the interchanged roles through the wheel of incarnation, and the experiences accrued through the Light/Information of the life-stream; that is recorded into what is referred to as the “life-tape” for which it is a growing theory that has now existed for several decades, that a soul will review their past-life history in order to base the next incarnation. This theory has been explored by many minds; that souls review their lives following death; and it has been explored deeply in the book “Life Between Life” by Joel Whitton. It is suggestive of a system that is based upon meaning, and logic. It is suggestive that the universe is meaningful, and not chaotic. In the text just mentioned, it was also found that whence the soul exits the body, and enters into the bardo of the higher dimensions, they were also found in the presence of what many would refer to as angelic guardians.

It is very logical in many degrees of ones scope, and perspective over reality; that the imagination as the body of God and the karma of ones present incarnation as based upon what is essentially a visual audio sensory representation of the matrix of incarnations has been the result of the imaginations capacity to produce this stream of images, and experiences. In past-life regression, it is so clearly detailed via the imagination how a person will live and die, through many different bodies, and past-life regression is something even science is beginning to logistrate as a very relative, and seemingly meaningful reality in relationship to the complex information that “may or may not” be contained within the unused filaments of human DNA we see, through the holographic representation of one life as connected to the next, that through the densified repetition of certain actions; they are carried from life to life; and evidence is found in many subjects now involved in past-life research, and exploration. By this time, there are some people incarnated on the planet Earth who have come to study the matter of their soul, and learned so much about themselves, there is literally no more need to incarnate again. The present body is taken as the immortalized host eventually found the amorphous shape-shifting soul-embodiment of the metahuman, as realized in the final life.

Referred to as “psychonauts” in one perception, some people are endowed with the great desire to explore the infinite recesses of the soul, and some are very knowledgeable of the many lives, patterns, archetypes, and soul-related encodements that have been densified through time. We are all linked together through Universal Mind, and theoretically we have all been in relationship with one another at some point in Earths, and the universes history. One life learned in relationship to the past is a new scope realized for the present. Through knowledge of the system, we need not go through the process again, but via the enlightened state it is now possible to truly move off the wheel of incarnation, and live that great and wondrous integrative, unitive life of the self-realized metahuman.

The wheel of incarnation, in scientific terms, is related, it will seem, to the concept of cause and effect of the interrelatedness of matter, and the entanglement of energy within a select location of the universe. Once energy is committed to the atmosphere, it leaves a residue, or energy aggregate. This energy is found in what are referred to as standing waves, vibratons that remain on the Earth, and come to become re-integrated (“re-incarnated”) into the presence of a new life-form. The soul which bears the weight of roughly twenty-one grams, will enter the body of the newborn child directly prior to birth and the early years of existence for which one holds no conscious memory are essentially the most enduring; as we are brought back to life through time. Through the endurance of the final incarnation, moving off the wheel of incarnation, one is eclipsing all of these lives into the multidimensional metahuman embodiment of the final one. There is no more need to go through the same process on the planet Earth again, but we can and will employ our Free Will and imagination toward the greater understanding of a self-actualized existence.

In the purpose found in our advancements, we are essentially amorphous and able to take on many forms. As our belief, epigenetically, may be “belief in itself” that we writhe through the theme of some title, label, or deducement; is found, and that this may be existentialist, universalist, experiencer, or whatever title the mind may render; we are aligned with the soul through some understanding of the theme and the theme is thus enhancing to our ability. Whatever the label may be; it exists, and it will be found. Often in the spiritual life people will change their names to a intonated string of sounds that is most vibrationally-oriented to the soul.

The New Age, what we refer to this present time in human evolution, is rife with many things to choose from whereas according to Gladwell we are more able to choose when our selection is reduced. Finding the focus and concentration within the mind of the final incarnation; can be troublesome in this changeful world. A friend is lost, someone dies, someone is afflicted with an illness, etc. How we react to these things is what will define our future. Free Will over how we react is the first step toward realization of total peace, harmony, and grace. When we are able to look at the world through meaningful and see the meaning in the details; we shall find that all events are causally relative from piece to piece; and the reaction will occur with understanding, that everything occurs for a logical and scientific reason.

As we are now coming to study the concept of the human soul, with our references found in the knowledge accrued by certain scientific minds and direct evidence of the karma system, and reciprocity of matter seen through karma, and the wheel of incarnation, we are living in a world of meaning, purpose, and design. For the role interchange, energy exchange, and expressions given to matter within the dimension for which we are presently incarnated into; we have produced a number of standing waves, energy aggregates, and energetic reactions on the planet Earth. We have produced karma through expression, and we have found reaction to be our defining mode of existence. Energy can not be made or destroyed; it simply exists, and all matter is in continual motion. The cause and effect of the third dimension as incarnated on the planet Earth, has been logical and meaningful.

One study on the interconnectedness of life could be the matter that we are mostly composed of, in macroscopic terms, is water. The human body is made up of a majority if water, roughly sixty percent, and the planet Earth is made up of roughly seventy-percent water, which is interesting because the human brain is also made up of seventy percent water. As everyone knows, water is a conductor for electricity.

In our recent studies, found by Masaru Emoto, it has been found through scientific experiments with photography in a very cold room, that words have a direct effect on the crystallization patterns of water molecules. Water would be photographed with a concentrated thought attached to the glass of water, and doubly affected by the influence of the scientists thoughts involved in the study. When photographs were taken of the water crystals after a certain thought was associated with the water, the crystallization patterns would come in unique patterns, visual results of the thought with such thoughts as “love and gratitude” productive of symbiotic, and beautiful patterns, whereas negative thoughts like “you make me sick” would yield distorted patterns. This is somewhat profound, and very suggestive regarding the power of human thought, and our affectation on matter. It is one of the leading new studies in the field of science in our present day and age. And if thought and matter are so intimitaly connected through our human understanding of words, language, and phraseology then maybe there truly is some deep meaning hard-wired into the genetic code of the human race and information is truly a living matter, for which there is essentially meaning to human consciousness.

”You Make Me Sick”

”Love and Gratitude.”

These studies on water crystallization are intriguing, and really case the mind to wonder. Not many people are aware of the studies, as Emoto possesses no scientific background, and much of his work is still perceived as theoretical. Nevertheless, the suggestivity of this in relationship to the imagination as being perceived as the “body of God” the fact that a beautiful thought will yield a beautiful image is suggestive of the univerality of beauty and further, great evidence is seen in the static fact that hallucinogenic drugs like DMT as studied by Strassman are yielding of beautiful images under the proper circumstances, every single time the drug is taken. Other drugs like psilocybin will result in fluctuating, wave-like motions of matter, radiant symbolic images, and beautiful nebulous patterns. As further with drugs like Salvia Divinorum, the experience of “becoming one with matter” is almost universal. Salvia is one of the most mysterious hallucinogenic drugs, referred to as the “Divine Sage” that has been used by many mystic religions, and the mystery for how universal the effect seems to be, from one subject to the next, is only suggestive.

The universality of beauty is seen in the fact that the subconscious mind is naturally productive of images of beauty, and as we look at the crystals of such thoughts as “Love and Gratitude” we are really looking into a reflection of the human soul which is unique, and beautiful in its own biological, and supernal construction. Through the universality of beauty seen in these radiant images, and the suggestion that the third dimension is merely a hologram; beauty is universal; and we are all, it would seem, reflections of the primordial beauty of the Source.

Is it possible to imagine that all living matter within the universe bears some visual form, or image, that can be seen, and perceived, from dimension to dimension..? Theoretically there is life on Venus, and other planets in our solar-system, but we are not able to register their existence through our devices because they simply exist at a different dimension. They are “invisible” to the human eye; but we can imagine how they appear. Another fantastic example of the infinitude of the “visual universe” is how molecules revolve around the nucleus of an atom, and when we stretch this image to the macrocosm of the universe we see that energy swirls around the central point of a galaxy, in a similar image. So piece to piece, holographically, through the imagination, all matter is connected, relative, and logical. How “animation” was first stem, we perceive, as the Prime Mover can be imagined, we theorize the creation of this universe was theoretically begun as a single point of Light within the mind of God that grew, and became larger over time. Eventually matter would come to exist through certain images the presence of life within certain portions of the universe would come to the planet Earth; as a result of the unchanging truth that Earth is one of the most beautiful, verdant, and lovely microcosms of life within all the universe.

When we look at the images of the universe, from nebulas, to auroras, and we see the pervading beauty of life within the trees, the grass, the flowers of spring, and leave-change of autumn; we are entanced with this energy, it is wholly amazing to look at. As the first images of the Earth arrived in the sixties, and we were finally able to attribute image to our world, eventually to the galaxy, we found that existence is very beautiful. Astronauts would visually perceive the Earth from a great distance, and some would see the pervading beauty of the universe. Now that we have telescopes capable of finding such worlds as Kepler-20f (a planet roughly the same size as Earth, entirely covered in water, orbiting a sun much like our own) we are to see that the Milky Way, and the triad of Earth-Sun-Moon and the centrifugal force of rotation of the heavenly bodies; is no chance anomaly, but was something that would be produced by the universe of beauty because beauty prevails, and as such; the Earth is a verdant, beautiful, and amazing locale.

We found that the universe is naturally productive of images of beauty, and the recent tests on water are only short of suggestive. The mind naturally productive of beauty as clearly witnessed in studies with DMT by Strassman, and the seemingly “universality” of beauty found in the experience of most altered states; it would seem that beauty prevails in this universe.

Aurora Borealis

Beauty is universal in the holographic construct of the third dimension. If it can be imagined, it must exist somewhere somehow in this quantum universe. When we see the radiant beauty of an aurora, such as in the Winter of Alaska, and we see how the reactions within the atmosphere are productive of these fantastic sights; everything from a blue sky interspersed with clouds, and light shining down through the firmament of the many gaseos formations is reflective of a world of beauty. Taking into consideration the use of certain psychadelic drugs like Salvia, we see that beauty will often express itself through what would seem interdimensional contact. Is it possible that through some altered states, we reach the higher dimensions, and further, is it possible that the natural images of beauty yielded through the use of certain drugs that we are on contact with the essence of the soul..? Is it possible that within every six trillion cell of the human host, that within each cell is composed the holographic image of the whole..?

Studies would prove that memory is stored nonlocally in the brain, in which when chunks of the brain are removed from a subject, the memory remains. Through this nonlocal distribution of memory, we perceive some evidence of the nonlocal distribution of matter within a holographic universe. When patients who are hooked up to a computer to have their brainwaves monitored, and asked to look at a certain image, certain portions of the brain would light up. It was found that when the same image was imagined with the eyes closed, that the same portions of the brain lit up, suggesting that the mind can not tell the difference between what it sees and what it remembers. The “imagination as the body of God” is our reality mechanism; hospitals are filled with patients whose subconscious minds got the best of them. We have had evidence for the power of the mind for over a century now, from early researchers into autosuggestion like Emile Coue, to the metaphysical research performed by Jung, to the treatise on the law of attraction released mid-century by U.S. Andersen. Recent texts like “The Genie Within” by H. W. Carpenter are so definitive, we are now literally capable of re-programming ourselves.

The “subconscious mind” which is the entire right-brain hemisphere of the brain, is operative on emotion, feeling, and imagination. It resides infinitely in the present tense. It has no sense of past or future, however, paradoxically, it is aware of the movements of time, through a goal-oriented function. As the subconscious mind is always working and absolutely never sleeps it possesses its own unique rhythm, and flow of feeling, and energy.

Chapter Three: The Recess of the Mind

In our studies regarding the mind, we have come to learn that the alpha-state which is the state between waking and dreaming, for which we are in a meditative state, is the most programmable state of mind, it is when our thoughts are in direct connection with the imagination and the subconscious mind. We enter the alpha state through practiced meditation. Through the practiced exercise of the mind, through creative expressions like rhyme, and poetics, and through the practiced exercise of the imagination through mantra, we may event our way into the half-awake state of the alpha-wave patterns, and here, come to feed ourselves the belief-patterns that we would like to see. For example, repeating the thought “I like myself” one hundred, to a thousand times a day, will result in a more confident and positive individual.

Emile Coue who coined the powerful affirmation “Better and better, every day” was a believer in what is known as autosuggestion. By repeating a phrase in focus toward an individual, the repeated thought would entrain upon the mind a certain result, from healing, to abundance. At present, hypnosis is still perceived as a very mysterious field of study, but as it is possible for a subject to be “talked into the trance state” we see evidence of the power of words, of autosuggestion, and the natural forces of the programmer in connection with the mind. As all matter within the universe is encompassed by Universal Mind, and thought as made up of words and images and consciousness progresses through the endurance of ones ability to manifest experiences and relationships, through the natural attractor-gravitator force of mind, we are living in a world that is governed by thought. As thought can be imagined in the form of waves, the abstract representation known as a waveform, and the waveform can be observed as we speak into the microphone, just as one may sing in rhythm to the ticking of a metronome the ancient mystic Rolle once would say that “thought turned to song” is the highest act. As the universe is now being understood as made up of super-strings, vibration, and frequencies, we see some logic toward the endeavoring to imagine the waveform of thought. Being able to attach image to thought will only enhance it, and anyone gifted with a voice, and knowledge of computers, can find the free music program known as Audacity, and see the many bumps, juts, and curves that make up the image/waveform of ones thoughts.

Speech Waveform

We are all in essence waveforms when we look at our thoughts on a computer; and if it were possible for a mind to be read by a computer, we would probably see a waveform amid other things. As EEG studies will show the brainwave patterns of a subject, and these two are perceived in waves, and oscillations, it would seem that “waveforms” or simply waves, hold great truth in reference to the matter that composes the universe.

A waveform is the imagined shape and form of a signal such as a wave moving in a physical medium. The waveform represents the behaviour of the sound in the time domain, and its shape is indicative of the frequency content of the sound. All human thought is productive of waveforms, and thought can be imagined as seen. There are many different types of waveforms, from the triangle wave, the square wave, the sawtooth wave, and pulse waves. Certain sounds possess a certain image. When we take this understanding back to the view of water crystallization, and how concentrated thought (as well as music, it was found) will produce certain crystallizations, a certain image, we see that there is, perceivably, an “image” for virtually every manifestation of thought and energy.

All sounds have occurred through the movement of atomic particles. Sound is a pressure disturbance that moves through a medium in the form of mechanical waves. When a force is exerted on an atom, it moves from its rest or equilibrium position and exerts a force on the adjacent particles, and these adjacent particles are moved from their rest position and this continues throughout the medium. This transfer of energy from one particle to the next is how sound travels through a medium. All sound is productive of a certain vibration; that we all possess a unique vibration for our thought-waves is found, and as such, there are some relationships that resonate better than others, due to the natural archetypes.

Sound or pressure waves are made up of compressions and rarefactions. Compression happens when particles are pressed together. Rarefaction occurs when particles are given extra space and allowed to expand. As the particles are moved from their rest position, they exert a force of the adjacent particles and pass the kinetic energy; thus sound energy travels outward from the source. Without a medium there are no particles to carry the sound waves. The word "particle" denotes a tiny concentration of matter capable of transmitting energy. A particle could be an atom or molecule. In places like space, where there is no atmosphere, there are too few atomic particles to transfer the sound energy.

On Earth, we live within an environment that would seem to be productive of many harmonies, orchestras, and music of the mind. We live in a world that is flowing with waveforms, undulations, and oscillations in thought-pattern. The great datasphere of human thought is flowing with a plethora of waveforms.

When a conversation between individuals is shared, we are productive of resonance of our vibrations, as we will converse often in such a way as to operate through feeling and emotion; thus communicating the waveforms of emotion. The “mix” produced by our conversation is the true evolver, that through mind-to-mind contact we are productive of waveforms that resonate at a very high frequency, and as such, a very powerful rate of compression and rarefaction.

Through the newfound vibration in shared thought, and the interpolation from mind to mind
we are also outputting the intonations that are known as syllables. A syllable is simply the tonal unit of speech, such that all thought and speech are possessive of a unique intonation, and multi-syllabic array. In meditation, we may have a thought that seems to occur from out of nowhere in understanding this rogue thought, we may reduce it to a mere number in the understanding of the syllables. Most thoughts occur in five to ten syllables. Thoughts rarely exceed thirty syllables. As we are all unique, so we may all have our own personal understanding of the rhythm, and vibration of each thought. In numerology, via the natural adding machine of the subconscious mind we may deduce that a vibration of a word is found through adding up the alphanumeric values, such that a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, etc. Here, we reduce thought to a mere vibration as found through the letters that compose the word (as all letters within the alphabet possess a unique vibration) in the process of perhaps the word “ZEN” which is Z = 26 + E = 5 + N = 14 = 45. The subconscious mind naturally adds the resulting numbers together, and then divides them. 4 + 5 = 9 = /3 = 3, so the vibration of the word ZEN is 3. The meaning of this number is held by the mind of the subject, which ranges from subject to subject.

As words all possess a unique vibration, and words are all encoded within the filaments of our DNA; and numerology can also theoretically decode behavior through a subjects name; whereas astrology is in dealing with the archetype for when a subject was born; numbers are relative from thought to thought; “before there was language, there were numbers.” So we see that in the effort of counting our thought-syllables, viewing thought as waveform, and understanding the imaginetic qualities of thought is creative of a greater understanding of Light and Information
as that is the primary essence through which the universe is composed.

The theory that words are encoded into our DNA in reference to vibration is an interesting study on the concept of how matter is informational, and relative from one piece to the next. Through the holographic entanglement of matter found in vibration, to which every thought every word possesses a unique vibration, and all is holographically relative toward the uni-verse of information. Through the resonance produced in the music of the minds and the true evolver which is the sharing of our ideas, and self-concepts; we are in production of a great and vast orchestra of Light and Information.

Chapter Four: The Free Will universe

There is talk in the New Age that we live in what is known as the Free Will universe. What this means in relationship to human life, is that we are in a dimension for which has been governed by some rules evidence that our Free Will has been reduced for the advancement of other species. As the human genetics are theoretically primordially endowed with the full twelve-strand encodement, and it was only allegedly through genetic experiments that resulted in the double helix, we are as though “limited consciousness within a greater sphere of limitlessness.” The double helix, as cut off from the Spirit save for the recesses of the subconscious mind, is, it would seem, a very limited inhabitance. Through whatever science, process, or event, the planet is rising in vibration and we are now in the recess for which the dimmer switch of our DNA can be raised through epigenetics via our own unique Free Will.

Referred to as the “Divine Dispensations” by afamed channel Sal Rachele, we are now in the presence of many self-enlightened individuals, who have come from far and wide to incarnate in the human body. Some refer to themselves as starseeds, like Philip K. Dick who imagined through his own process of enlightenment that he possessed extraterrestrial DNA. Theoretically, we are all E.T. to the planet Earth in that our energy was not just alchemically manifested here, but has come from another Source. In the book “Other Worlds, Other Lives” exploitative researcher Brad Steiger contains several accounts in past-life regression that resulted in the soul-details for which an individual had lived on an entirely different world.

The Pleiades, and Sirius, as well as Arcturus, and Zeta Reticulum, are amongst some of the most interesting systems of life that seem to exist in the Free Will universe. The idea that the human race are alone on this remote cell is a far-fetched thought, however equally far-fetched the concept of ships coming from the stars to leave crop circles in our fields. Most crop circles are allegedly produced by the Pleiadians, in fact, virtually all of them. The Pleiadians are a group who have operated through the seven sisters of the Pleiades constellation, but were originated from the Lyra/Vega as branched off from a race allegedly known as the Lyrans. They were allegedly some of the first to walk on the planet Earth, and it is theorized that we all have some Lyran and Pleiadian in our DNA. Most crop circles are symmetrical, and seem to employ mathematical precision. They have been emulated by humans, this is true, but the human crop circles are desperately crude. Just as the pyramid of Giza was allegedly constructed through E.T. influence, and we stand amazed at so many petraglyphs and megalithic structures
to the high-definition photographs of pyramids on Mars as collected by Hoagland, to the cosmically-clued-in Dogon tribe who knew about the blackhole of Sirius B well before any scientist or astrophysicist had ever discovered it. Fred Bell, who worked for the government, would witness hundreds of UFO’s (bogeys) heading down toward Mexico, and see how the files are shredded by human hands because the material “makes no sense.” Steiger, Royal, Sitchin, and so many researchers have succeeded in exploiting the E.T. presence and yet so few of us stand unaware of them, thus no expectation for communion.

Some individuals like Sheldan Nidle, Fred Bell, Tuella, Royal are selected by E.T.’s for the exploitation of their presence. Through these messengers we have come to learn about our galactic history and where the human race stands amid the great orchestra of all life. Some have even been abducted in their infancy, to which reports have surfaced of experiences in seeing a figure in the distance within the recess of a great, and vast interstellar craft. The figure would teleport face-to-face with the subject, peer directly into their eyes, as though stating telepathically “I am here, you are not alone. Now how are you going to live your life..?” these reports have suggested the appearance of the being was pale, expressionless, and noseless. I was this person, and I will not forget my dream.

The presence of other life on the planet Earth has mostly been expressed through a race known as the Zeta Reticulans. They are a mass mind of clones who all look, think, and act the same. Originated from a race known as the Lyrans, the Zeta’s would evolve on what was known as the apex planet, recede into the underground cities as a result of the overpowering sun of their world
through which over time the entire planet would become re-located to the system of Zeta Reticulum. The Zeta’s allegedly faced extinction due to their lack of emotion and it was found that the Earth would be a positive grounds for learning about individuality. So the Zeta’s came to the Earth, their presence was apparent in the fifties, and it is allegedly theorized that the U.S. government has Zeta technology, in exchange for allowing tests to be performed on human subjects. The tests are not violating of Free Will, but are selected upon individuals to whom are open to the experience. In my case, I was selected in the window of a time in my life when I would be unable to react with any form of logic, thus, the image of the pale noseless visitor in my psyche at the infantile age of two was a primer for the life of a wanderer an inhibitor placed within my mind to prime me with the concept of other life. We live in a world where films like Skyline, Independence Day, and War Of The Worlds have taken helm over better films such as Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and E.T. Our media is actively desensitizing us to the concept of other life through sensationalistic means, and if you were asked by someone “do you believe in aliens..?” chances are if you answered yes, you will be judged for your belief.

There is meaning to life, however, in the concept of a plethora of colorful life-forms within the Free Will universe. In the interesting book “Portals and Corridors” by Whitney, the imagination provides the concept of many different colorful life-forms, and how they might behave. What are known as “ascended masters” are individuals who succeeded in moving off the wheel of incarnation, and entered into their own final incarnations through their own evolution. Sananda, Ashtar, Kuthumi, St. Germain, and others, have been recorded through channeled text such as presented by Tuella, Klein, and others. At this epoch in time, we are now in the recess of what is known as “channeled text” which is technically streaming-consciousness writing that is generated by the very soul-essence. Jane Roberts broke the ice with “Seth Speaks” in the early seventies, and now we have such books as Bringers of the Dawn, by Marciniak, to such obscure texts as “Cosmic Continuum” (Norma) seemingly dictated with a certain purity of form
all the way to such ancient documents as the Emerald Tablets, or the treatise on cosmology, and the universe, (Eureka) channeled by Edgar Allan Poe at the end of his life.

Through the presence of channeled text, namely the collected works of Lyssa Royal, and Sal Rachele, we are learning of the science of the ultimates of matters to which are wholly enhancing, and improve our life and status within the universe. Other writers such as Tuella (now passed) would channel ascended masters, and has come to produce a great body of work however far-fetched much of it may seem. The walk-in known as Hannah Beaconsfield, has channeled a vast body of information ranging from subconscious symbolism, to DNA activation. Channeled text, as direct transmissions from a specified entity or the akashic records is invitive of the conept of other life; and it would make sense that other life-forms would first prime us, and communicate with us through the subconscious mind.

In streaming consciousness dictation we are capable of channeling the subconscious mind, and opening this flow up to the presence of another life-form. I know it must strike the heart as unbelievable, fantastical, or even
schizophrenic but if one is to take into account the great body of information that now exists relating it from author to author, from Roberts, to Marciniak, to Royal, one is starting to see that universal principles are contained; and there is great logic and meaning to the text. We are further inhibited on a subconscious level through the presence of crop circles; whereas only so many of us have ever truly “been aboard the ship” in an interventionary measure such as Fred Bell, and others, have experienced. At present we continue to be inhibited on a subconscious level we continue to amass channeled text from a plethora of sources, and we continue to learn about the science of the ultimates.

The absurdity of the fact we are still not in total conscious connection with other life is something for which is very likely nye to change. However just as absurd the perceived meeting of extraterrestrial and human, we have been primed, and the subconscious efforts found in channeled text, crop circles, and UFO sightings, is rising to the surface of human awareness.

Through conscious acceptance of other life, we need not be afraid. However xenophobic, or possessing “fear of the unknown” the beauty of the crop circles we see is only suggestive of a beautiful race. The Pleiadians who have essentially come from the Lyra/Vega sector of the universe, to whom “graduated” from their own world thus creating worth in visiting ours are a benevolent race of storytellers, for whom are theoretically possessive of the imagined “alien” visage of big eyes, not much of a nose, and usually short stature. Through ascended masters that are humanoid, and look much like your every day human we perceive the greatest messengers for other life, from the cosmic details channeled by Tuella related to a group of ascended masters who operate on Venus. These “masters” have come to evolve into their own finalized incarnations, to whom are immortalized, do not age, but pray almost solely upon the Light of the universe.

The ascended masters channeled by Klein are wholly caring toward the human race, and only want us to see a graceful and smooth transition into the recess for which we are re-integrated into the cosmic family. The ascended masters, through such messengers as Sananda, and Kuthumi, are influencing our consciousness now. It is theorized their technology extends to the existence of what is known as the akashic computer. Here, we perceive a device that can log in to any point in human, or galactic history, and view it on the holoscreen. This device is also theoretically used to monitor humans, from one incarnation to the next.

As we are perceived as a race of very colorful creatures, and individuals, in this melting pot known as the planet Earth
it has come to pass that we would be influenced, many of us, through the presence of abduction dreams. As I have been selected as “one messenger” toward the concept for other life, as a result of the experience in my infancy which was not repressed, but wholly recalled for the entirety of my Earthly existence I am an existentialist, and I base my beliefs off of my experiences. So it goes, if one is abducted at a young age, it is thus theorized they possess some link to other life-forms. I have also seen the distant, erratic stop-and-go movements of what appear to be very distant fireflies. Where is the sense in such an experience from a foreign creature staring into your eyes to the experience of witnessing a distant UFO..?

We are caused to wonder, and the answers are never fully known. This great art project known as the planet Earth
is being studied, for our uniqueness and individuality, but where logic is not extant in the concept of an aquarium, with life within the aquarium that are being ontologically “terrorized” by the presence of those to whom exist outside of the aquarium..? We see that the human race, as unique reflections of the Source are somewhat cozy in their own little world. We have science, religion, and philosophy. We have many reasons to provide ourselves with the thought that “other life” holds no pertinence in our present reality. Yet, the crop circles continue to amass particularly in Europe where there is a growing interest in extraterrestrials, and one crop circle has even been reported to contain the mathematical equasion of pi. We can not deny what is planted directly before our eyes.

Contains mathematical equasion for Pi.

So we may watch a movie like Signs, and have some fear about other life. We may watch the film “knowing” and perceive the E.T.’s as saviours. We have much in the media to present a plethora of thoughts regarding other life, and it would seem that the human race stands at a somewhat midway point of understanding that we are about 50% certain, and 50% unsure. We are as though an art project, contained within an aquarium, in the “dream” of the third dimension and the E.T.’s are trying to wake us up from the dream. Lyssa Royal who presents detailed information regarding the history of the E.T.’s, and the history of life on Earth presented by Rachele in his channeled material, we see great evidence for how these life-forms would evolve, only to find the Earth as an interesting location to co-mingle. As there are individuals who have seen a UFO up-close, with time-loss involved, and I know a pair of individuals who together witnessed a glowing orb once being lowered down from Cadillac Mountain in Bar Harbor, which then receded back into the horizon. There are many who are afraid of talking about their experiences for fear of being judged, but so we are now coming to see through the benevolence of such races as the Sirians, and Pleiadians, “communion” with these life-forms will probably be all-enhancing, and wholly accepted by the collectively awareized human race.

As communion has technically already begun with the subconscious mind, and unconscious processes, we are being primed for physical, conscious communion. We would not have crop circles in our fields unless we were collectively advancing as a race. The non-interference act that prevents beings who exist at a higher vibration from consciously tampering with the evolution of a race that is less evolved, is now in flux, for which the Pleiadians are leaving crop circles in our fields, the Sirians are transmitting channeled messages into many individuals, and such races as the Zeta’s are almost 100% satisfied in their dealings with the Earth, and are prepared to move on. At this present epoch in time, we are dealing with energies come far and wide from across the Free Will universe
and much has come to pass with the planet Earth. We are a melting pot for many different life-forms. Allegedly the former world leaders of Atlantis, have re-incarnated into our present world, and are ignorantly repeating history as they might. As the bombs would go off in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and we are now fully capable of destroying oureslves this remote aquarium, this science project from the stars, is nearing a point for which it may become wholly necessary assistance from other life. As it has already begun with dreams, and sightings, as it has already begun with crop circles and we can relate these things with the logic of the conscious mind . . . we can observe the undeniable truth that we are not alone and we can accept that communion on a conscious level is primed to occur in the near future, within our present lifetimes.

We are learning that the karma of these beings is tied into that of our own, as the primordial Founders, Lyrans, and all early races, have come to have their own dramas, and experiences, which would be carried to the Earth
that they have their own issues is seen, and as such, they only hold interest with a human race that is possessive of free energy, and lives in symbiosis with the Earth. Referred to as a “class 3” civilization, we become integrated into the cosmic family through the fact that we accept peace, and longevity, destroy our weapons, and move into the Light of a life of the greatest purpose, value, mission, and intent. The great “plan” as hard-wired into our collective DNA; which has existed for as long as time and physicality has existed; is a plan that is reaching fruition. The plan, however not fully known, is at least subconsciously understood. We know that peace is the end-result, and symbiosis is the mark of our collective change. We know that we are “getting much closer” and the time for global communion is nye to be upon us.

Chapter Five: Enlightenment

Personally, I struggle with the concept that we are not capable of becoming enlightened. It is my belief that through the endurance of our own Free Will, anyone who is capable of self-awareness can become enlightened. There are biological changes that come with the transformation, and these will be described.

Enlightenment, as suggested, is found in the release of complex DNA information through the disinhibition of phylogenic memory packets within the DNA. It is the experience to which the presence of Light/Information is cast into the filaments of ones illumined DNA; and we are found within the recess of the final life. One will become enlightened as a result of learning through a linear intake of information, for example, from books that relate at first to the body, tension, and how all things perceived are essentially signals within the brain; furthered to the study of instinct and the subconscious mind; furthered to the study of God, past-lives, and the wheel of incarnation. As a result of this logilinear slope of learning, we find ourselves within the cosmo-cathartic now-point elocuting the thought “I believe this . . . I think I believe this.” And then, suddenly, everything has changed.

We wake up from a vivid dream, a deep meditation, a revelation, with the spark of mysticality. We feel that a change has occurred within us; and we will know that the change is real. Enlightenment is wholly achievable by anyone, it is simply a matter of ones essential re-integration into the spiritual life; after that prolonged detour into duality and separation. The Light-codes were always dormant within the filaments of the subjects DNA, and they were bound to be activated through time. One was predestined for enlightenment, and the experience was activated through Free Will. Referred to as the “dream of awakening”
one will have a dream that wakes them up to the recess of the final incarnation; moving off the wheel of incarnation once and for all.

Here one will become re-integrated into the spiritual life after so many years of darkness, and learn of their true place within the all-connexive symmetry of human life. One is awakened to their lifes purpose, the One True Mission, and starts to perceive some remote details of the Great Plan.

As a result of enlightenment, cells behave differently at the genetic level. The degree of enlightenment is measured through the cells ability to metabolize Light as the new source for energy. As suggested, there is more ATP (adenosine triphosphate) whereas energy was primarily shuttled back and forth through adenisoine
diphosphate, and adenosine triphosphate. As ATP is an energy storage compound found within the cells, and the enlightenment is essentially the re-activation of the once-dormant strands of DNA referred to as “junk DNA” new directives are being given to the cells in order to behave in a new way. Through the presence of Light in the DNA, Light is being recognized as the new energy source. It is literally a transformation into what was once wholly physical, into the metahuman, to whom is losing density, become rarefied, and “rising in spiritual vibration.”

Upon activation, brain chemistry is changing, to produce new synapses. The chemical bonds, and chemical reactions at the genetic level are wholly enhancing the host to which the attainment of immortality is found. In the highest levels of the enlightened state, we no longer rely on food or sleep, but are fueled almost wholly by the Light of our DNA. There are “mutational symptoms” including flu-like symptoms, headaches, and a ringing in the ears. The initial shift from a mortal carbon-based body, into the immortalized host, can come with its own growing pains and symptoms that relate to the change at the genetic level. As enlightenment is literally the presence of “Light” which is information, within the DNA; and this is activation of the once-dormant strands of DNA that contains the cosmic history of the individual, the Light/Information which is past-life information, is cycled into the awareness of the individual, and they may have profound past-life recall.

Prior to the enlightened state, ribonucleic acid (RNA) in the cells was acting as a one-way messenger. It was carrying directives from the present ten-percent of the DNA, to other parts of the cells for execution; such as to what proteins to synthesize. In the enlightened state, through epigenetics, the RNA starts to act as a
two-way messenger. Through the process that follows enlightenment, the details of ones past-life history is starting to rise to the surface, as the Light is becoming awareized by the thoughts of the subject. There is a dialogue now taking place between the body and the Spirit, as realizant of an integrative whole. In mysticism, this state is referred to as illumination as we are found within the “unitive” life.

Through the endurance of the Light as the new energy-source, there are color-encodements that contain information within the DNA of the subject. For each successive “level” of enlightenment, there is a specified color associated with this level of awareness. Colors are hard-wired into our DNA just as with words. Through the changes of the enlightened state, there are a multitude of mental stages through the change in brain chemistry, and the electromagnetics of the brain. The hemispheres of the brain are starting to integrate, and become One. The endurance of “non-linear” thinking is eventually found, with an understanding of the chaos theory. The idea is that however patternless the details, there is always a logical and meaningful result. As it has come to pass that enlightenment was the meaningful result, all events following the realization of Light within the body is going to be seen through the presence of what seems to be “new information” within ones life.

In the endurance of the enlightened state, we are starting to build relationships and experiences that hold the highest Light and value to our Earthly existence. As we have come to incarnate on the planet Earth in the recess of the New Age in a time when it would become possible to become
physically enlightened we see that these new relationships, and experiences, are all focused through the understanding that “we are all in this together” and the network of Light that we start building through the endurance of the Informational Light within our DNA; is a network that will be carried through infinity. In the shift from human into metahuman, we are starting to shift our view over reality. We are entering into a whole new reality. The prolonged “dark night of the soul” experienced in the highly limited two-strand DNA was merely a test of our Free Will. God was inclined, and God was kind enough to endow us with Free Will. God knew that his creatures would go through a period of darkness for a time, in order to realize the overwhelming Light. This was all necessary in reference to the chaos theory that however patternless, there is always a logical and meaning result.

Through enlightenment, one essentially wakes up to their true life purpose. This which is however a biological shift not merely a ‘state of mind’ but a state of being, is contained of its many symptoms, as described, and for some people the shift can be very painful. In this recess, we are coming to see that it becomes necessary to “live our Light” express our beliefs without fear, and however alienated some old relationships may be, if these relationships are not interested in your highest evolution: they must be cycled out. Through the new relationships forged as a result of the entrance into the life of greatest purpose and meaning and through the expressions of our Light through whatever creative medias we may employ, from all facets of densification as poetry, lectures, books, art-work, music, and all forms of creativity. We see great evidence of enlightened individuals who woke up to their purpose in life as having been found as a life for which is lived for the sake of raising the collective vibration of the race, and of the Earth.

From such enlightened ones as Drunvalo Melchizedek, to Hannah Beaconsfield, we see these people are inclined toward the “greater good” of humanity, as Melchizedek has contained sacred geometry, and DNA activation methods within his Flower of Life series, and Beaconsfield is a stellar example of how transformed one individual will be, to realize new abilities; and she is a fantastic writer.

Enlightened individuals are extant all across the Earth at this time; fixed like ley-lines that are raising the planets vibration through our expressions of unconditonal love. The mission, it shall seem, is toward collective evolution. As we come to cycle out old patterns, old relationships, toward the formation of the new
as we come to endeavor into studies that further our human understanding as we come to find others to whom are enlightened, and start to build a spiritual network; as we wholly realize we are alive in the New Age and the past-life information shall relate, it will seem, to the present reality. Past-life information as dredgable previous to enlightenment solely through the subconscious mind now becomes a matter of conscious thought; that we have conscious recall of our past on the Earth is found, and it shall seem that enlightenment for many is the realization we have lived before.

The quest for immortality has been sought by countless mystics and seers through time. Through the presence of the New Age, enlightenment is now something we can all possess. One is realizant of the fact that some minds may not be cozy in accepting this truth that immortality is attainable but the soul is immortal; we were never really born, we never really die; we simply re-locate. The truth of the matter is that animation is the final answer and so through our newfound expressions in the Light, through our enhanced belief-patterns, and the understanding that we can take this body with us, into the higher dimensions; we have succeeded in the purpose to coming to Earth to oscillate from beauty, into madness, back into beauty, for the oscillation back into beauty to be all-powerful in respect to the darkness that was endured. Having lived blind to the Spirit for a period of time, we learned many experiences as a result of limited DNA, in a limited dimension, but now that enlightenment is globally possible as a result of the Earth’s movements through time, in her own spiritual evolution we see that “the shift lies in the individual” and “the world does not change until we change ourselves.”

As such, it only takes one person to change the tides of the collective reality. It only takes two seconds to believe in someone; and we all have required teachers and metors of some form. One is never born a recluse, unto a world with zero relationships for which enlightenment may be found without the presence of others. One IS born into a world, with countless life-forms, in a region of the universe that is made up of many different colors and hues of existence. Through the concept of what are referred to as “Guides” we are catalyzed into the spiritual life. We take inspiratory value from the presence of our fellow enlightened one, and we hope to actualize to a similar state of perfection. We see their process is great, and their experiences are divine. We want this for ourselves, and so we seek to learn.
Christ, Buddha, Lau Tzu, we have been primed through the enlightened ones of days past, and the fixture in the mind
of a radiant Light is plainly seen through the endurance of which “the second coming of Christ is a matter of the multitude” as such, there will be many enlightened ones walking the Earth, and the entire planet will be teleconnected with biologically, and supernally enhanced individuals. This has already started to take place with many, and the evidence is suggestive with such genetic mutations as the De Novo mutation, and the tri-strand DNA found in the genetic encodements of indigo children, we are evolving to this day. It is a matter of acceptance; of the radiant truth we need not wake up blind to the soul ever again. We now come to find through the endurance of the final incarnation, that the law of attraction is amplified and whatever thoughts are possessed will instantly yield results. This may be scary at first, but thoughts will be assimilated such as to function with the greatest control over the natural gravitator-attractor force of the mind. We can either make a heaven or hell out of this world. The choice lies within the Free Will of the individual. The third dimension, as merged with the fourth, via the active karma systems of many enlightened individuals is now realizing a totally new template for existence; and through the enlightened civilization of the “New Earth” that has been prophesied, we are nye to find ourselves within a rebirth of Lemuria, a rebirth of the Essene brotherhood. This shall come to pass as a time for peace and longevity, and symbiosis with the Earth.

Snow Imprint by the Pleiadians

Enlightenment as essentially a result of information information that is alive, and takes on a life of its own; such that the miasms, the pain, the misery, of the quantum aeffect of many lives affecting the final incarnation is nye for eclipse that many lives were lived for the sake of the final one is found. Here, within the recess of the final life; within enlightened cognizance, activated to the prescience of the living moment, the now-point realized; whence we are enamored with our ability to think, act, and express when our creativity flows naturally whence we are awareized whence are seemingly One with the universe the cell amid the greater river of cells leading out to the great body of the ocean. We see ourselves within the recess, within the great divide; walking that dark road toward the Light that lies at the end of the tunnel. The Light is approaching at equirelative speed, and the stopping-distance has been programmed. The mind now imagines what is termed Light convergence and that teleportive, synchronistic, event of being in all the right places at all the right times through the convergence of Light is now found, and we find ourselves in the new place.

The thought which occurs following this awareness is wholly divine; and this newfound sentience of which the mystical spark is realized, the Light/Information flowing holographically within each cell that composes the image of the whole the energy which is naturally-occurring the flow as a riverlight accord with All That Is the thought which is seemingly of perfect syllabic intonation the thought which is shifting from subject to subject in active prescience, in active future-sight; the imagination alive; the imagination wholly attracting whatever event occurs next all is relative; all is meaningful; all makes sense within the eyes of purpose and we see these things which occur in the stasis of enlightenment were only eventual. It was inevitable that we would wake up from the dream with a new awareness, and it was eventual that the dream would contain symbolic encodements that awaken us to the final life. In the final analysis, we see that the question is now starting to yield some answers and that mysterious God Particle within the human DNA strand has now coming to life through the living information and we are in the process of waking up from the dream of how things used to be. Eventually, we will look back on our life, our vices, our old patterns, and reflect that it was somewhat alien in its own right compared to the recess of the final incarnation. Some may look back on certain ways they used to think and behave; and know that it was simply a conditioned response within a limited consciousness.

The limited consciousness we experienced through stunted DNA, was only a test to see if we could make it to the other side. Which, of course, was eventual. Even souls with incomplete karma are afforded another final incarnation; somewhere. We do not really die, either way, we simply re-locate, it would be theorized, and energy to which is infinite can not be made or destroyed; but simply channeled, and employed. The soul which is made up of the infinite energy that has been born through the primordial spark theorized by so many minds; the concept of the “Source” through which all matter has primordially arose;
is connected and moving together. This which is held in omnirelative regard, from piece to piece, as quantumly, and holographically entangled, is a goal-oriented process as governed by Universal Mind, and the goal-oriented process as realizant of enlightenment as the perceived convergence of Light within the mind is the realization of a process that was set to occur at some point within the subjects life. Transformation is something which many of us come to experience at some point in our life. It is a natural product of evolution, and it is occurring at an accellerating rate . . .

Chapter Six: The Beauty Of The Universe

The universe is naturally product of images of great and profound beauty. We see this in the evidence of auroras, and the image of galaxies, to the image of nebulous conglomorates, and energy-masses within the great recesses of outer space. The sun is already radiantly cast down upon the Earth (which is seen as a bright blue star, in the distance) we are all products of a beautiful world; and nature as we see in so many locales of the world; to the simple gardens, and feng shui of an epigenetically-regarded environ, are all relative from piece to piece in the final analysis we see that this matter of which is beautiful, in essence, and bearing meaning, will express itself through time throughout ones life to keep one enamored with the vivacity of life, and ever-entranced with the startling sights and sounds, from great art-work and music, to great sights, one may meditate on any image at any time shut their eyes, and illumine the same parts of the brain by imagining the same image and then open ones eyes again, to gather new images, re-integrate these into the greater whole, to which is made up of beautiful parts, and eventually possess a total image of the space within the mind. This method has been recorded through many meditations as highly effective toward getting grounded in the moment; and especially when we are acknowledging the beauty of the world we are in a stasis of awareness that is projected into an awareness of the hologram of reality; and through meditation on some of the crop circles, and nebulas contained within this text, one will perhaps become so entranced.

The purpose of this is to inhibit the imagination with a sense of growing, and rising sense of meaning and value. The purpose is to remind the soul of the beauty that exists out in the universe, and within, that to which is essentially made up of the same atoms and sub-atomic particles as the eyes to which the image is viewed, we are connected to these images of beauty
and we are cast into a state of wonder upon realizing that such things are truly real.

The nebulas, the planets, the crop circles, and the symbolic value of these things as suggestive of a greater world that is always lying just above the aperture of ones sight toward the radiant sun bleeding through the clouds to the stars that shine at night. The beauty surrounds us, and we are always in an environment which can always be changed in décor and feng shui toward a greater sense of beauty.

The visual side of this, as beauty can be produced in geoglyphic patterns through acrylic paint, or energy-patterns can be produced through high contrast color reversals on images made up of a repeated symbol
we are activating the imagination further through writing and especially through lyricism and poetry. Poetry tied into rhyming thought, as productive of natural rhythms, and based upon the metre of ones own declaration we are to see many forms of beauty expressed through art and creative thought and these things which are naturally-occurring, as in this moment anyone can imagine a sunny beachside, or an island in the sun.

Thought as a living matter that is productive of beauty, in her own rhythms and accord; we see through the beauty of the universe
that the trees blowing in autumn wind, or the snow that falls in Maine, the coastal regions of so many populated locales of plentiful and peace-loving existences; to the imaginable Utopia’s of ecological and symbiotic regard we may see the shining cities of crystal obelisks of Lemuria, the portals of time, the quasars, and the supernovas. The sun as the local star, the moon as the local satellite. The stars as an infinite reminder of our true home, and the beauty of the universe evident in everything that is connected.

Aurora Borealis x1

Aurora Borealis x2

Nebula 1

Nebula 2

Nebula and Planet 1 (Original)

Nebula and Planet 2 (Original)

Crop Circle a1

Crop Circle a2

Crop Circle b1

Crop Circle b2

The universality of beauty seen within auroras, planets, and crop circles all hold symbolic value to the subconscious mind. As the conscious mind will derive meaning, the subconscious derives emotion and understanding. When we look at these images, we are connecting with the imaginations capacity to truly flex toward the production of seemingly divine, and other-wordly images. Wholly amazed by crop circles, stunned by nebulous masses, and intrigued by the presence of the aurora borealis in our night-skies. We have much in the world that is beautiful, and the universe is in essence a beautiful realm. We know this clearly when we take certain hallucinogenic drugs, that the mind is naturally productive of beauty. Through the universality of most experiences with Salvia Divinorum, it is further suggested that beauty is something which seems to link all matter together; within this great “hologram” known as the third dimension.

Through the belief that all self-aware creatures gifted with sight and imagination are capable of yielding images of beauty is found oft under the title of artist or creator. Through these titles, we enhance our ability via the mode, the theme, for which it is focused through our energy that we are essentially working toward channeling preexisting energy into seemingly new forms. As it will come to pass through the recess of what seems to be “new thought”
unique undulations that set us apart from the entire matrix of cognition; here we see through rose-colored glasses, we see the beauty and meaning in the details; and we are entranced by the world to which we know. Through the production of beauty, we are linking ourselves with the soul, and activating Universal Mind. Through activation of Universal Mind through the effort of interfacing within the collective machinery of human life so it will come to pass that through the recess of artist or creator we are made worthwhile elements within the grand symmetry of All That Is; through our ability to channel beauty through the many medias, and forms, that take manifest.

Toward the concept of “making energy visible” we may repeat a universal symbol such as the figure eight, in order to yield images which appear to be energetic. As the universe is made up of super-strings and vibration, these images that depict energy as such, are like a link to how the higher dimensions might appear. The repetition of the figure eight as productive of these images, only for color inversion and contrast to be raised which brings out the natural energy
here we are in production of an expression of our energy in what may seem to be a very direct form. The ethers that exist beyond the third dimension are only beautiful we see through the use of such drugs like DMT that the mind is naturally productive of images of beauty, as suggested, is clearly evidenced in the experience with certain chemical reactions within the brain. These chemical reactions which result in images of beauty that are in essence a link to the greater hologram of reality; that we see with eyes illumined by the sight of our creation; that we basque in the glow of our own radiance; and soak within the waters of the Source we are in recess with the inner perfection of the verse the soul wants to be expressed it wants to be reflecive of beauty in a beauteous realm. So let ones soul be expressed through the many medias that exist from energy-drawings, to layered planets and nebulas. We are all capable of a masterpiece, as the human potential is unlimited. There is no limit to Free Will and the creation of beautiful images.

Energy made visible through the repetition of the figure-eight, or S symbols, will result in energy drawings. They are very easy to produce . . .

Energy Made Visible (Figure Eight) (Original)

Energy Made Visible (Figure Eight) (Original)

Energy Made Visible 3 (Wave Patterns) (Original)

Energy Made Visible (Random Patterns) (Original)

Through the energy drawings, we are in perception of how the higher dimensions may appear. As the imagination is naturally productive of images of beauty, and use of certain drugs like DMT will result in the experience of a seemingly “angelic” realm, the universality of beauty seen through the use of certain drugs like psylocybin, LSD, and DMT, is only suggestive that the human imagination is naturally aware of the concept of beauty that crystals in water form beautiful patterns with positively-oriented thoughts; and that energy is essentially a beautiful matter when we view it in its most raw forms. Through the simple process of symbol-repetition in flowing patterns, and through layering of certain images, and through color inversion and the raising of contrast we can bring out the natural beauty out of any scene, as such, we are all capable of “combining” forms to produce something new. Through the expression of our ability to combine forms of visual matter the soul is in full expression, and we are linked with the Universal Mind.

Through perceiving ones self as “artist”
or “creator” we are divine reflections of the Source; as the Godmind would desire that The creations would relay beauty back to the Source. God favors the artist, and God is watching closely when that cosmo-cathartic moment is reached to which the creativity flows, and expressions are natural. The expressions of beauty found in the production of such images, we shall see, is a true link to the soul that the soul is beautiful is found that we are in connection with Spirit and Universal Mind through the recess of the production of beauty as artists and creators we are divine reflections of the Source.

This is so, that through the production of beauty we are better linked with the soul, and the Spirit of the planet Earth. The higher self is in nebulous auroras, as an amorphous multidimensional matter that is able to take on any form. In essence, the Spirit, as a multidimensional entity is capable through Free Will of imagining any image, and performing any thought. Within this very moment within the continuum the mind is capable of seeing the ocean, and island, a beach, the starlit sky, the sun bleeding through the clouds; the snow on the trees; the radiance of summer. We are always capable of expressing the imagination toward whatever means that we deem fit for ourselves. Great power is found in the label of artist as God would desire The creations are of an equal power to Gods own. God desired this equality, and this eclipsing of energies reached by The creations. God wanted The creations to explore existence, and matter, within this limited dimension. It has come to pass that many artists to whom are working with limited resources are often capable of yielding images of such great beauty, it would seem through this mode of limitation, our ability is enhanced through the ability to focus on that to which we are creating, as it will come to pass through visual art-work, poetry, and music, we are found expressors, and the soul wants to be expressed. All human beings incarnated on the planet Earth in the New Age are beautiful reflections of the Source. All life on the planet Earth holds the potential for great beauty any mind can imagine that radiant beach, that sunny day, the starry sky we are able to through Free Will activate the mind toward the endurance of such images that link us with the soul that activate the inner encodements of patterns and geometry that exist within the filaments of our illumined DNA. As such, beauty is an expression of the soul, and the soul as expressed through tones of beauty is the most logical, and meaningful form. All human beings are created as beautiful reflections of the Source all souls within the higher dimensions are clearly seen as beautiful, and as beauty is a natural expression of the human soul, as beauty is universal, beauty exists in all things.

Chapter Seven: The Akashic Records

"The records that have been written have been written . . .
Then the natural question of the entity, from that which has been given, is:
From what source, or how, is such a record read of the activities of the past?
How may self know that there is being given a TRUE record of the activities
In a period of which there is no written WORD [of] history?
Yet the entity itself sees, and is being taught, and is studying,
the records that are written in a nature, in the rocks, in the hills, in the trees,
in that termed the genealogical log of nature itself.
Just as true, then, is the record that the mind makes upon the film of time and space
in the activities of a body with its soul that is made in the image of the Maker;
Being then spirit, in its form, upon the records IN time and space."

-- Edgar Cayce

The akasha, what is known as the metaphysical storehouse of all thoughts and events within a given locale is a living matter, with its own perceived “hall of records.” In meditation we may see an ethereal database of texts, that tower infinitely into the heavens. The further one endeavors to peer upward, the texts only seem to tower further into infinity. Just as the Pleiadians will find that through exploration of the universe, there is no perceived “edge” the universe just continues to grow the further we explore it. So, in connection with the akashic records, through unique thought, such that by producing unique stand-alone thoughts we are a unique element within the akasha, and as such, our name is enscribed within the pages of the great datasphere of knowledge we are in connection with the Akasha by acting through uniqueness as this media sets us apart from the rest of all human thought, we are perceived as a singular point of Light within the mind of God.

Through the concept of a “God Proxy” we endeavor to see the life for which is focused through an understanding of the mystic quest. Here, we are in prayer toward the collective of the human race, and the future of the planet Earth. By electing ourselves guardians of the planet, as proxies for Universal Mind, we are in connection directly with the akasha
all movements and actions carried within the life of the final incarnation are being interpolated into the datasphere of knowledge, and the file to which embodies the Soul on the great computer of a unique vibratory rate, and cognitive fluctuations, the waveform flows in her beauteous symmetry from thought to thought and our deeds are reflective of an understanding of the final life that all thoughts and events carried within the recess of these memories are thoughts that are being enscribed within the pages of Time, and recorded in the metaphysical database of all thought and events.

Through self-separation from the consensus reality through our own unique understanding of life, through the independence of Free Will found in the expressions of the self-contained vehicle for divine Light, the God Proxy, the Akashic Records and the thoughts within the mind
are in direct connection and we are productive of “new thoughts” that revise the skein of the Akasha. Integrated into the final life for which all memories and events are elements of the final analysis of nirvanic thought-floes, we see that our attainment of nirvana, and the perceived “return to the Source” is a matter of the now-point of awareness; through the I Am presence of the God Proxy. As we are all conduits for energy that has always existed through the continuuum, and we all channel the energy of our thoughts into the waking field of action through human understanding, and the grace output through our non-judgmental acceptance of the final life; as suggestive of a life of the greatest purpose and value; as in direct connection with the akasha.

Personally, the writer is involved with the akashic records as it seems to stand as the most universal base of human knowledge. Through the title of “writer” as conscious thought are tied into words, and words all possess a unique vibration for which it has been suggested, and will be explored, that words are encoded into our DNA, and these words are all possessive of a unique meaning. The endurance of “words” as words make up conscious thought, however abstractified through the densified patterns of a repeated thought
through the constant and continual endurance of “new thought” that fraze (f-r-a-z-e) which stands alone, totally separate from the matrix of cognition implants us directly into the skein of the datasphere, and we are in union with Universal Mind.

As writer or scribe is the name that will be employed through the channeling of conscious and subconscious thought into expressed forms of creativity so it has come to be seen that through the production of beauty, and expressions through the creative act such as writing poetry, producing art-work, or writing songs, the soul is channeled through these expressions, and productive of a great legacy.

Practice will yield results, and repeated endurance of the same high-charged cogitations that set us apart from the rest of mankind will keep us in connection with the akashic records. In dreams, we are oft in connection with the akasha. For some individuals we will dream of the future, and then wake up from the details of how the probability of this future can be changed. Carl Jung who coined the term the “collective unconscious” would actively dream of the future, as would Edgar Cayce, and so many other mystic archetypes.

William Blake, the mystic-poet, who would paint images of angels, and write epic poems about the higher realms, was in direct connection with the akasha as he was infinitely creative. Through the mystic archetype of the wanderer, the searcher, the explorer, we endeavor to search the great hall of records through the many forms of media that exist that the akasha is possessive of certain images, words, tones, and rhythms, is herefound. Perceived, the “recordkeepers” who are seen as writers and scribes, are etheric, living creatures to whom many have come to connect with through time. Some bear names, some are involved with certain individuals. Such individuals as Lyssa Royal, Sal Rachele, and others, have proven to bring forth information from the akasha that relates directly to the present, and through these individuals to whom are connected with the akasha, we are caused to learn of many things seemingly new to the human race.

As enlightenment will come through an instantaneous burst of insight, and many mystics have reached high-vibrating conclusions through the “revelatory state”
that some of us are involved in a active state of prayer is found these transmissions are sent from the universe, as in direct response to the hope of saving

the planet Earth. At present, the world is in need of saving, and the mystic archetype is required to guide the human race through his or her own understanding of the akashic records. Technically, the Earth and the akasha are connected through the life-force of the permeating energy of Universal Mind, and for the collective future of the human race, the akashic recordkeepers are involved with transmitting certain thoughts and ideas into the minds of certain mystic archetypes. As the quest into the unknown is not for everyone, and we may look at the tip of the ice burg only to descend into the water, to perceive the greater body some will regard the hair whitened by the maelstrom of the Source, and the new information brought forth, as suggestive of some occult, or very mystical practice. Much like the fruit in the garden of Eden, this information is ready for the taking. Anyone can express the Free Will to learn about such things as their past on the Earth, the history of the Earth, and the history of the universe itself. Royal has collected and assimilated information regarding the many life-forms within the universe through her connection with the akasha, and Rachele has successfully projected thoughts into the future of the planet Earth as a direct result of his own connection with the akasha. Through these unique individuals who are possessive of the mystic archetype the archetype of the explorer, and the wanderer, we are able to peer into their illumined eyes, knowing that they have seen and heard great things and we receive profound guidance as a direct result with these proxies connection with the universal recordbase. As some actively dream of the future, messages from the universe created for the sake of veering in a different direction the guidance sent forth by the akasha into the mind of the individual as gifted with prescent future-sight is awareized to the future that will pass if one continues on the same course. The akashic records know the past, present, and future of the Earth all of this information is collected unto a singular phrase, a singular set of words. Human DNA is akashically-oriented to its own knowledge of all the lifetimes, and experiences a person has lived. Through the profoundly vast percentage of the body in connection with the subconscious which is ninety percent it would seem that the imagination (which is the body of God) is activated to a new prescience through our understanding of the akasha. As words are tied into the human DNA, and these words are thoughts which are wholly definitive what is known as a conclusive thought to which deduces many exploratory values and attributes into a singular point of Light will resound, from the depths of ones genetic code, into the recess of the conscious mind.

Akashically, everything has been recorded within the subconscious mind allegedly, the subconscious (which never sleeps) possesses a somewhat perfect arrangement of knowledge and information within the recordbase of the Soul. As all of ones past-life information is theoretically found within the dormant strands of DNA, we endeavor to see where the vibrations transmuted into words that is expressed through information Light. The unique “fraze” will resound as a singular point of Light a fixed location within the recess of All That Is. Here, through observation from the apogee of awareness, we see ourselves from a great distance, and how our life relates to the grand symmetry of all human life. Often, we perceive it is our task to express the informational Light that has come to define us the Plan which is hard-wired into the genetic code, however mysterious in its full detail, is a plan that reaches fruition through events of the final life. As conclusive thought will deduce toward certain realizations, and certain belief-patterns, these thoughts are always made up of words, and intonation. As before there was language, there were numbers, much can be learned through vibratory rate, as found within the numerical encodement of each word as tied into the akasha, as tied into the human genetics, these vibrations which relate from piece to piece in holographic respect are relative toward the chaos theory the result which, however patternless the details, is always logical and meaningful in the final analysis.

The akashic records, as such, can be imagined as goal-oriented, whereas the concept of the “akashic computer” which is able to view future probabilities of a certain life-stream, is only suggestive of a greater power in the eventual merging of human thought with technology. In our present day and age, we have a synthetic version of the akasha known as the internet. The internet, which is the communication system that now links all life on the planet Earth at the speed of a nanosecond through data that is found through megabytes, terrabytes, and kilobytes, is a realm to which has been at first mysterious with many hackers what is now more controlled, and through such exploitative services as wikipedia, information lies right at our fingertips. The present information that now exists will be learned from in event toward a greater understanding of the akashic records. All information within the universe has been recorded, and the human genetics are reflective of the past, present, and future, as merged into a unitive whole that of the final life, for which our purpose, our Light, our worth, and our value, is clearly seen through the endurance of uniqueness and the self-separation from the male-oriented consensus reality, which does not compute logically with the mind as it has come to be seen the movements of the human race can run against the tides of the collective future of all life within the universe so intervention is at times necessary through dreams, revelation, or cosmic transmission. Select individuals are chosen to bear certain information, and they are used as a proxy for this information. We refer to these as “guides.”

Regarding human evolution, we require the presence of guides in order to evolve. If it is possible that the human soul is capable of taking on many forms, and we have lived a plethora of lifetimes through karma, and role interchange, we have already a great storehouse of information that lies within our DNA. Simply known as the God Particle, the essence of the soul, which is always linked with the akasha, as the akasha is linked to the future of the human race, and the planet Earth; through the recess of ones acceptance as their place as “guide” we see, countlessly, through history, the expressions of such guides which pointed the collective in the right direction. This Free Will expressed toward the sake of the collective future of the human race as linked up with the akasha as a direct result of the unchanging fact; if one is committed to the future of the planet Earth, one will be gifted with Light, and information that relates to the future of the planet Earth.

As words are tied into the human genetics, words which are all made up of the 26-symbol array of symbols we referred to as the alphabet (invented by the Phoenicians) we have all memorized the alphabet, and studies regarding numerology will suggest that as the subconscious mind has a unique understanding of the vibration of each letter, so the words encoded within our DNA are made up of letters/symbols of an array of symbols that make up the vibration of each word.

The alphabet, as memorized, through the symbols that are all possessive of unique vibrations is hard-wired into human DNA, and through collective understanding, of the meanings of certain words and phrases, is universal. As a result, from life to life, through the matrix of cognition of all the lives we have ever lived we have trained ourselves to an understanding of words, that is now carried through time as eventually enfolded within the filaments of our DNA.

We are all capable of producing abstractions with our thoughts, but there is always an underlying meaning behind the thought. So now we may perceive the concept of revelation for which is an instantaneous burst of sudden understanding regarding the nature of something, be it ones own self, or the nature of the universe. These revelations are oft relative to the greater symmetry of human thought. As such, one revelation may possessive the words “The highest act of human life is connection with another human being.” And this revelation, made up of a unique vibration, can be reduced to a syllabic array of tones, a certain rhythm. As there is an underlying rhythm to all thought as well that to which is bound by the collective movements of the human race; and all of our subconscious minds are linked through Universal Mind, the words found within our DNA as oft revelatory will relate to things that hold pertinence to the present reality, and our own unique future. Theoretical, the akasha is essentially hard-wired into the human DNA along with words, as we have all been to the bardo, the higher dimensions, betwixt incarnations. When we were in the higher dimensions, we were in direct recess with the akashic records. As most souls tend to review their matrix of incarnation following death in order to base the following incarnation, it will seem that as we are able to view the matrix of incarnations on the life-tape as recorded through the akashic records, we are to see how this information relates from one life to the next, and eventually, how it will result in the final incarnation.

As words make up the body of the thought, and they all vibrate in relative accord, these thoughts for which occur naturally in the revelatory state, all produce a certain rhythm, and this rhythm is seemingly perfect. In many altered states, with the use of certain drugs, we are able to “ride our thoughts” meaning thought occurs in perfect syllabic waves, to which the rhythm is found in high-vibrating intonation. As intonation is essentially the true nature of thought, a matter of tonal units that make up the metre of the verse, and we see the concept of a unique phrase will link us to the akasha, through uniqueness “we stand out”
as such, we become integrated into a meaningful life through our connection to the future of the Earth, and the future of the human race.

The proxy as One to whom is a self-contained vehicle for divine Light, is aware of his or her Free Will, the environment, and all medias of creative thought. The medias which embody creative thought as ranging from poetry, music, and art, are all natural expressions to the God Proxy such that a masterpiece awaits equalization, and a high-vibrating text requires the words to make up the text. Further, poetical thought-patterns will link us to the akasha, as the akasha is made up of words, sentences, phrases, and paragraphs that are all meaningful, and related. The sentences born from the akasha found in the words of a revelation which seems to manifest within the psyche instantaneously such that entire paragraphs of thought will manifest eventually, and these are often channeled into the written word. Through the endurance of the final life as “guide” we are in the process of channeling our energy into certain acts, and certain media. So it will come to pass that a book is nye to be written, or a masterpiece of divine thought such as the energetic drawings we are capable of producing through the repetition of a symbol like the figure eight. We are all artists to some degree. We are all creators, all capable of miracles, and all capable of all forms of healing.

Chapter Eight: Thoughts On The Soul

The human DNA, and human consciousness, are remarkable machines through which we are ever-guiding ourselves through the many processes, and relating from one life to the next in the grand symmetry of All That Is. As we are all connected through Universal Mind, and we are all essentially One within a recess that has only produced the illusory guise of “time” we have moved, many times, and we have traveled far and wide across the planet, in theory, through many incarnations. As the history of ones soul is allegedly buried within the DNA, and the DNA is the link to the realization of the final incarnation lived out in the recess of the New Age we must imagine the goal-oriented computer of Universal Mind has been ever-aware, throughout the entire process of existence, that, eventually, the subject would wake up from the dream of the consensus reality, and wake up to the life of greatest purpose and value. Writhing through the purpose of our existence that to which many revelations will suggest is the endurance of connecting with another soul; it would seem that “human connection” is amid the highest acts, and through mind to mind contact in the sharing of beliefs; we see the true media for which life evolves. Interpolation from one mind to the next, as we are all co-creators, we are working together toward the grand masterpiece of collective nirvana that the telepathic merging of many minds unto what is known as “one-consciousness” is a state that had been primed to the soul, prior to incarnation. As we have experienced the in-between realm referred to as the bardo, in between incarnations, we have already set the precedent for life within these higher dimensions; and it would seem through the realization of the final life we are coming to equalize into a plan that was hard-wired into our genetic coding all along. The DNA of the individual as hard-wired with the data of the soul, in theory, will relate to the present incarnation as a direct result of karma; and so it goes, in many reports from past-life regressions individuals will see certain relationships, and roles, switched around through time. Science it may seem will never officially capture the true essence of the soul, but we have enough New Age belief to support the existence of such a matter. If it is true that roles are switched around through time, then it would seem that karma is a matter of the golden rule, as “judge lest not ye be judged” the law of attraction prevails, and so it goes, now that we are in the recess of the New Age with such fields as reiki healing, timeline healing, progression therapy, self-hypnosis, astral projection, remote viewing, and chakra clearing we have a vast body of evidence for the existence of the human soul, and the evidence is only growing.

It is my belief that science will eventually accept that God Particle which seems to lie in the unused strands of DNA, and acknowledge the presence of the soul. It is my belief that science and metaphysics can meet a happy medium, and produce a world of logic where only mystery had stood before. The soul, it shall seem, is a matter that we are nye to find ourselves as able to study
whereas quantum theory clearly presents the entanglement of matter through the power of observation it would seem that one of our closest links to the presence of the human soul is through the quantum entanglement of how it is impossible to view or observe something without affecting the way the matter behaves. This suggestion that the photon is made out of the same elements as the eyes which are viewing it and there is only “One Spirit” moving through all matter is seen. Through the scientific research that is now in the process of fully uncovering the presence of the human soul through the fields of past-life regression, and all forms of hypnosis which seem to tap into the Universal Mind, via the imagination, it would seem that through this evidence we have now gathered through New Age belief is productive of some concepts that seem to be unchanging, and provide evidence for the human soul.

It is also my belief that past-life regression shall be studied, scientifically, in reference to the activities of the brain as the subject undergoes a past-life recall. Just as we are capable of pinpoint which locations of the brain light up when we study a subject via computers, it is theorized that we may be able to pinpoint the location of the God Particle within the brain. Allegedly, through the research performed by Rick Strassman, the soul writhes through the master glands of the pineal, as well as the pituitary gland. The pineal is located in the middle forehead and is allegedly associated with the crown chakra, which is the chakra associated with the reception of universal energy. The pituitary is located near eye-level, and has been referred to as a receiving set that both turns on and off. Strassman literally theorizes that the soul both enters and leaves the body through the pineal.

In the outstanding text “The Dynamics of Cosmic Telepathy” (Tuella) we are given an inkling of how the soul is controlled by the brain . . .
“The pituitary is located behind the eye level and has been called the body receiving set. As a thought receiver it is your contact pint within the physical brain that enables the thought of another positive point (sender) to be placed in the resonating tensor center of your brain for further interpretation. The pituitary acts as a toggle switch; “on” as the will, when sending; “off” as passive, when receiving.”

“The pineal, which is the true master gland, is the thought transmitter and is a positive terminal. Sometimes it is called the ‘third eye’ because of its nature and position in line with the middle forehead, ad when this gland has fully opened in spiritual awareness, those with eyes to see perceive the ray of Golden Cosmic Light coming forth from the forehead.”

Essentially, matter is bound through attraction and repulsion, and these master glands are the terminals for the reception of energy within the human body. We stand amazed at Strassmans description of how the pineal behaves in reference to the Soul, and the presence of the natural euphoria found in the production of DMT (the “Spirit Molecule”) in the presence of the pineal gland. We here refer to the text:

“When our individual life force enters our fetal body, the moment in which we become truly human, it passes through the pineal and triggers the first primordial flood of DMT. Later, at birth, the pineal releases more DMT. In some of us, pineal DMT mediates the pivotal eperiences of deep meditation, psychosis, and near-death experiences. As we die, the life-force leaves the body through the pineal gland, releasing another flood of this psychadelic spirit molecule.”

DMT, referred to as the “spirit molecule” is a naturally occurring psychadelic within the pineal gland, and according to Strassmans descriptions, it appears that both birth and death are experienced with great euphoria. Allegedly, when Christ was brought to the cross, he consciously “left his body” such as to not suffer the pain of a tortuous death. One may theorize he received a burst of DMT in this process, and as such, he disallowed anymore pain to come his way. As this is a somewhat profound thought, and “astral projection” (as well as remote viewing) is highly suggestive toward the possibility of the soul through out-of-body experience to which many have experienced in deep meditation; I know an individual who experienced “rising out of his body, through the sheets of his bed”. this to which suggests that the soul, as further evidenced in teleportive events of certain individuals, is a suggestion that the soul as a living matter as operating through the body via the master gland of the pineal, our reality is essentially produced through chemical reactions, and as DNA contains the word-encodements, theoretically, of our soul-history, so it must seem that the soul as operative through the pineal
as made up of words/data that reside within the DNA, the psyche is possessive of the soul; psyche, another word for mind, is derived from the Latin meaning “soul” so this description seems logical.

So we
theorize the soul-essence takes initial residence within the brain. We know that the subconscious mind is in connection with ninety percent of the body we know conscious thought is made up of words we know that words all hold a unique vibration; we know that in essence the human thought form as productive of a flowing waveform is vibration so the vibrations of our thoughts as made up of words are essentially soul-transmssions, as channeled through the master glands. Words lie within the DNA, and words are all possessive of a meaning that is unique to the individual. Whereas we all possess a name, a personality, an archetype, and an identity; we also possess astrological archetypes based upon when we were born; so all of the names we have ever possessed, are all encoded within our DNA, in the array of letters, symbols, and “language” that make up human thought.

Theoretically we have had many different names, had many different thoughts, and many different beliefs. In my own study on the wheel of incarnation, and karma, I have discovered through my own faculties that the soul usually remembers having been expressed in the past through certain media. If a person for instance was a writer in the past, they may be born into the next life with a great command over the English language. Further, if a subject has been involved in work involving the hands, such as sewing, this too will carry on to the next life. Often gifted musicians who seem to be “prodigies” were once poets or musicians in the past. In theory, Christ was aware of his past on the Earth, and this information empowered him. He shared the information with certain people, and it empowered them as well. No, I am not sure of who Christ may have been preceding his final incarnation but we see great evidence through history of very similar souls who could have been related through karma, and the wheel of incarnation. DaVinci, Shakespeare, Pope, Michelangelo, Van Gogh, all were great minds who personally interpolated themselves into the datasphere of human knowledge.

A biography may be written about one of these individuals, in the New Age to which they have re-incarnated into. Through a natural interest via the souls inclination to learn about itself, the subject will eventually find themselves reading a biography about the past they have lived on the Earth, and essentially become enlightened through another individual. This is a profound theory, but would make sense if these individuals do incarnate with the same skills expressed in the past. This is theory, of course, one is merely working toward a suggestion toward the infinitude of the human imagination. Whereas if it is possible for people to re-incarnate with skills, talents, and abilities, that link them to their own past on the Earth; then it would seem that the imagination “the body of God” travels through time and space, and history, and the akashic records, will remember this individual.

In this present day and age, with so much New Age thought, quantum research, and scientific deducements regarding the nature of the universe as made up of super-strings, for which it is imagined the universe is composed of frequencies, waves, and vibration
we know this is the nature of human thought, and if the universe is made up of the same matter that embodies thought then we are connected, it shall seem, from thought to environment. Such that epigenetically we may imagine that if we were to become interstellar travelers, say, to the Sirius star-system, we would find that our thoughts in this environment are productive of a reality that is officially “set apart” from the collective thought forms of planet Earth, but reside within its own unique, and remote cell of existence. Here we imagine the concept of true separation from the masses, and how life would progress in such a contained environment as found aboard a spacecraft or space station. Is it possible that in outer space, away from all the maladies of human life, we would find that we become telepathic, telekinetic, etc..? Perhaps there are some things that astronauts know which they have been afraid to share with us within those very contained environments, so far away from the planet Earth.

New Age theory is rife with many different thoughts and ideas. The fact that most of our “new beliefs” are simply lumped together into one field known as metaphysics, is only of limiting value. In truth, Spirit is action
Spirit is life and animation. The “Spiritual Life” is integrated into all facets of human existence absolutely all thoughts and actions are performed out of Spirit. As the evidence for the human soul is mounting, and we refer to this as the “human” soul as evidenced through the fact individuals seem to incarnate not only into the same gender, but the same species. So we are bound by the third dimension we have incarnated numerous times into the human body, in theory, and we have all “lived before.” Intriguing channeled/dictated text from writer Ernest L. Norman in Cosmic Continuum offers some insight regarding the effect of past on the present:

“The individual who is vitally concerned with his own position in respect to the Infinite, will find many ways in which he can presently equate this position. Looking about him in his present world, he can find numerous ways in which various external manifestations are made in common union with thousands of others who are of like nature and who occupy a similar position. Such external dispensations which are found in political systems, religious orders, cultisms and social structures, as well as in personal habits can all be considered to be extractions and developments along the pathway of life from previous lifetimes.” Norman continues later on in the same chapter:

“Salvation is attained only when one assumes his own moral responsibility in his position toward the Infinite, his willingness to accept this moral responsibility in gradual attainment and an expansion of consciousness which will relate him to higher planes of relationship to this Infinite. There is no other way, for indeed any other way would be contrary to the Infinite Plan as it has been so concieved by this Infinite Consciousness.”

Essentially, there is no real life other than what is found through the endurance of Spirit-based belief, the thought of the existence of the human soul. Technically, we are all operating through Spirit, whether we acknowledge it or not. As studies regarding the subconscious mind seem to be clear evidence of the power of the imagination
and belief knowing well the placebo effect we may thus be possessive of some faith-patterns that will define our reality. The mind is always producing the highest reality we can attain for ourselves, and we are always moving into the future. There are some traits to this universe such as Free Will, and Karma, which do not seem to change. However, it shall seem that through the “active” karma system of the final incarnation; whence the law of attraction is wholly amplified; our self-produced reality can be defined by rules of our own choosing. It is theorized that when a person graduates from the Free Will universe, they move on to construct a universe of their own. Here, within the universe of ones own rules and declarations, a “Free Will universe” associated with each soul that to which is a limitless and infinite space for which we are environed in a philosophy of placement, and spacial feng shui, that our environment is arranged specifically for the advancement of thought, and the realization of new forms of ideas, concepts, and beliefs; we create this ‘space to be filled’ ignite it with the single point of Light, the primordial spark, and endow it with the manifested existence.

So here in personal definition over the rules of our own world we may see to it that there is no third dimension, or at least, no hapless drones living within an aquarium blind to the greater energy that lies outside of the aquarium. Instead, all are perceived as equals bound by Free Will the expressions of Universal Mind through this universe will come to pass as meaningful, and all shall be omnirelative from piece to piece.

As God of your own universe, your fragmentations are nye for eclipsing into the recess of new forms, through time, in the production of their own universes. As my theory is that the Free Will universe is like fuel for the main aggregate we refer to as the multisphere/multiverse, and evidence of this thought is clearly evidenced in the enormous number of stellar souls the Earth has come to produce
we are all representive of energy, essentially, and this is how we are viewed from the higher dimensions. Our collective energy flows toward gradual realization of this thought, that as energy, and as fuel, it would be somewhat logical (however insidious) that some mal-affective vibrations would feed off us for a spell. Through the fall from grace we all suffered in the loss of Atlantis, and other civilizations, we have been struggling to make it back to the surface of the water back to the shore of awareness, and we have been working with limited materials. As the subconscious and the imagination are the most direct links to the Soul it is as though a forged lock like pandora’s box we can peer into the records of the Soul through these seemingly occult practices, or allow our reality to be governed by others. As a result of Free Will, and existentialism, we may thus experience things that are self-inclined, for our own personal growth, all in event toward the realization of a world of our own rules and declarations.

It is my belief that the Free Will universe is like a vast cauldron that is used to produce a plethora of different life-forms. I believe that the Free Will universe is resultive of new universes, that our placement within the aggregate could very well be relative to the terminating apex we refer to as the Thetaverse, as perceived, the Earth is like the heartbeat of the universe, and the Free Will universe is like the cardiovascular flow of energy between incarnated bodies. The greater body we refer to simply as the multispherical aggregate, is thus perceived as relying on the energy produced by our present universe that it is very well possible located within the very nucleus of the aggregate, but this is only theory. We are quite sure the Earth, however a vastly-populated, and beautiful planet, may not be the “center” of the universe, but it is a heavily populated area. Allegedly, there are a vast number of colorful types and variations of Source-fragments, within this universe, we are simply favored, like an energy source, for the energy that we produce. As a result of the highly limited double helix, within the highly limited third dimension, we have been somewhat slaves to the ‘higher’ forces thankfully life in the New Age is a place where the soul can now be acknowledged, and we are beginning to understand the true science of the matter.

Chapter Nine: The Body, Existence, and Belief

In the world of the subconscious mind, and the imagination, it is now being somewhat scientifically understood how pain, for example, exists only in the mind. Whereas the principle will resound “tis the mind which makes the body weak” we are starting to see real evidence in the studies performed by Dr. John E. Sarno. In the text “Lower Back Pain: The Mind-Body Connection” we learn about what is known as TMS, or Tension Myositis Syndrome. Tension is the manifestation of pain within the body that is essentially produced by the subconscious mind. For example, if a person is harboring ill feelings about their parents, but they fail to express this feeling, the anger will find a location within the body that is most suitable for pain to exist. The pain will manifest as a result of the thought, resulting in the manifestation of “tension” in the body. In theory, we can rid ourselves of sickness through the powers of the mind, via such affirmations as “my body is strong” with the subthought echoing in the background “my mind is strong.” Affirmations, and mantras, repetitive thought-patterns that induce the meditative state, have been used countlessly through history ever since poetry was invented, or autosuggestion studied by such minds as Emile Coue. The power of the mind is infinite, and we are capable of manifesting illnesses, psychosomatically, through unchecked emotions. As such, it becomes imperative to exercise thought through meditation in order to search the soul for any lasting questions related to ones present status in human existence. One may exercise thought such as to perceive the conversation between the hemispheres left and right, and unite the hemispheres via alpha-wave patterns of enlightened thought, which is a hundredfold more powerful in programming the mind and body. Here, within this meditatio, we may focus on our breath, and the rhythms of our cognitive movements. We may see certain things, learn certain things, as a result of the inner conversation, and often realize why we are suffering in any way. All exists within the mind, all reality, and all thoughts (obviously). The mind is the producer of all that we experience; pain essentially exists only in the mind.

Sarno writes:

“Neck, shoulder, and back pain syndromes are not mechanical problems to be cured by mechanical means. They have to do with people’s feelings, their personalities and the vicissitudes of life. If this is true, the conventional management of these pain syndromes is a medical travesty. Traditional medical diagnoses focus on the machine, the body, while the real problem seems to relate to what makes the machine work
the mind.”

As the power of belief (it shall seem) is the final cure, and knowing well the placebo effect, it is found that the mind is the final environment for existence, and reality is wholly governed and created by the mind
from the body to the Soul. The mind is the combinative force between these two matters. The mind joins body and Soul into an integrative whole we may refer to as the perfect avatar self, or what Maslow referred to as the actualized state. Here in the self-perfected, highest-vibrating, and most successful “version” of our existence, we are without tension, there is absolutely no pain in the body, and we are wholly operative through Free Will. Our actions reflect our thoughts, and our thoughts reflect our Soul. We will “act out of Spirit” and not allow our anger or frustrations to drag us down. Those thoughts were merely fleeting in reference to the totality of our akashic understanding. We are aware of the power of the mind when we endeavor to exercise, when we endeavor to use our mind such as to put our body to use through certain actions whereas physical exercise is vital toward human survival “life is animation” and if one desires to have a fully integrative and healthy lifestyle, they must be in touch with the body.

Moving ahead of ourselves a little bit, we may imagine the concept of “the body of Christ.” If it is so that all we wish upon ourselves is now being wished upon others, via the golden rule, then technically, smoking, bad eating habits, and lack of exercise are all acted out upon a body that is connected to other bodies
and as such, many Americans may exercise their minds by watching television, while the body is left in a vegetative state. This is true decay, it shall seem, of our human vehicle. In movement, dancing, and yoga, for example, we are not only activating the Soul into life, but essentially merging Soul and body into One. Life is animation, many minds will deduce, and in order to remain happy and strong, we must exercise the body, and express our power to move from place to place. Objects do not “come to us” in some epicurean regard, but we come to them. The body is our vehicle for advancement, it is a beautiful manifestation of the primordial spark, and so it shall seem that whence all humans were originally endowed with twelve-strand DNA, the “Soul-body” was in full effect; such that we could literally shape-shift into any form that we desired, feel anything we wanted to feel, and experience anything we wanted to experience. As we have all technically been to the bardo of the in-between realm betwixt incarnations, we all have some inkling of what it was like to be within the eyes of the Source for a spell. The subconscious mind and the DNA have the truth buried within, and it is now simply a matter of exercise from the comfortable position that affords powerful meditation, to lucid dreaming, to all forms and expressions of dance. The body is our vehicle for expression that connects us with the third dimensional reality, and all that we wish upon our bodies is in essence being wished upon others. In regard to the chakras, the vortical energy-points within the body, we are referring to the true “Spirit-body” and through activation of these points which are color-coded, and often based upon a certain word that relates to the chakra, we may in a very surgical manner approach the refinement of the human aura, just as reiki healing is performed without touching the body, but is all simply a matter of energy exchange. All new forms of belief and thought within the New Age are wholly suggestive as to the powers of the mind. We have much to associate in our understanding of body-energy that is referred to as “hado” in some minds.

The energy produced by the body as channeled into certain activities like walking, dancing, singing, sexual intercourse, and all forms of proactive animation. We are all healers, and we are all capable of channeling our energy for the betterment of others. The body is our vehicle. It is our divine instrument.

Regarding the subconscious, in recapping, we may deduce that the subconscious mind is a goal-oriented computer that is aware of the passing of the seconds, but technically has no real sense of past or future, paradoxically. It resides infinitely in the present tense. The subconscious, as suggested, is in connection with ninety percent of the body
and as such, all bodily functions are controlled by the subconscious mind. The subconscious as a goal-oriented computer that is realizatory, it is knowledgeable of time, it absolutely never sleeps as a matter of fact, you could say it is more awake when you are dreaming. As the akashic records are in connection with this what can be termed etheric, or supereal body the matter of which we may personally view and energetically perceive the image of our thoughts be it in a waveform of a nebulous aurora, is always permeating through the crown chakra, as connected to the master glands, and the spirit is it would seem flowing as a riverlight pattern through the subconscious mind into the collective ether of all minds that are connected through Universal Mind; whereas Universal Mind is simply the all-connexive force of all subconscious thoughts on the planet Earth. The subconscious which is housing of emotion, feeling, and the imagination of our ability to be creative and soulful is the “Truth” element it is our tool, our device, our means for divination, and future sight. It is literally a living matter, that will take on a life of its own in certain circumstances, for which many of us are ruled by the power of our subconscious minds.

In the final analysis, we can not deny this, and we see the law of attraction is wholly real. As a result of the New Age belief-system, and all that is coming forth through this great project we know as enlightenment, we are activating the subconscious mind to allow the soul to breathe through more clearly, and we are often aesthetic, and image-oriented in our production of what is often seen as beautiful, and reflective of the Source from which we came. Our thoughts create our reality, this is a simple truth, and our reality is created by the things we express through our waking field of existence. The environment, the elements contained, the thoughts which control the elements, are all pulsing with energy and the energy which flows through all of this matter is bound through the all-connexive force of the collective flow, that we are all rivers leading out to the great body of the ocean is seen and we are all productive of energy of some form. The earth, it is said, puts out more energy than it takes in, and the same goes for the sun. As a result of the constant release of energy, these bodies will only continue to rise in their vibrations, as a direct result of what is termed “Light convergence” the matter to which is sent from point A to point B that travels instantaneously, as telepathic, or nonlocal, this to which is the thought the mind the essence the God element that controls all matter within the universe; is taking this body, these words, and this thought, into a new reality within every second that passes as we exist within a cell that is made up of creatures who are all endowed with Free Will there is no stopping us from our animations within this cell . . .

We are only able to continue to advance across the body of the Earth, and we are all able to find that place to which our energy flows most abundantly. We can find this locale, very often, not far from home, and it may only lead to new places. The new place that is found shall be created through a foundation of epigenetics, and a self-impressed, self-effected array of influences. The inhibitors are controlled through our own indelible Free Will, and the array of furniture, feng shui of placement of objects, and all that is contained within the space is operative of which the mind and the matter are unitized, and creatively-oriented toward a beneficial and symbiotic environment.

Feeling well, and in a positive state will it seems only result in positive relationships, whereas the more unattractive crystallizations of thought shall carry some of what are termed “low vibrations” into a realm of which they plateau, cease to learn, or perceive that they are unable to learn. One shall know that there is a book that exists for every reader, and there is a guide for every soul. The body is contained of pieces, holographic toward the whole, and the whole is an image which reflects a positive and happy individual
in the mind of that “higher vibration” which does not necessarily denote better, but does suggest more intellectual and caring relationships. Often attraction is objectively viewed from the body and the visage as what will term an attractive reality, whereas individuals who will term themselves less than attractive are only residing within the stasis of repulsion, the opposite of attraction; which is simply a polarity within which the joining of polarities only cause energy to succeed in its propulsion; whereas this is an oscillation into depths of despair and sadness, it only makes the rise back into happiness all the more realizant of that positive future the beneficial environment that loving friendship with another, and others to whom one must associate with in order to learn through this reality that is made up of many different individuals, who are all endowed with Free Will. We learn, grow, and evolve, and it only continues on because ascension is the norm; and the quest for abundance is something it would seem we all primordially seek.

Chapter Ten: Collective Influence

In the realization of the final life, of the perfect avatar self as actualized into the status of metahuman, and realizant of the active karma system through which the law of attraction is wholly amplified
we have the choice over what our reality is offering to us, making this a heaven or a hell, as a direct result of the powers of the mind which are now found as unitive, and eclipsed to the most high-charged thoughts. Through the powers of manifestation, and the creation of ones own reality, via the enlightened state, we are actively aware of the attractor-gravitator force of our thoughts through the environment. We harness the environment, epigenetically, and take control over all objects/thoughts within the space. As incense may be burned, candles lit, and crystals placed in a four-square grid around the room, with the programmer crystal located in the center of the sacred space and this to which is a sacred space built specifically for our further evolvement, is a room for which is enhanced by a pervading sense of Oneness, and Light-based cogitation. A Light-based cogitation being in essence a thought which embodies ones beliefs, for which the thought resounds through its own unique rhythm and seems to stand alone amid the great plethora of thoughts this may be found as revelatory, or of deep profound insight that tends to enhance our view of life, and existence. As we may be existentialists, which is to base our beliefs directly off our experiences, and have experiences like telepathy, telekinesis, or bi-location, it is thus found that we are productive of a life of the modern mystic through these divine encounters with God, that the synchronistic occurrences are happening at a relative rate to which the thought occurs that produces the experiences, and the law of attraction as like attracts like so we are involved with certain individuals, relationships, and experiences that are causal toward the furtherance of our unique vibration and through the resonance of many vibrations merged, we see the cause for evolution.

As we all seem to require a teacher or guide of some form in order to inspire us toward the belief we are capable of being intelligent, and self-aware, however many mentors, guides, or teachers, one possesses we shall pray, it would seem, to the most favorable minds to which we most believe in from various creative minds expressed in the media, to idols in athletics, music, art, and even politics we are in the process of learning through this endurance of accepting “this information will enhance my being, this information will change me, and I commit mysel toward learning from this individual.” As such, we may pray for instance to a famous songwriter who is idealistic, or perhaps a certain author who is very exploitative with their expression of information. At present, through the great amount of channeled text, quantum studies, and new scientific research regarding the nature of the universe, existence, as advanced toward a deeper understanding of the power of belief, and metaphysics we are in recess with many, many great minds and the information is available. Just as we may peer into the records of the Akasha, we may peer into the records of the history of the Earth, to learn, for instance, from so many mystics, poets, songwriters, artists, believers, dreamers, and self-expressors. It would seem that we all attribute our beliefs and energy to some energy that has come to exist, at first, externally, thus interfaced into the presence life as mind is interpolated to mind thought interpolated into thought evolution progressing toward a deepening understanding of our place within the universe, and as such, the endurance of Free Will the stasis for which we always return.

However seemingly led by the whims of other men, and the consensus reality we always have the Free Will to think any thought, perform any action, and imagine any scenario. The Free Will that defines us as a unique individual within the Free Will universe, incarnated on the cosmic college system of planet Earth, in the third millenium, we are in recess with some fantastic information the choice lies within the power of one self-contained vehicle of Light whether or not we possess the faith to devote our beliefs to these seemingly new ideas, and allow the beliefs that we possess come to re-shape our view of reality toward the endurance of a much greater understanding of things as humans have learned much about the world of Spirit, which began in the late sixties, and has only come to progress to our present age, in this locale of human history, it would seem that we are now in recess with some of the greatest information, from “The Biology of Belief” (Lipton) to such popular texsts as “The New Earth” by Eckhart Tolle. There is a growing desire for a spiritual life in the human race; a quest for something more. As the mystic archetype is invariably bound to wander, to search, and to quest so it shall seem with the prevalence of certain drugs in our society, to the prevalence of certain grandiose beliefs that empower us to no end we are capable of altering, and controlling reality it would seem to a very specific liking. Through what is referred to by Rachele as the “God Presence” one may imagine the feeling of cosmo-cathartic awareness that we are in the recess of the new that we are questing through the abysmal depths of the unknown; and we are a very worthwhile and unique microcosm within the whole of human existence.

Through this sense of “the presence”
a sense of great value, purpose, mission, and intent for which the Soul is allegedly shining through and we are awareized to the recess of the final life with gusto, and great hope toward the future we find that our purpose as tied into the collective-sake of the human race, and the Earth, is now rewarding of karmic results that seem to bless us with a continual endurance of new information, learning, and self-actualization. The process which is endless, to which once begun with the dream of awakening, or however one chooses to activate their DNA for which this life is of great value and purpose for which we are a proxy for the collective, a proxy for the Source, and we may not attach labels to the feeling we may not attribute any thought to the idea whatsoever we may reside within the stasis of impernanence, and ethereal understanding that reality, as self-produced, is much like a dream within a dream. Just as the universe has been imagined to be a sphere with an inbreath and outbreath, we are to imagine this sphere must be contained within a greater sphere, another sphere, and so on. The multisphere, as imagined, with our universe like the fuel of the aggregate, which is a profound theory that no science may ever be truly able to prove is a suggestion nonetheless as in reference to the unchanging fact regarding our stunted DNA, the third dimension, the wheel of incarnation, and the perceived “energy thieves” we truly have lived in a period of darkness for a spell, and we have operated more often through fear than unconditional love.

I took it upon myself to watch some television the other day, and learned that people are still broadcasting their addictions, arguing, and spreading fear through sensationalistic broadcasts. The media, it would seem, is aware of the fact that people are starting to lose interest in these lies as we shift into the better, more logical and hopeful life the media, it would seem, is trying their hardest to sway us back into the belief we are not possessive of Free Will, but we are contained within a system that runs much like a machine. We must wonder whoever is manning the switchboard of the reality of the Earth is also running in circles of chaos while the numbers of enlightened ones only continues to grow. The changes we see in that “born again” individual create the inspiratory factor within the receiving mind; and so through the presence, and collective grid-work of individuals in the enlightened state, at this time, are affecting the collective reality; we are affecting the media; we are affecting the very patterns that have been densified over time, to produce fear, chaos, and discord. The perveived “battle between Light and Dark” is imaginable, but the concept of evil is hard to imagine for most scientific minds. Of course we require both a positive and negative polarity in order to produce energy, of course numbers will reside within the negative, descending from zero, but none of this denotes “good and bad” it denotes balance, and the harmonious flow of energy. We all require a positive and negative charge in order to produce energy, so it will seem that thought is rarely bereft of some judgmental influence. As we are wholly unable to deny the prevalence of fear-mongering in our society, because “fear sells” and “sometimes love is not enough” so it goes, there are TV shows that depict ranting judges, with peoples court cases, and failure at life, televised for the masses to view. Other shows depict life inside prisons, some shows depict the many low vibrations who are living in negative environments, being arrested by police officers who are “just doing their job.” To Catch A Predator, Cops, the plethora of “court shows” and the sensationalist fear-based murder-broadcasts, scandals, and political corruption that is televised it would seem with every day that passes now we must wonder, truly wonder, why and how “fear” seems to be so much more popular than love, and why our society tends to gravitate toward the easiest mode of escape. Is it that the prevalence of fear on the planet Earth, is productive of a vicious cycle that in trying to escape or overcome the fear, we are only denying the shadow of human existence, thus, amplifying the fear-level through ignorance that it exists..? At present, the world of politics on the planet Earth is rife with jargon, semantics, and a language that does not seem to make any sense to the rational mind. We may study “political science” at college, and thus become a professional in swaying minds. We may study the workings of former leaders, observe their actions, and then emulate them in our own right. So it goes, many of us are simply acting out what we see in others.

The fact that so many of us are subconsciously emulating what we see on TV and in the media is reflective of a sort of mental illness that is reflective of a failure to acknowledge our own Free Will. Whereas America is essentially stolen land based upon a foundation of lies, and theft
and it is theorized by many minds that the 911 attacks were a conspiracy between both sides as it has been further theorized that the presidency of the United States is infinitely corrupt through preexisting bureacracy, and puppeteering of corporate minds. Many have noticed that little changed in our world from the shift to a new president in 2008, in spite of his idealism, and “hope” for America. The fact we had already invaded Iraq, and have strategically placed ourselves in parts of the Earth which are productive of certain limited resources like oil is reflective of a dystopian reality. Why, so many minds who were aware of free energy, ever since theories projected by Tesla, have been silenced and quieted over time through “freak accidents” and abrupt suicides, is a mystery to the idealistic, and hopeful mind.

We are unsure as to how any of this absurdity truly began but alas through the permeating stasis of grace found in the enlightened thoughts of an individual who is awareized to the fear-workings, and the “horror and magic” of the planet Earth to whom is found within the stasis of a grace that is projected into the environment, and all life that is touched this individual is struggling to perceive the concept of evil this individual is so enamored with the beauty and vivacity of life, that they tend to neglect the shadow of the human soul. So it goes, many involved in the New Age movement tend to deny the prevalence of the fear-workings of society, but contra-humbly commit themselves to a more occluded, and negligent lifestyle of their own. We absolutely can not deny what happens in the world. We are literally required to watch the news, many of us, because whether or not it is fear-oriented, it keeps us in touch with the world. As such, we must use discernment, and focus only on channels, programs, and media outlets that are based upon acceptance, and a somewhat “multidimensional” look at things. It is my belief that through the acceptance of the law of attraction the media will change. In a right-brain world of free-thinkers, and caring, open-minded individuals we would all collectively accept the profound absurdity of the media shut off our TV’s, go outside, and smell the fresh air as we see it blowing through the verdant trees.

As I have personally been involved in a tech school with its own TV program, and been involved in the classes, I have personally seen the competitive, and destructive natures of the people who are gravitated toward a place within the media. In the field of audio engineering for instance, which is a highly competitive field and through the obvious decline of pop music we hear on the radio it would seem that the more caring evolutional individuals are veering away from the collective media, and those to whom are materialistic and superficial have taken the reins over the things that are broadcasted and fed to the human mind as they are superficial, operating through the lower chakras, and hellbent on sway over many minds. This to which is a neo-Atlantean bent on thought-control, conditioning, and overt expressions of power that show a warped sense of humility; and a failure to acknowledge the law of attraction so the vicious cycle of low vibrations who are gravitated to other low vibrations continues and most caring, open-minded individuals are not watching TV, or the news, for that matter, but relying on the more logical resources as found on the internet, and certain online media outlets.

So, the problem it would seem is the duality between the materialistic, in contrast with the ethereal. We are in a battle between body and soul between dimensions the third dimension is running in circles with the same thought forms, trying to reign supreme through madness while the Light is causing a vibratory escalation in the Spirit-body of the Earth, bringing all the shadows, fears, and doubts, to the surface; the problem is the separation between Spirit and matter. The problem is what has existed for as long as Free Will has existed the conundrum of employing ones Free Will to reduce the Free Will in others. One stands unamused by the failure to change in some individuals who tend to gravitate toward blame, scapegoating, and the force-fed lies of the televised media one is cognizant, whilst in the higher states of awareness; how these low vibrations behave; and one is aware that the change of heart which does not lie in some individuals for which there will probably always be “some scapegoat” in the world some individual to whom represents the weakest link of whom is selfish, and works toward his or her own selfish gain in total negligence of the entirety of the world. As such, through the shutting down of the wheel of incarnation, which many New Age believers are suggesting is now in effect, these low vibrations are caused to re-locate as a direct result of their failure to acknowledge the Soul.

In their next chance at a final incarnation, they will be offered a second opportunity at logic, hope, and fortitude. However, as we have indeed made it through many portals in time, to end up where we are now, and the prevalence of information in our world at this time is wholly vast. The choice for whether we allow ourselves to subconsciously emulate one anothers hate, lies, and betrayals of expectation, through the perceived notion of being “victimized” or accept that the Soul is a real matter, and by acknowledging the Light that lies within, we need not pray to external medias. We may act through Spirit first, and acknowledge the existence of the God Presence which defines our human existene. We can work from within, and then allow these energies to flow into the outer environment. As the subconscious is only aware of the moment, however goal-oriented, and the law of attraction states that we are what we think so it goes in certain environments, in connection with certain influences, we see the vicious cycle of emulating patterns that do not reflect future growth. There is a stagnation in acting superficially, upon the surface of things. Just because we are alive in a physical dimension does not mean that we need to rely on physical things. The higher dimensions, imaginable, are everywhere, and the fourth dimension permeates through the third. The fourth dimension has been referred to as the cause and effect dimension, and the fifth, the dimension where there is no time, and operates through a non-linear understanding of purpose, Light, and design. We can progress toward imagining higher densities, and these it would seem only continue to progress into the ether, and beyond. The matter for which is all connected, and flowing through Universal Mind realizant of the goal-oriented process, and endowed with the righteous senes of attraction “we are what we think” surround ones self with images of death and decay, and ones thoughts will be focused on human strife and misery. Surround ones self with images of radiance, beauty, and the infinitude of the human Soul and we may find that we are in the recess of a more logical stance. Take both of these images, and work them toward a unitive whole like the merging of the hemispheres produce a balance, and thus, energy, out of the balancing of polarities. Just as we can not ignore the darkness of the world, we can not deny the Light. The two polarities, which do not denote “good and bad” but simply gradations of existence, and the dimensions, are eventually unitized, and eclipsed, through time, because the human imagination is essentially hard-wired toward learning and future growth it has only been the very self-sabotaging, and troublesome conscious mind that we have allowed ourselves to believe in such things as rape, killing, and suicide. These to which are real matters that do occur in our society are in fact rareties and the media works to suggest otherwise, however sick or mal-inclined that may be. In essence, we all have beliefs, and in essence, we all have the desire to be happy in some form.

If this means the sick use of ones Free Will to reduce the Free Will in others; then one is only productive of a victim-stance in finding their own Free Will reduced by another. The total lack of intelligence in this matter which is clearly seen and highly disturbing, causes one to want to smash the TV, the radio, and all forms of media, because these devices and means are essentially feeding us blatant lies. Rape, killing, and suicide, are occurrences that take place, true, but they are rarities. These things do not happen with normal individuals. They happen with people who are involved in a victim-stance, and to whom are shaped by trauma. These rarities for which the media will present so happily and joyfully in so many films, shows, and news broadcasts, are focuses as upon rare occurrences toward the self-serving power found in producing fear towards ones own self. The question is raised often by many world leaders, “is it better to be loved, or feared..?” and so it would seem that the latter is chosen by many minds, and we at present still live in a world where these rarities are glorified, and planted clearly before our eyes in spite of the radiant truth they do not happen in our neighborhoods. Of course, through the perversion of autonomy found in the denial of the shadow, the shadow only becomes more powerful, and this is seemingly a very vicious cycle. So there is a medium, a stance between the polarities the perceived “joining of good and evil” the bridegroom, that realization of which we are able to deal with both forms of energy, and through what is known as transmutation take the fear-energy, through conscious awareness, and totally re-write it into something else.

The mind is capable of re-writing any experience. The trauma experienced in the past can be re-worked to a new understanding, grace, and meaning. Whereas we live in a world where psychology is not greatly understood
in spite of the growing awareness regarding the subconscious, it would seem that this study too has been somewhat perverted through time. Now, as we are coming to focus on the influence we have held upon one another through our collective subconscious influence, the “law of attraction” as described as a secret, is creeping into the mass psyche. As a result of the changes we are now experiencing through our transformation, in the joining of the polarities and finding the happy medium the stasis of grace, peace, and understanding; those to whom used to control us, find themselves acting upon themselves. As they lose their grip on you, and witness your change, it will become a diagnosis, or some deducement within their rational mind. They will, often, view the existential mystic, or enlightened one, as deranged, or grandiose. Countlessly through history, from the Salem witch trials, to the last days of Plato, Socrates, and Galileo, we have been persecuted for having beliefs that oppose the norm, and we have been persecuted for our uniqueness. Society would like a humble machine that serves the machine, for which we personally pray to the power of some perceived “higher force” perceive ourselves as less subservient, and thus slave to a higher force. Whereas a samurai is referred to as a ronin, or will allegedly commit suicide upon the loss of his master, it would seem many of us are like the samurai who has lost his master and we are faced with the choice over how to create the new reality, without the influence of that guiding force. Operating through solitude, or occlusion, great fear may resound and the mind may seek the company of other minds in order to feel safe from occlusion. There are some of us who are incapable of being alone, whereas others greatly enjoy solitude. For the contrast between these archetypes, from the introvert, to the extrovert, one must hope that these two polarities can also reach a happy medium, and find integration within the interfacing of a unitive, and symbiotic life.

The symbol of the caduceus is an interesting look at the joining of polarities. Involving the snake and the bird, often symbolized with a staff that has a snake coiled around it, with wings, the same symbol used by the medical community. As some individuals have had their DNA activated through the use of this symbol, and their Earthly existence represents yin and yang joining of polarities, we see what is a truly karmic existence someone both in the world, and outside of the world. Seeing things from the periphery, from the “apogee of awareness” we are within the eyes of prescience, we possess future-sight. Often, enlightened individuals will dream of future scenario’s, and then these scenario’s will come to pass. The future is equalized into existence through the power of the subconscious. So, if we live in a world that is possessive of an excess in the fear-level, and much blame and scapegoating goes on today and yet we are enlightened within such a world it would seem that it becomes our mission toward raising the collective awareness to the existence of the human Soul.

Whereas the dormant strands of DNA seem to represent the God Particle, and profound to imagine that science may actually catch up with the science of Soul, beyond metaphysics, into a truly integrative scientific understanding perhaps related to the pineal gland, and the complex Light-codes that are buried within the filaments of our DNA; furthered to a study regarding that mysterious twenty-one grams that seems to rarefy when we meet death. We are perhaps in the recess of the new, when we move toward a society and consensus that acknowledges the presence of the God Particle and admits to the workings of the law of attraction. Perceived, the Soul is a real and living matter that connects on life on the planet Earth through Universal Mind, and as many New Age theories will boldly suggest in relationship to the Source, and the single point of Light within the mind of God to which all existence has theoretically come from there is only “One Mind, and One Spirit” moving through all matter within the universe.

This profound deducement, in relationship to karma and the law of attraction; and how like attracts like, and how we wish upon others what we wish upon ourselves and how we are all connected stands in the face of the “physical reality” which suggests there is no God, but only a random series of chemical reactions that just “happened” to take place. Through this adherence to chaos without theory, we see the circular patterns of individuals operating through the same thought forms, attempting to produce new results. Whereas the endurance of Spirit is realizant of the all-connexive force of Universal Mind, the body of Christ; that just lest not ye be judged, and adhering to the Golden Rule we are endowed with the Light in the recess of the final incarnation, while others are endowed with a conditioned set of beliefs that have been produced by other minds. However insidious or mal-inclined the forces of this world may operate through their own warped sense of humility and bastardization of Free Will we live in a world that is evidently beautiful, from the auroras of Alaska, to the sun bleeding through the clouds in the summer sky. We are always surrounded by beauty, in spite of the radiant horror of some possibilities. If it is true that this is the Free Will universe, it would make sense for so many atrocities to take place within this locale, this cauldron of life known as the planet Earth.

Free Will is both the cause of all beauty, and all horror in the world. Free Will has been responsible for all that exists within this universe, according to New Age theory. What a individual chooses to do with their Free Will is definitive of the effect from life to life, it is relative, from thought to action, all the way to the root-cause of ones beliefs, which may either be faith-based, or experientially-based; whereas some are quick to run to the most logical rationalizations of God found in organized religions, others stand disgusted by the populace, and choose a different road. There is value in the community of church, prayer, and some religions like Buddhism, but in essence this to which has only bastardized the primordial Light is only working toward a very physical understanding of the nonphysical. Through these physical sets of understanding produced by the doctrines, exegeses, and archaic texts that have come from organized religion over time, we are learning from what would seem to be an obsolete, and out-of-date matrix of information. If there were a “modern bible” depicting all the geneologies, and karmic relationships of all life that presently lives on the planet Earth, a physical manifestation of the akashic records; would we peer into the book, and allow ourselves to know the future
or do we merely observe the design and art-work of the cover, think about reading it, but then set it aside so we may revert back into the self-same thoughts..? We all possess the power to change the world, for better or for worse. Our influence will be seen eventually through certain relationships, and the butterfly effect of one effected person to the next, only runs in a infinite strand of influence. Through the many ripples left in the collective reality produced by so many guiding minds, and so many idealistic, hopeful individuals we have a plethora of choices, a great, vast array of matters that we may attribute our thoughts to. We have the Free Will to be immortal; we have the Free Will to seek self-destruction, and discord. Via the active karma system of the final incarnation; through the amplified law of attraction; the only choice is toward logic, understanding, peace, and symbiosis. We can not deny the power of our thoughts anymore than we can not deny the root-source of our thoughts which is all the same Spirit, that permeates, and moves through all life on the planet Earth.

Chapter Eleven: Tones Of The Future

Imaginable, the nebulous auroras the sonic emanations the Light which travels from mind to mind within the recess of the planet Earth. We are able to see this energy with the imagination that the entire planet is covered in Light is seen, and that this Light is informational is found. Through the matrix of incarnations that we have shared on the planet Earth, we have come to learn of our place within the grand symmetry of All That Is upon uncovering this Light. The Light which emanates in all directions from the core-nucleus of the Soul, enamored with swirling electromagnetic energy that resonates with the thoughts, into the environment, we perceive the energy that is being projected into the Earth, and the atmosphere, as a collection of waveforms all emanating, traveling, and soaring across the body of the verse, through the perceived “music of the verse.”

The music of the verse is a thought which emanates Light a standalone thought of infinite Light and power. This unique thought which sets us apart from the rest, via indifference, is what links us to the Akasha, and makes our life seen on the akashic computer by the many imagined masters, and guides, who exist in the higher dimensions. However far-fetched to perceive we are being watched over by higher-vibrating entities, we know that the higher self is in essence our totalized form and in essence, our future self. So, there is some logic in imagining our future self as our guide our messenger.

One endeavors to imagine the future self possessive of a unique hue of coloring, figure, and detail. We see the face, the eyes, the body, the actions and we perceive how this being behaves. They are watching over us now from the vantage of the Akasha, through the vantage of the timelessness of the higher octaves of existence. Perceivable, the time traveler has his machine already built in the future, and the experience of time travel now becomes a matter of understanding how the machine works. The “masterpiece” as fully constructed in the future, what may be this subjects device for Light convergence, is the means for which we become synchronized into the universe the time traveler understands the convergence of Light, and is cognizant of the blueprint. Through the now-point realized, it now becomes a matter of action. Does the time-traveler commit ones self to the construction of the machine, and then change the world through this divine power or do they reside within the stasis of awareness, and simply know the now-point exists, somewhere, somehow; that technically one need not build the machine, but can time travel within the body alone through the “merkabah vehicle” as described by so many minds and the body which is to be endowed with the “new crystalline template” within which a pair of tetrahedrons forms around the body, spins in both directions, and essentially activates the teleportive ability. This is theory, however there have been reports of bodily re-location with certain individuals involved with project enlightenment. As such, the event of “Light convergence” is put into play, and the subject essentially re-locates through the convergence of Light.

One is aware of how far-fetched it must strike the mind to suggest we can time travel through the body alone; but as we are now coming to find through New Age theory; there are dimensions
true but time in essence does not really exist, and the only real truth is the act of re-location. As evidenced through the wheel of incarnation, in a sense, we are all time travelers in that we have all lived at a multitude of different times and places and in theory our imagination remained intact. As the imagination is the body of God, and creative expressions are allegedly carried through time and space as evidenced with certain death walkers, and re-incarnated individuals who left an impression on the Earth we see that the power found in such re-incarnted poets, mystics, and artists, have come to prove themselves as time travelers through the endurance of the knowledge they have lived before, under a totally different name. As words are encoded within the genetic structure, and the DNA allegedly contains the detail of the Soul; it is theorized that a matrix of “names” is present within the DNA; of all the individuals we have been. Theoretically one typically remains with the same gender, and is often involved through group karma with certain family-members, and relationships. Group karma is how things tend to work in this reality; whereas soul-mates are usually gravitated toward one another through the intuitive connection. The theory we are “alive in many different places at once” is valid in respect to the world of the quanta. As the DNA essentially contains the Soul-code, and this can be dredged through the subconscious mind and we may regress, through the imagination, toward the details of our past-life information we are thus, in a sense, traveling into the past in order to relate this to the present, and this produces a new timeline for the future in endurance of the merging of past and present. The “new future” realized through this prescient awareness through delvings into our genetic code there is also what is known as “progression therapy” whereas we imagine future scenario’s. In the world of the akashic computer we are able to visually view future probabilities for a certain individual, and personally select which future orients with the most positive and symbiotic future with the rest of the human race. This is of course a technology of the future but as the imagination is what defines our reality; and we are all capable of progressing into the images of the future we time travel through the imagination, and it is our means for self-actualization.

As our future self is imaginable, and exists
from all parts that make up the host we are to see the behaviors of this individual; often we refer to a specific “future scene” and repeatedly view ourselves performing a certain action. This, for instance, may be experienced with certain individuals who relate with us or a life of which is so focused on Spirit, we literally see ourselves at peace with All That Is in meditative equipoise, and a sense of all-inhibiting understanding regarding the nature of the Soul, and the nature of the universe. As science may eventually catch up with the God Particle found in the dormant strands of DNA, that by acknowledging the presence of the Soul within the DNA we are to take all forms of hypnosis, regression, and timeline healing, to an entirely new level through this collective acceptance of the Spirit which moves through all matter, and is connected through Universal Mind. We are to take this awareness to a conscious level and express the Soul through wholly conscious efforts. The hemispheres of the brain will become merged into a unified whole and the energy sent forth from our many illumined, and quickly-rotating chakras will emitt a ray of emanating Light upon all matter with which we touch the Soul-body is activated, the final host, the final incarnation. We are officially able to move off the wheel of incarnation, and activate the prescience of the future self karma as become active; the law of attraction amplified; the powers of manifestation wholly real and perceived like attracts like we come to find ourselves in certain Light-based relationships, intellectual unions, and joining of the minds toward the endurance of all forms of future thought.

The technology of the future is imaginable, with such devices as the holocell, psycho-imaginarium, akashic computer, and collective starship. The holocell is a three dimensional space that encompasses the host through walls that project the imagery of certain environments which are touchable through the Detura-like manifestation of matter within the space. Through the holocell we are theoretically able to program ourselves with certain environments, whatever thoughts may come result through the endurance of the new location
we shift from environ to environ, and we move through the self-created reality of the holocell. The psycho-imaginarium is similar, in that it will project the thoughts/imagination of the host onto the screen for all to view. The imagination as wired into the device, projected onto the screen, will flow through geometric patterns, and nebulous auroras, all the way toward linear stories expressed through the power of the mind. This is a very educational means of activating information, and it is theorized by some like Beaconsfield that this technology, as well as the holocell, already exists with many races in the universe. The akashic computer, as described, pin-points certain locations within history to be projected onto a holoscreen, which is also able to view through the eyes of certain individuals, and project their experiences on the screen for all to view.

Some of this will strike the mind as science fiction, obviously, and at present the human race stands somewhat desensitized through their own forms of media, toward the lack of understanding regarding these future technologies. As we have already come to see evidence of such things as teleportation with the Philedelphia Experiment, and it is alleged that the U.S. government has much
Zeta technology, we would probably have free energy today if we could only acknowledge the true value of these devices. Of course, it is like giving a caveman a computer and we are oft left bereft of understanding due to our limited intellect. Needless to say, it has been reported teleportation with certain individuals through their own self-contained bodies of Light and telepathy and telekinesis. These which have come to pass with genetic mutations like the De Novo mutation, and all other forms of genetic mutation as a result of the presence of the activated Soul of the final life, are evidence of human evolution, and our movements toward a more right-brained and advanced civilization. Through the endurance of new technologies, and the activation of the Soul-body through the recess of the final life once found immortalized as this is the end-result of enlightenment, our movements through reality will, it seems, project so far into the future that we come to progress like never before . . .

Chapter Twelve: The Recess of the New

As we come to event our way into the future, of these perceived technologies, and all advancements carrying us toward the eventual scientific understanding of the human Soul as found within the unused strands of DNA toward the finalmost realizations regarding our place and purpose within the universe we are caused to wonder what of the deepest imaginable future of the human race, and where our technology is going to take us. Perceived, there is life on Venus that exist at a higher vibratory rate, wherein we will be able to see these entities through our realization of the metahuman, the immortalized host. Venus, which is much like the Earth in spite of the unliveable 3D environment, has been proposed by such researchers as J. R. Spinney, that we are perhaps going to transfer our race to this second home the perceived “New Earth” in all futurity to come. As such, life on the moon, life on Mars, and life aboard the space-station, will teleconnect the race toward the endurance of life in multiple locations and through these efforts we thus preserve our race through the distribution of our energy toward many different locations; whereas the Earth shall remain as our home-base in which we invariably return.

Through the distribution of human life to multiple locations, we are caused to survive. We shall preserve our race, and we shall find peace and longevity within the stasis of the metahuman. As a result of our continued growth and evolution, and our presence within the “New Age” these new locations will be found; as the metahuman is a survivor and as reported through the dreams of certain indigo’s who are able to peer into the future the Earth is nye for a great wave of Light on all facets of human existence. The evidence found in the presence of tri-strand indigo’s the, the prevalence of new mutations, and the experiences in all fields termed “extrasensory” ranging from telepathy to telekinesis, for which the writer may express through some humility thath he has experienced these things in a group setting to which afterward testimonials would provide the thoughts that were expressed telepathically, as well as the experience of spinning counter-clockwise in a regression into a past-life scenario, for which regression is something that has been going on for as long as the early nineteenhundreds, to perceived times past in other era’s of human existence within the lives of the ones we refer to as “mystics.” The wanderers have oft succeeded at providing their own unique glimpses of the future, and as we are able to view these futures through their eyes through their words, and their guidance, we are found as learning of the information that seems to hold the most value to our undying human Soul. Such researchers as Evelyn Underhill have provides great insight into the lives of these people, and what has been understand as the mystic quest toward union with the divine.

We see countlessly through history the presence of certain individuals who were it would seem in touch with the higher dimensions
and we all, it would seem, in these changeful times, are possessive of some inkling those dancing stars, and those mysterious dreams, and those synchronistic experiences of déjà vu are in deed moments being witnessed that are being recorded into the akashic records, because these represent new experience within the life of the individual. They recorded events stand out in their brightness, as singular moments of profound experience within the recess of All That Is. Here, within these divine experiences which are seemingly synchronized, and in perfect order, life is experienced in a logilinear expression, through many forms equalized into the final form of the metahuman.

Through ones endurance within the life of metahuman, through the amplified law of attraction and the increase in the attractor-gravitator force of thought, is yielding of a self-created reality that reflects thoughts back to the Source from which we came, as our individuality is an expression of Source and the seemingly universal thought-patterns yielded through occlusion only prove we are all the same. As a result of this sameness, and the unchanging fact that our bodies all resonate in crystallizations with our thoughts, and all thought is connected through Universal Mind, there is power found in uniqueness, that as described by so many mystics through history, we learn that expressions of originality cause us to stand out amid the continuum of All That Is for which our life as interfaced into the recess of the final incarnation is an element within the Akasha, as a bright fixture of Light that radiates from the perceived nucleus of thought for which thought that is alive and gravitating and repelling energy, into and away from itself, comes to writhe through the cycle of God Conscious thought; of thoughts that are holographic in relationship to the whole, for which the essence of Universal Mind is contained. Through our connectivity with Universal Mind, and the ripples we leave in the collective reality through our human experience, and human drama we are all connected and aeffecting one another with our energy in the perceived matrix of energy, that is essentially made up of an array of numbers, symbols, and words.

As words are encoded within the human DNA strand, made up of information, the information that exists within the human DNA is holographically-oriented from piece to piece, whereas we can imagine what is referred to as the “uni-verse of thought-text.” The uni-verse of thought-text, made up of rhythmic word-vibrations, and specific information, is encoded within the DNA. This is found through the array, what is referred to as the matrix of cognition. For example, when one subject was enlightened, he heard what sounded like a million different thoughts roaring in static drone within his entire right-brain hemisphere. This to which represented the matrix of cognition of all thoughts ever cogitated in the great span of that specific soul
we theorize was the literal presence of Light/Information as felt through the sense of a million different thoughts occurring at once and this represented the physical awakening of the Light/Information that had been lying dormant within the once unused strands of DNA. As we theorize the “junk DNA” referred to by scientists is in truth the soul-encodement, the God Particle, we are working toward a greater understanding of the universe, and our place within this glowing cell. If it is true that subjects will become enlightened instantaneously through the recess of a dream, revelation, or deep meditation we perceive this in reference to how our universe theoretically began with the big bang approximately 13-20 billion years ago. It is said that “the universe began in a single point of Light within the mind of God.” And this suggestion is furthered to the image of that singular point of Light, being encompassed by an even greater point of Light, that run son into infinity.

At present, it would seem quantum scientists can not deny the God element when they are observing a photon, and through the apparency of the entanglement of matter seen through quantum studies, we are truly nearing a scientific understanding of God. The great mystery of entanglement of matter that has been found in the evidence of quantum study, which suggests that a photon will either be a particle, or a wave, based upon how we look at it, it is literally impossible to view matter under a microscope without quantumly affecting it with our observation. The God Element which is the key factor in this for which at present is not something science is willing to describe because science and Spirit merged into a unitive whole, beyond all realms of metaphysics, but simply carried into a logical reality; this would be a profound discovery, and we imagine a nobel prize awarded to that exploitative soul who was willing to expose the God Particle. There is a somewhat formulaic pattern that is found through the scientific understanding of God, that in delving into the science of this power; the power is amplified; so it may come to be seen that when astronauts in space view the Earth from a distance, they have a sense of the energetic body of Terra-Gaia that surrounds the planet, and these lucky souls have been afforded a personal glimpse at a beautiful and meaningful world. Whereas the “science of God” or “the science of the soul” is a far-fetched study into what is essentially found through faith so it goes we have now come to learn from Strassman in his studies on chemical reactions, and the experiences found with the use of certain psychadelic drugs like DMT the mind is naturally productive of geometric forms, and flowing patterns of beauty. Through controlled use of the drug in a controlled environment, it was found through studies that many of the experiences of seeing a white Light, spectral images, and angelic forms, was somewhat universal to the experiencer/psychonaut. Is it possible that this naturally occurring psychadelic that is found within the pineal gland; is in chemical relationship with the God Particle of our DNA and through the apparent entanglement of matter that is found as found through quantum study a chemical reaction that through chemical reaction at the genetic level through the interactions of different chemicals we come to arrive at the very science of God..?

We perceive chemical bonds and chemical reactions at the genetic level are what are shaping our existence that DNA in physical terms may be containing of our geneological history, but the dormant strands allegedly contan the soul-encodements. As these encodements are words, and words are in essence vibrations that are equated to a certain number we may perceive the matrix of numbers, for which there is a word tied into each one; for which in the imagining of a vast matrix of numbers that is counting upward into infinity. Within all of these numbers are contained every single word that has ever been invented and through the binary flow of the ones and zeros that lead upward into infinity for which it may be found the human host is made up of six trillion cells, and we have come to re-integrate matter through re-incarnation, the individual, bound by name and archetype, is too described as a number. For which these names/words lie within the DNA of the host, and much New Age thought points to the suggestion that the very akashic records are buried within the filaments of our DNA, and contain the entire history of the universe. This is a profound suggestion, but if all matter has originated from the same Source, and we are all connected, than it is perceived as a possibility, through the collective, that we all possess the historical encodements of our collective history within the God Particle within the unused strands and this “information” which is simply referred to as Light; leading up to the experience of enlightenment, so we activate the God Particle we activate our DNA we through the many stimuli and responses come to enter the mind through the many chemical reactions and chemical responses at the genetic level, we are moving off the wheel of incarnation, because our history is encoded within our DNA; and we have activated our DNA; such that we are able to consciously remember the names, the faces, the locales, and the events which have come to define our collective history.

At first the soul was buried within the unconscious. It struck many minds as occult to endeavor into the recess of the soul, what was built solely for religions. Yet now through the overwhelming presence of Light/Information on the planet Earth, the fruit of Eden lies for the taking, and if we want to be geniuses, and stellar souls we have the Free Will to activate such a life. The template for the perfect avatar self lies within the encodements of ones DNA, in theory, and through the activation of this template, we arrive at enlightened thought; what is found in the recess of a dream, or a synchronistic experience.

Through the endurance of a “fraze” (f-r-a-z-e)
a unique thought we are found stellar souls within the eyes of the akasha, and for our uniqueness we are remembered.